Chapter 25

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Luna shuts and locks her door as she entered her room and ran to her bed to flop herself on it. “what happened back there?” Luna heard Kelly ask. “I don’t want to talk about it” Luna mumbled and heaved a frustrated sigh. She then lays on her back and stares at the ceiling. This is getting on my nerve. At least now I know that Mary fears me somehow, Luna thought. Her gaze suddenly went on the bag that was on top of her closet. After a few seconds of attention, she stood up and reached for the chair to place it in front of the closet. She stood on the chair and picked up the bag that Adrien gave her. not knowing what he placed in the bag, Luna opened it and poured out all the things on her bed. There she saw five of her favourite knives, 2 of her most used guns along with its bullets in a metal container, her black mask, black contacts, and her black gloves. “you packed almost everything” Luna thought out loud. “what did I forget?” Adrien asked upon hearing her. “some of my clothes” she simply replied. Adrien breathed out a quiet “oh” and kept quiet after. “it’s fine. Just prepare it and wait for me at my house. I’ll be picking it up tonight” Luna instructed. “how are you going to without your parents noticing your disappearance?” Adrien asked concerned. “just trust me,” Luna said and puts her things back in the bag and placed the bag under her bed.

Luna then opened her closet and searched through it, hoping that she can find the outfit for tonight. Luckily, she found a plain black long-sleeves, black joggers, and a pair of black socks. I still have my boots hidden underneath the sink in the bathroom, I can just use that along with my uniform packed by Adrien, she thought as she picked out her outfit and entered her bathroom to take a shower. It was already dark outside once Luna finished prepping up. she hid a pillow underneath the covers on her bed, making sure that it will look like she’s just fast asleep when someone checks in. to be even surer, she wrote “I’m not eating dinner. don’t disturb my sleep” on a sticky note and placed it on her door. She grabbed one of her knives and carefully tucked it behind her. the nostalgic feeling of wearing her mask, contacts and gloves again filled her and made her a little bit emotional. Keep it together. You have no time to be emotional right now, she argued to herself heaved out a breath. She looked at the clock on her wall before switching off the lights. She then walked towards her window and opened it. “it’s not that high. I can jump from here without getting injured” she whispered to herself. She stood on the ledge outside of the window and closed the window to make it not suspicious. She then carefully jumped off and rolled on the ground to not make any sound. She quietly stood up and scanned her area first before walking slowly. When she heard footsteps, she quietly ran to a wall and squatted down. She heard two men talking as they walk closer to where she is at. The moment she saw the two men’s feet, she stood in front of them and just looked at them blankly. Luna was wearing her usual uniform, which means the two men did not recognize her at all. “who are you?” one of them asked. Luna shrugged before running behind one of them and twisted his head in a way that will kill anyone, making him fall on the floor. Before the other man could yell, Luna covered his mouth and pulled out her knife to slit his throat. She kept her hand on his mouth until he stopped groaning in pain and let his lifeless body fall on the ground. She dragged the two men near the wall and checked her area. Fortunate for her, she has a clear path for there was no guard roaming around, well, not anymore. with that being noticed, she quickly ran off.

She kept running until she arrived at a parking area. She immediately saw a motorcycle and made it work without a key. She drove for at least an hour and reached her house. She parked the bike in front of her house and walked towards the entrance. She was about to knock on the door when someone suddenly opened it for her. “hey” Adrien said with a smile, he opened the door. Upon seeing his face, Luna felt emotional. All her frustration and anger bottled up is starting to pour, she’s starting to crack. “hey, what’s wrong?” Adrien asked when he noticed that Luna wasn’t speaking and was just staring at him with teary eyes. Instead of speaking, Luna launches herself at him and hugged him tightly. Adrien hugged her back but was confused. He was about to ask when he suddenly heard Luna sob. He hugged her tighter and drew imaginary circles on her back, trying to calm her down. “I’m here,” her said softly, but Luna kept sobbing. Adrien couldn’t think of any other way to calm her down. So, he broke the hug, cupped her face, looked her into her eyes, removed her mask and dropped it on the floor before her a comforting kiss. Luna got caught off guard at first, but she then closed her eyes and kissed him back. This calmed her down and broke the kiss once she got her sanity back. “thank you” Luna said after breaking the kiss. “let’s go inside, it’s cold out here” Adrien offered and held her hand to lead her in her living room. “wait here, I’ll get you some water” he said and walked to the kitchen. Luna sat down on her couch and took a deep breath. “your clothes are on the table” Adrien said as he walked back in with a glass on the water in his hand. He sat down next to her and gave to her the glass of water. Luna nodded and drank up.

“you’re frustrated” Adrien mentioned after a few seconds of silence. Luna nodded before speaking while she stares at the empty glass on the table “I just want this to stop. I want to go back to my normal lifestyle. I want to sleep in your arms again. I want to hang out with Kelly again” she explained in the saddest tone Adrien has heard from her. he came closer to her and cupped her face to make her look at him. “two more nights and we’ll be together again. I promise” he said, looking straight into her eyes. Luna nodded and closed her eyes before leaning closer to rest her forehead on his.

Luna and Adrien talked for hours. Adrien checked his phone and his eyes widened. “you should probably get going. It’s already 3:15 in the morning” he mentioned, but deep inside, he doesn’t want her to her leave, and that goes with Luna as well. Luna wore the mask after picking it up from the ground a few hours earlier and stood up to pick up the bag that contains her clothes. Adrien placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer. He raised his right hand and lowered her mask to show her lips. “two nights, love” he said softly. “two nights” Luna repeated. Adrien leaned in and kissed her, and Luna kissed back. “I love you,” she said after breaking off the kiss. “I love you too” Adrien answered. Luna fixed the position of her mask and rested her right hand on Adrien’s face before walking away. she started to drive back at her parents’ place with Adrien’s words in her mind.

Two nights, love, she repeated his words in her mind.

Luna parked the bike on the same spot in the parking area and ran back to her parents’ house. When she saw that no one was guarding the entrance, which was a bit odd to her, she ran towards it and was surprised when she turned the doorknob and it was not locked. Shit, I better prepare what to do, she thought for she already knew what will happen next once she enters the house. Once she fully opened the door, she saw her father standing in front of her. she just stares at him, trying to look calm. She closed the door behind her and just stood there. “two of my men are killed. Our CCTV caught you jumping off my daughter’s window and caught you killing my two men. What did you take from my daughter’s room while she was fast asleep” her father said. Oh, Luna thought.


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