Chapter Sixteen- Petrified Granger Sisters

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"Potter, Weasley, and Malfoy!" we all turn and look at Mcgonagall rushing towards us with a grim expression on her face.

"I'm so glad I finally found you! There is something that I must show you and I'm afraid that it may come as a shock two the three of you."

When arrive in the hospital both of the Granger sisters had been petrified, and a look of horror comes over my face as I see them both lying there unable to move or breathe. Both sisters are my friends and to see them petrified just because of their blood type, makes me sick to my stomach and I can't even imagine what my brother will say when he finds out.

"Do these items mean anything to either of you three?" Mcgonagall asks holding up a mirror and a piece of paper with a hand writing that I recognized well.

I say silent for a few moments  and am about to speak when she says, "The mirror was found with Miss. Hermione Granger when she was petrified, and the valentine was found with Miss. Antoinette Granger."

"The valentine means something to me Professor." I say holding out my hand for the letter.

"Very well Miss. Malfoy, you may have it." Mcgonagall says handing me the item that I sought from her.

I stay with Harry and Ron for a bit as we mourn the temporary losses of the two sisters, and then finally excuse myself to go for a walk.


(Draco) I'd just finished Quidditch practice when my sister come running up to me all out of breath and panting hard. A look of concern comes across my face as I see the upset look on her face, "Ella, what ever is the mater?!"

"I-I-I'ts Antoinette and Hermione they've petrified by the monster roaming about in the school!"

"Well well, it seems my prayers have finally been answered that the Mudblood Sisters are finally frozen!"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy! How can you possibly say such a thing about them? Especially Antoinette don't you fancy her??" 

My chest feels tight at the realization of what I'd said but it didn't mean anything to me anyways after all she is just a mudblood to me. Born of filthy blood.

Glaring at my sister I reach out and slap her across the face saying, "How dare you accuse me of having feelings for a filthy little mudblood! You are a worthless good for nothing blood traitor and a sorry excuse for a Malfoy! Get out of my way!"

With that I walk away shoving my sister out of my way.


(Ella) I run into the girls bathroom and burst into tears sobbing really hysterically because Draco has a never hit me or treated me like our parents do. All of a sudden I hear a strange noise almost like somebody had literally come straight out of the toilet. Then a female voice comes from next to me saying, "Please tell me what's the matter. I won't tell a soul besides who would want to listen to sad moping and moaning Myrtle."

"Hello Myrtle." I say softly sniffling at my brother's words and actions.

"I want to help Ella, please let me."

"My brother got angry and slapped me then called me some awful names, he's never done that before! Oh Myrtle, it was awful and I can't even go back out there to face him. To top that off two of my muggle born friends Hermione and Antoinette Granger were petrified today!"

"I'm so sorry Ella, but at least your friends  weren't killed like me. I was killed for being a muggle born witch."

"Thank you Myrtle." I say with a quiet edge to my voice.

"And I'm sorry you were killed for your blood type, you didn't deserve that at all."

For a while even though I go right through her she holds me as I cry about my awful awful day.

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