chapter 23

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Luna was woken up by someone knocking on her door. "what?" Luna said huskily, her eyes still closed. "Sweetie? There's a package for you" her father said as he peeked in in her room. "package? What package?" Luna asked, dumbfounded. "My package, remember?" Adrien answered through the earpiece. "I don't know where it came from, but the delivery man said it's for you" her father explained the same time Adrien spoke. Luna's eyes shot her eyes open and sat up instantly once she remembered about the package Adrien talked about earlier. "did you open it?" she asked her father, hoping he didn't. "of course not, it's your package, not mine. But it's still downstairs" her father answered. Luna heaved a sigh and stood up from her bed. "what time is it?" she asked while putting her hair in a messy bun. "it's around 11:00 pm" her father responded. "I better go back to my office. I still have a lot of work" he added before walking out of the room. "that's a bit late, don't you think? I was having a nice sleep" Luna complained to Adrien. "I didn't expect the delivery to take that long" Adrien responded.

Luna went downstairs and towards the main door. She picked up the box near the door and went back to her room. "what's in this anyway? It's a bit heavy" Luna asked, trying to open the box. "just open it and see it for yourself" Adrien said confidently. After a few seconds, Luna managed to open the box and became a bit speechless once she saw what was inside, "you didn't" she blurted out. "I thought you needed some necessities. And since I know exactly the brand you always use, and the chocolates you always get, I bought you enough of it for the next 3 days" Adrien explained. Inside the box was a pack of thin pads, specifically the brand she always uses, some chocolate bars, some painkiller pills, and Adrien's hoodie, in which smelled like Adrien's perfume when Luna picked it up and smelled it. "I honestly don't know how to make it up to you" Luna mentioned, hugging the hoodie for she suddenly missed hugging Adrien. "you'll make it up to me once this situation is over," Adrien said, a smirk slightly plastered on his face. Luna ignored what he said and kept hugging his hoodie. "by the way, the painkillers are mostly for your headache. I know you tend to have a severe migraine when you eat too many chocolates, and I bought you a lot of chocolates" Adrien mentioned breaking the short silence. "Thank you. I'll keep the chocolates in the fridge, for now, I'll eat some tomorrow" Luna said and placed the hoodie on her bed before picking up the chocolate bars. She rushed to the kitchen and placed the chocolate bars in the fridge before rushing back to her room and picked up the hoodie again. "I'll be taking a shower. I'll be removing the earpiece for a while" she mentioned and grabbed some undergarments in her closet before walking in the bathroom.

After an hour, Luna walked out of the bathroom, wearing Adrien's hoodie and paired it with a black cycling shorts. "took you long enough" Adrien said when he heard a door open, assuming it was Luna shutting her bathroom door close. "shut it, I wanted to enjoy my long shower" Luna responded and flopped herself on the bed once again. "let me guess, you're wearing my hoodie" Adrien teased. "Goodnight to you too," Luna said and closed her eyes. Before you know it, she drifted back to sleep.


Lune woke up willingly and checked the clock on her wall. It was only 5:30 in the morning. "I'm early," she said under her breath. She was about to close her eyes again, but then she heard some noise from downstairs. Curiosity taking over, she stood up and walked out of her room. She slowly and quietly walked downstairs and followed the noise. The noise became louder as she walks near the kitchen. Once she's in the kitchen area, she saw a man by the sink, his back facing her. "who are you?" she asked without a second thought. The man turned around and gave Luna a smile. "Good morning, fiancé," he said as he turned around. "why are you here? and how the hell did you come in?" Luna sternly asked. Instead of speaking, Michael just fished out some keys from his pocket. Luna rolled her eyes and just walked towards the fridge and grabbed a chocolate bar. "early in the morning and you're eating chocolate? Why not wait for breakfast? I'm currently cooking bacon and eggs" Michael mentioned. "none of your business. I'd rather eat chocolates for breakfast than eat breakfast that you made" Luna said and walked away. she was about to go back upstairs when someone blocked her way. "you're not going anywhere" the guy who blocked her way said. "and who the fuck are you?" Luna exclaimed, not really caring who he is for she just wanted to go back to her room. "my bodyguard' Michael answered as he walked in near where Luna was. "take her to the kitchen" he added. And before Luna could protest, the guy wrapped his arks around her and picked her up. Luna wanted to fight back, but she felt weak for some reason. The guy placed her on a stool in the kitchen and left. "can't fight back?" Michael teased. "what did you do to me," she asked madly. "Oh? I just injected something in you while you were asleep, making you weak. But, on the bright side, you're up early" he answered, continuing his cooking. Luna was furious. She wanted to snap his neck, but she can't because of her physical condition. "how long will this last?" she asked, trying to stay calm. "about an hour. I just wanted you to eat breakfast with me" Michael answered as he placed a plate with some bacon and eggs on it on the table in front of Luna. "I am not eating your shit, Michael" she hissed. "I'll make you eat them then," he said with a smirk. He walks towards the counter and picked up a device that Luna didn't notice earlier. He then walked behind her and leaned over so that his face is near her ear. "I'm giving you another chance. Eat" he demanded. "Hell no" Luna answered. "as you wished," Michael said before harshly placing the device on the back of her neck, to electrify her. Luna yelled because of the sudden pain. "Stop! I'll eat your stupid breakfast!" she yelled, Michael following and removed the device from her neck. Luna lowered her head and huffed, a tear almost escaped her eye. She closed her eyes and breathed in before lifting her head up. "don't worry, I'll eat with you" Michael mentioned as he placed a plate beside her plate and sat next to her. Luna just looked at her plate with madness written all over her face and started to eat, completely ignoring Michael.

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