chapter 3

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Luna woke up by the sound of her alarm and did her daily morning routine; Take a shower, blow-dry the hair, pick out an outfit, hide some small but sharp knives under the clothes, and eat breakfast. After doing her morning routine, she left a note on the fridge saying that she will head to the headquarters after work, so that Kelly won't wait for her to come home. She went to the garage and grabbed the key to her BMW car and drove to work.

It took her about an hour to arrive, and once she did, she parked her car at the parking lot and went in the building. Her coworkers greeted her as she went in, in which Luna greeted back with a smile. Everyone in that building thinks that she's a sweet person because of her looks and behavior, except for one person, Tiffany. Tiffany envies Luna, but she denies it. Luna was walking towards her office until Tiffany blocked her way. "since you're here, make me some coffee, not too sweet and not to bitter" Tiffany said with an unamused voice while checking her nails, not even lookinh at Luna. Luna scoffed and smiled. "I'm sorry, but you're not the boss of mine. So, go ahead and make your own coffee, okay? Okay, have nice day Tiffany" Luna said with the sweetest voice and walked pass Tiffany and went in her office. Tiffany rolled her eyes and walked away feeling irritated. Luna sat behind her desk and pulled out her sketches from the drawer. Someone called Luna's boss, Ms. Belen rather, and requested 6 dresses for an after-wedding party, Luna already sketched 4 different dresses. She took out new papers and her sketching materials and started to sketch new dresses.

Meanwhile, Adrien decided to bring Luna lunch since he knows how hardworking Luna is, she tends to skip lunch because she's too focused on sketching dresses. He entered the building and went to the front desk. "May I know which floor Ms. Christine's office is?" He asked the lady in the front desk with a straight face since he likes intimidating people. "her office is at the 16th floor sir. But I need to call her to inform that she has a visitor first before I let you go there" the lady said with fear in her voice. But before the lady could even grab the phone, Adrien already left and went in the elevator.

After a few seconds, he went out the elevator and tried to look for Luna's office. While his search, Tiffany saw him and thought that he was attractive. Tiffany being herself, she walked towards Adrien and tapped his shoulders. "Hello sir, are you new here?" Tiffany asked with her girliest voice ever. Before Adrien can speak, Tiffany beats him to it. "it seems that you are new here, how about I treat you something to-"before Tiffany can finish her sentence, Adrien cuts her off. "yeah, I have no time for you. I need to deliver this to someone and-"Tiffany cuts off Adrien's sentence as a payback and because she was getting a little impatient. "I'm sure that the person you're looking for isn't here right now, but you can come with me and we can eat lunch together" Tiffany said, trying to flirt with Adrien. "I'm sorry, I'm not interested. I want to bring this to someone and eat lunch with her" Adrien said with a stern voice for he was getting irritated by her. The moment Tiffany heard the word her, she got irritated. "and who is this girl that's taking your attention from me?" Tiffany asked with an irritated voice. Adrien was about to tell Luna's cover-up name but stopped when he saw Luna walking his way but with her head lowered since she was scanning her sketches.

Adrien just smiled and nodded his head behind Tiffany, "Her" he simply said and walked pass Tiffany and went towards Luna. Tiffany looked at where Adrien went and immediately got even more irritated seeing Luna talking to Adrien. "tch, fucking whore" she whispered and walked away.

"what brings you here?" Luna asked, trying not to seem mean since she doesn't want anyone seeing her actual personality. "just wanted to eat lunch with you, so i brought us some meal. I know that you tend to skip meals when you're working" Adrien said with a smile. "okay, wait in my office, just walk straight ahead and you'll find a door with my name on it. I need to bring these to the front desk so that she can give this to my boss" Luna said and pointed at the direction where her office is. "You mean, with Christine's name on it" Adrien teasingly said and smirked. "Just go" Luna said unamused and went towards the elevator to go down at the front desk. Adrien just chuckled and went to her office to set-up their lunch.

Luna went to the front desk and gave the papers to the lady. "Good day Ara, could you give this to Mrs. Belen? Tell her it's the sketches I made for the dresses someone requested" Luna said with a smile. "no worries Christine, I'll give it to her when she arrives" Ara said and smiled back.

Luna thanked her and went back to her office, seeing Adrien looking at her past sketches. "damn Luna, I didn't know that you draw so well" Adrien said while admiring her sketches on her desk. "first, don't call me Luna, someone might hear you, second, thank you for the compliment, third, just sit down and let's eat lunch, I'm starving" Luna said before grabbing her other sketches and went to sit on the couch beside Adrien. They started to eat, and Adrien realized that Luna was scanning her sketch, he assumed that she's trying to see if there are any mistakes or anything she can change. Adrien then got lost in his thought as he stared at Luna, admiring her every feature. From her effortlessly beautiful hair, to her breathtaking eyes. No one has ever made Adrien feel this way, until he met Luna. Luna was someone who can read Adrien easily, even if he's showing a straight face, Luna can still tell what he was feeling, which is why he doesn't even try to show a straight face to Luna. Adrien doesn't know Luna's story, but he can see how fragile she is. He describes Luna as a rose, a stunning red rose with a lot of thorns, so beautiful yet so deadly.

Adrien was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear Luna talking, until Luna snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Earth to Adrien" Luna said with slight irritation in her voice, she doesn't like being ignored or when someone isn't listening to her when she's talking. Adrien snapped out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Adrien asked, Luna rolled her eyes and looked at Adrien with an unamused look on her face. Adrien smiled sheepishly and continued eating his meal. "I was asking when will we attend the event you said Samantha will be in" Luna said while cleaning up the little mess she made on the table. "Next week Tuesday. We will leave the headquarters by 6 pm since its an hour and a half drive, and the event starts at 7:45 pm" Adrien said, finishing his meal. "do you have an outfit to wear?" Adrien added. "not yet, but I called Ace's friend who makes bulletproof clothes and told her to make me a bulletproof outfit that's formal, but I can still fight comfortably while wearing it. She said that the outfit will arrive this Friday" Luna said and sat behind her desk once again. "speaking of, I have never seen you wear something formal. I wonder what you'll look like" Adrien said, wondering what Luna would look like in a formal attire. "well then, wait until it's Tuesday to see what I'll look like" Luna said with a smirk before putting her attention back on her work.

I bet you'll look stunning.


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