Chapter 26

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Luna stood there for a few seconds, staring into her father’s eyes. She then rolled her eyes and dropped at the bag she was carrying on the floor. She then ran towards her father and punched him hard enough to make him unconscious. His unconscious body fell on the floor as Luna heaved out a sigh. That’s going to leave a bruise, she thought. She then carried her father since he wasn’t that heavy and lays him on the couch. She picked up her bag and ran to her room to hide it under the bed where the other bag is hidden. She changed her clothes into pyjamas and hid her uniform in one of the bags. She ran back to the living room and heaved a relieved sigh when she saw her father still unconsciously laying on the couch. She took a deep breath before slowly walking towards him. “father, wake up” she said as she shakes his body. John slowly opened his eyes and met Luna’s. “I heard a loud thump down hear. So, I came down to check and I just saw you on the couch. What happened?” she acted. Her father sat up and placed his hand on his head. “I don’t quite remember” he answered. “it looks like you hit your head. I’ll get you a bag of ice and you can go back to your room to rest” Luna said before walking to the kitchen.

Luna came back in the living room with a bag of ice and gave it to her father. “thank you” he said. Luna nodded and was about to go back to her room when her father suddenly spoke. “I’m sorry about earlier, Luna. I was just scared that she might do something bad to you when you do something about this situation. I guess keeping it down low will make this worse, huh?” he said in a sad tone. Luna looked at him with pity. “You need to trust me more,” she said and shook her head. “I’m not a little girl anymore who doesn’t know what she’s doing” she added coldly before walking back upstairs and into her room.

She puts the pillow she positioned earlier aside and lays down on her bed. Two nights, she thought. With that in her mind, she easily fell asleep.


Luna was woken up by the sound of someone knocking on her door. She groaned aloud and sat up. “who is it,” she asked as she rubs her eye. “come down and eat” she heard her stepmother’s voice from the other side of the door. Luna raised her brow and answered an “okay” before standing up to pick out an outfit for the day and walked in her bathroom. She then went to the dining room and sat herself down. “it’s odd that you’re the one who woke me up for breakfast, Mary” Luna mentioned, not even looking at her and started to eat her breakfast. Mary just rolled her eyes and started to eat her breakfast as well.

“Your father and i will be going out today to check out the venue for your wedding. You are not allowed to go out” her mother said as she finishes her breakfast. “I don’t care what you instruct me. either way, if I want to go out, I will, and you know that very well” Luna said boldly as she looks at Mary. Mary gave her a dirty look and stood up. “I’m getting ready. Hurry up and finish your breakfast, John” Mary said and walked away. Luna scoffed and continued eating her breakfast. “take it easy, Luna” Her father mentioned as he stood up as well. Luna is now the one who is giving him the dirty look. “I am a ticking bomb, John. Don’t piss me off” she simply said. John took a deep breath and walked away. “tough morning?” Luna heard Kelly ask. Luna just hummed and finishes her breakfast. “So, what're your plans for today?” Kelly asked. “I’m starting to get out of shape. I need to find a way to drop by the headquarters and train even for a few hours” Luna whispered as she walks back into her room. “what about your parents? They might catch you red-handed like last time” Adrien said upon hearing the short conversation Kelly and Luna had. “you know, at this point, I don’t even care. I’ll just come up with something” Luna responded and sat on the edge of her bed, trying to think of a clean plan.

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