Part One

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"This is my journey to the undoing of my hurt." - Tee

Under the moonlit night, surrounded by the sound of waves and cold spring air, he asked me, "My love, will you make me the happiest of men?"

My chest was thumping hard and tears rolled down my cheeks. With a stutter, I said, "Yes."

He slid the beautiful white gold, diamond encrusted ring into my finger and showed me his, an identical one proudly gleaming on his ring finger.

"There's no going back, Tee. I'll kidnap you even if you run away on our wedding day."

And I said, "Like I would run away from your cheesy lines. Besides, I'm yours. Do whatever you want."

"Whatever?" He asked with a grin plastered on his face as he pulled me close.

"Mm-mmh. As long s it doesn't hurt."

"Maybe a little, baby." He said huskily into my ear, sending shivers down my spine and tingles straight to my groin.

I chuckled. "Okay. I can allow that."

He cupped my face and kissed my lips softly, lovingly, carefully. "I love you so much, Tee."

"I love you, too... P'Tae."

"Wake up!!! P'Tee! Seriously. I'm going to pour a bucket of water on you."

That's Bas. My roommate. We've been sharing an apartment for two years now.

When I arrived in California, I got into a room in a dormitory and Bas was my roommate there, too. He was a freshman and I was in my third year of college.

After I graduated, I moved out and rented a studio apartment. It was a good place to sleep when I wasn't working. Until Bas graduated two years ago and dragged me into a two bedroom apartment.

His reason?

He needed an adult in his life and he missed our country home and since we both came from New Thailand, I became his homesick medicine.

He's a weird kid. But he's nice to have around.  And besides, if he didn't drag me here, I wouldn't have met Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk.  My fiancé.

Two years ago, I was having a bad day at work because of the promotion shit going on and I was caught between two human resource workers fighting for the position. That's when I saw him, in front of our apartment building, on the side of the road kicking his flat tire and cussing someone over the phone.

He was tall, a little bit tan. He had muscles on him but not the scary, bulging kind. He was wearing a royal blue business suit and he looked like a prince in it, came down from his palace to grace rbe road of common people. Like Me.

His eyes were brown, I wanted to see them closer but I was rooted to where I was standing. His nose were beautiful and so were his lips. They're kinda full and at that moment, I wanted to come to him and kiss him, nibble on those plumps.

I slapped myself mentally. Just a few years back before that time, my ex came to United States to find me and ask me to me back to him. P'Kim and I settled our misunderstanding but at that time, the pain was still there. Though he was already divorced, it didn't matter to me. I was hurt.

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