Chapter Three- Diagon Alley

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(Ella) I wake to the sound of birds tweeting out my window and the scampering of the house elves. Today's not special it's just another day of being ignored and forgotten by my family, another day of loneliness. I walk over to the calendar on my wall peering at it through my gray-blue eyes, only to gasp and sequel.

I take that back today is an amazing day. I begin rummaging through my closet to find something suitable to wear until I finally lay eyes on my little blue dress with the black velvet buttons, lacy black velvet collar, and black velvet bow, and my shiny black Mary Jane's. 

I walk down to breakfast a moment later sitting down at the table next to Draco who smiles and gives me a huge bone crushing hug, our parents smile at us. For once my father actually addresses me by name saying, "Elizabeth, today you will be accompanying your mother, Draco, and I to Diagon Alley to purchase your school supplies, and I expect nothing but your best pure blooded behavior!  You will stay with Draco for the time that we are there because your mother and I have some rather important business that we need to attend to today."

"Father, what if I don't get into Slytherin like the rest of the family?"

My father chokes on his tea spitting some of it back into his cup before looking up saying, "Elizabeth, you will be sorted into Slytherin so don't even say such a dishonorable thing! In this family you are expected to bring us honor and that is your only purpose in this world! For the most part you were an accident that wasn't even supposed to exist."

 My mother looks at him surprising us all by saying, "Lucius, that was not necessary we may ignore her, but must we really say things like that to her?"

My father says nothing instead he just glares at my mother before going back to his conversation with me, "You are a Malfoy who has the purest of pure blood there is Elizabeth, and if you put your mind to it I know that I can expect great things from you. I know that you can bring this family a great honor."

Sometime later my family and I aprorate to Diagon Alley our parents hand Draco the lists that we'd both be needing for our supplies, and the money from Gringotts before heading off in another direction. I stare at the amazing sights, around me. "Whoa..." I stutter out, as I look around.

I underestimated it when Draco told me about it.

My older brother watches me and laughs a little at my amazed facial expressions he smiles and says, "It's cool isn't it Ella?"

"Yeah!" I breath taking it all in and drinking up the whole of Diagon Alley never before so amazed by all of its wonders.

"What do you want to get first your wand or your pet?"

"My wand! Let's get my wand first and then get my pet!"

He laughs at my enthusiasm grabbing my hand and walking in Ollivanders Wand Shop with me. A bell tinkles as we walk in and an old man who must be Ollivander comes out a moment later grinning from ear to ear, he glances at me then Draco before saying, "Ah, Mr. Malfoy it seems like only yesterday your parents brought you in here to buy your very first wand! And I do recall that you told me your little sister would be going to Hogwarts this year."

"Good Morning sir, it's a pleasure meeting you! My name is Elizabeth Malfoy I prefer Ella though. Youngest child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy."

He grins at me saying, "My my you are a very bold one I might add and if I didn't know better I'd say a Gryffindor!"

My brother wrinkles his nose at Ollivanders comment before stepping away from me so that I could begin to find my wand. There is a lot of noise coming from behind the counter as the strange old man fumbles around finally bringing several boxes out, and placing them all onto his desk. Ollivander produces a wand from a box and hands it to me saying, "11 inches, Ash wood, Unicorn tail hair. Just give it a swish!"

I give it a gentle swish and knock a bunch of wands off a shelf Ollivander takes it from me handing me another, "11 inches, Vine wood, Phoenix feather."

I give this one a swish and a lamp explodes next to me again he hands me another wand saying, "10 inches, Blackthorn wood, Dragon heartstring." 

This wand didn't work either as I can barely control its power so I am handed another wand. "10 1/3 inches, Holly wood, Thestral tail hair." 

This wand causes a window to break and an exasperated sigh from my older brother who's clearly becoming impatient with the whole process. "9 1/2 inches, cherry wood , veela hair."

This wand causes the lights to go out so then I am handed another wand, "Apple wood, unicorn hair, springy, and surprisingly flexible!"

The moment I give it a swish a wind rustles through my hair and Ollivander smiles saying, "The wand has chosen the wizard!" Draco and I pay for my wand then go to the store where we go to the cat section.

There are so many shapes, sizes, and breeds but a tiny shivering blue gray kitten is huddled in a corner by itself, I point to it saying, "Draco, can I have that one?"

He nods and the clerk walks over saying, "That little kitten in the corner is still here because it's unfriendly towards most people but if you'd like to try to  hold him be my guest."

The moment I pick up the kitten it begins to purr and nuzzle my cheek I couldn't see any anger issues with the little animal, so it shocks me that nobody had wanted him.

The clerk looks at me saying, "I have never seen that one take a liking to anyone before until you came along Miss! Would you like to buy him?"

"Oh, yes I'd love too!" 

After buying my cat Draco turns to me saying, "What are you going to name him?" 

"Arden." I answer my brother excitedly. 

After we finish shopping around for everything that I need we duck inside the store where we are supposed to meet mother and father. We don't see them anywhere so we instead make our way through the crowd suddenly stopping due to a huge family in our way. I hear applause and then an announcer say, "The amazing Gilderoy Lockahart!"

The family is made up of all red heads.

"Well, well. If it isn't the Weasleys!" Draco cackles and they all turn.

"Malfoy, what are you doing here?" asks a rather stout woman with curly red hair and a bright smile. 

I find myself taking a strong like to this woman already she seemed really nice and so much more motherly, than my own mum. I am snapped out of my thoughts by my brother saying, "Same as you Weasley, shopping for my supplies! At least I can afford to buy new things unlike some wizarding trash, and at least I'm not a blood traitor!"

This enrages me so I sneak out from behind my brother and say, "Draco! How could you? That was so rude take it back this instant!"

My brother shoots me a death glare before shoving me behind him. I notice a young girl with dark eyes and red hair, she must be my age. I avert my gaze to a cute boy beside her, probably her brother.


*Time Skip* 

"How dare you disobey me and taint the family name Elizabeth Capricorn Malfoy!" my father howls.

"I'm sorry father but I didn't think it to be right to treat people like that." I mutter.

"Speak up Elizabeth, you how much I hate mumbling!"

"I said, I'm sorry father but I didn't think it to be right to treat people like that!" I say boldly raising my voice.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me again young lady!"

Before I have time to process anything he strikes me across the face as hard as he can, I fall to the floor and begin to sob. I don't even have time to prepare myself before he screams,


A feeling like a million sharp needles pierces my body causing me to scream and cry out.


My father doesn't stop and the last thing I remember is passing out due to the pain.

Photo above after song is Ella's kitten

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