Chapter Fourteen-The PolyJuice Potion

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"Who'd want to frighten all of the muggle borns out of Hogwarts?" I ask as we walk from the library and out into the courtyard.

"Let's think," said Ron in mock puzzlement.

"Who do we know who thinks Muggle Borns are scum?"

"If you're talking about my brother Ron!"

" Of coarse I am!" said Ron. "You heard- 'You'll be next Mudbloods!'-come on, you've got to look at his foul rat-"

"My brother the heir of Slytherin? How could you possibly think that?" I ask angrily feeling slightly hurt.

"Look at your family," says Harry as he closes his book. "The whole lot of them except you Ella have been in Slytherin; you're always talking about it and so is your brother. Your family could easily be Slytherin descendants. And your father is definitely evil enough!"

"They could've had the key for centuries." Says Ron.

"Will all of you just stop and listen to me for once? My family may be all entirely Slytherin and hate muggleborns except for me of coarse but honestly are you serious?!"

"But how do we prove it?" says Harry darkly.

"There might be a way." says Hermione. "Of course, it will be difficult and dangerous, very dangerous. And we'd be breaking about fifty school rules, I expect-"

"This is absolute madness about my family! And how can the lot of you possibly not take my word for it?! I am a Malfoy as well and I can 100% guarantee that we're not decedents of Slytherin!"

"Sorry Ella, but we can't take any chances," Hermione says calmly.

"You know what? Screw you guys all of you!! I thought that maybe just maybe you could look past my family and see that I'm different from them! But you are all so busy looking for someone to blame, and my family was the easiest target to pin the blame on!"

With that, I stomp out of the common room and into the girl's dormitory where I find Ginny writing her diary, one of the last things I hear is, "The PolyJuice Potion it will turn us into Slytherin students for only a  short time!"

I smirk in the same nasty way that Draco does when he's cooking up something good against Harry, Ron, and Hermione, before deciding that I couldn't let them get that information. I make up my mind to go and talk to Moaning Myrtle the ghost in the girl's lavatory later during my free period with Antoinette and Ginny.

"Hey, Gin!" I say smiling.

"Hey, Ella!" Ginny says excitedly setting her diary down to give me a huge bone-crushing hug.

Later that day I go and find Antoinette reading in the library but behind the book she's weeping softly, I stiffen for a moment before placing a hand on her shoulder. She cringes and sniffles, "Go away Ella, please go away."

"Antoinette, I'm asking you to come to the lavatory with me because I want you to help me get your older sister in trouble. You in?"

"Uh, hell yes! A chance to prove to Mum and Dad that I am just as smart and pretty as my sister I'd give anything for that chance."

"Okay, here's the plan then."

Each day every month Antoinette and I go into the girl's bathroom right after the Golden Trio had finished and dump things into Hermione's potion messing it up, and then smile as we wait for them to use the potion. On the night when they are supposed to use it, they all turn into odd creatures and my best friend and I run out in a fit of giggles.

We are laughing so hard that we don't see where we are going and Antoinette bumps into someone knocking him down, as she lies on top of him. 

"Oh,, I mean Draco! I'm so sorry...I...didn't see you walking there I should have been looking where I was going!"

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