chapter 18

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Adrien panicked the second he heard Luna's mother speak. "Shit. What are we going to do? Do you still have her whereabouts?" he asked Ace. "That's the problem, her mother probably destroyed her jumpsuit, destroying the tracking device in it. I can't track her anymore" Ace said as he shakes his head in frustration. Adrien roughly stood up and walks around the room, running his hands in his hair. Ace is trying to find another way by searching through his laptop. "I memorized the address" Kelly said, making Ace and Adrien look at her. "really? You did?" Adrien asked, making Kelly slowly nod. "their address is easy to remember. And since it seems like a lot of people knows their family, we can just ask around and pretend that their daughter has a delivery coming" Kelly explains further. Adrien and Ace heaves a relieved sigh and started to brainstorm. "but this will take time. I'm pretty sure her parents are extra cautious right now. We might need to wait a little longer" Ace mentions. "how long?" Adrien asked. "probably a few weeks" Ace answered. "a few weeks?! It's going to be the next month in a few weeks!" both Adrien and Kelly yelled. "Hear me out. I know her parents personally. It takes about two weeks or so before they ease up on a situation. And considering that they found Luna wearing an earpiece and a jumpsuit, her parents are surely suspicious about it. Let's just give it a little time. As we wait, better train harder. I'll be working on some weapons and other devices you two can use when the time has come" Ace explains. Kelly shakes her head and lowers her head. Adrien scoffed and shakes his head as well. "Fucking hell" he said under his breath before walking out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. "I better follow him" Kelly said in a soft and sad voice. Ace just nodded, letting Kelly leave his office. "Hang in their moonlight. We'll get you soon" Ace says to himself, worry and fear slowly eating him whole.


Luna was woken up by one of her parents' maid. "Ms. Luna, it's time for breakfast" the maid said as she tries to shake Luna awake. "I'm not eating breakfast. Get out" Luna responded, digging her head even deeper in between her pillows. The maid just nodded and walked out of her room. Once Luna heard the door being closed, she slowly sat up and stared out the window that's on the right wall of her room. She heaves a long sigh and closes her eyes. She felt tired, exhausted, for she didn't sleep well last night. She was forced to eat dinner with her parents, she was forced to change her clothes, she was being controlled again. The emotions she has overwhelmed her and made her cry so much that it made her fall asleep. Instead of waking up and getting ready for her daily training, she's in her old room, eyes closed, and head lowered. Anger and frustration started to build up in her as she becomes fully awake. "I swear I will kill you both" she mumbles to herself.

She was just sitting there until someone knocked on her door. "get the hell away from me" she said, loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear. "Madam? Mrs. Crawford said that you should eat breakfast with them" the maid said as she opened the door ever so slightly and peeked through. "tell them that I am not eating with them" Luna said, not even looking at the maid. The maid just nodded and walked away as she closed the door. I'm not following your rules anymore, Luna thought. She then stood up and walked to her bathroom. The door was easily fixed last night, which is why she can now close and lock it. After doing so, she stripped off her clothes and stepped in the shower. She turns on the shower and just stood under it, letting the water fall on her, not bothering to move. She was deep in thought when she suddenly remembered something.


"where the hell did you hide it?" her mother asks aggressively. "I'm not telling you! That thing is not for you!" Luna yelled. "you little brat!" her mother screams and slaps Luna's little face. Since she's still a toddler, her instant reaction was to fall on her knees and sob. "Fuck it. We have tons of guns anyway" her mother said and walked out of Luna's room, slamming the door behind her.

Presents day

Luna snapped her eyes open, turns off the shower and hastily grabbed her towel to wrap around her body. She walked towards the sink and kneels to open the cabinet under it. "please tell me it's still here" she mumbles to herself. As she opened the cabinet, she immediately saw the crooked wood on the side. Her index finger fits perfectly in the crack, so, she puts in her finger in the crack of the wood and pulls the piece. A small smile appeared on her face as she saw the gun she took and hid from her parents years ago. "I wonder if you still work" she whispers to herself as she picks up the gun and stands up. she examines the gun, checking every little detail and area. It's still in good condition, but it only has one bullet in it. The gun is the type that doesn't make a sound when you shoot. So, to really test it, she points the gun to the wall, pulls the trigger and shoots. The bullet went straight to the wall and made a hole. Luna chuckles like she's going crazy. "Alright, I have a gun" she said to herself. She then hides the gun in the same spot and closes the cabinet door. She stared at her reflection in the mirror as she stands up after putting back the gun in its place. "you'll get out of here soon. Either you'll find your way out, or Ace and the others will find you" she tells herself, building the confidence she almost lost. She walks out of her bathroom and walks towards her closet. She opens the closet door and annoyance is written all over her face once she saw what was inside, which is nothingness. "okay. they're assholes that didn't prepare clothes for me to wear" she said to herself. She closes the closet door and grabbed her clothes from yesterday and wore them again. She then walked out of her bedroom and into their kitchen to grab some light breakfast. As she was eating, a maid walked up to her. "Madam, your father wants me to give you his card" the maid said as she stretches her hand to give Luna the card. "Father is giving me his black card? What for?" Luna asked as she took the card from the maid's hand. "he said that you should buy your necessities today. I will be assisting and will be watching you for he thinks you'll buy something that will help you escape" the maid explains. It seemed to Luna that the maid is forced to do this. "who's the driver?" Luna asked, raising one eyebrow. "it's still Billy, Madam. The one you know since you were little" the maid answers. Luna nods and faces her back towards the maid. "I'll just finish my breakfast, wait for me in the car" she said as she continues to eat her breakfast. The maid hummed in response and walks away. you guys are still so fucking oblivious. This shit is going to be easy¸ Luna thought as she finishes her breakfast.  


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