Chapter Eight- Owls

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Hello everyone, I know that the photo above is Luna but its the only picture I have that can even remotely fit the needs of this chapter. So enjoy and happy reading!

(Ella)  The rest of the day goes by smoothly, and before I know it, I'm in bed, and it's 6:20 in the morning. I jump out of bed quickly running around the room. I brush my hair while dressing, then run to make my bed. Feeling a little worn out I collapse onto my bed and ask the now awake Ginny, "Why are you awake?" she shakes her head no and smiles.

"Couldn't sleep you know. Migraine." she mouths the words my 'period.'

"I feel you sister," I answer nodding. "Well, we're already up. I was going to go to the Owlery. You want to come along?" she nods, a smile breaking out onto her face.

We throw our cloaks, on and rush down the corridor halls, robes trailing out behind us. I shiver as the fall morning air hits my face.

"Come on!" Ginny calls, suddenly rushing in front of me.

Ginny's breath is clearly visible in clouds of steam and we laugh as our voices ricochet off the walls in echos. I race past her, and I dart up the steps, Ginny close behind. I can see the door! I reach for the knob, but trip, flailing and falling on my face. Ginny has stepped on on the back of  my robes and she then sticks her tongue out at me. As she opens the door she shouts, "I win!"

I stand up, dusting my robes off and furrowing my eyebrows together in disgust. "Thanks a lot, I could have won!" I grab her by the waist, swinging her around, her shrieking the whole way.

I walk in, to find most of owls flopping around in their cages. I find my brother's Eagle Owl cooing when I open the cage. Ginny opens Errol's as well, and that idiot of a bird falls out of it's cage like it's drunk. 

Ginny laughs startling the birds. She peers at her watch, "Ella, the birds will go get mail soon. I advise we leave." I nod putting Merlin back in his cage.

Errol flops back in, and Ginny slams the cage door behind him, "Dumb ass bird!" Ginny swears, and we both laugh. Exiting we wait outside the door.

I hear the bell ring, signalling that it's time to pick up the mail. I gasp as a cloud of  white, black, and brown birds swarm out.

"What's with the excitement Ella, haven't you ever seen such things before?"

"No, not really mother and father never allowed me out of the house to see anything  so this is basically my first time seeing anything, from the wizarding world!"

"Yeah, that's right I forgot Ella. Sorry."

"No, no, you're totally good! No, need to be sorry."

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