Part Two

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Tae's POV

My life has been very happy, smooth sailing I might add, since I met my fiancé, Tee Jarujitranon. The love of my life. The one and only for me since the day I saw him and until forever ends. If that one exists.

Cheesy. Yes, I am.
Love can make you do that. Love can also teach you to risk it all. And I did. For Tee.

I know that he had been through a bad break up. And so did I. And in this less than two years we've been together, I did what I could to help him heal. Unknowingly, he did the same for me.

Some people may say that you can't fall for someone before you're totally healed from your previous relationship. For me, I had moved on from mine and I fell for Tee the moment I saw him. But you see, there is always gonna be a time when you think of your ex and you get angry. It happened to me.

Tee made me forget. All the pain. All the hurt. All the emotions I had whenever I would pass by familiar places where my ex and I went to. It didn't take long for me. After a while, I felt nothing. No pain. No anger. No bitterness.

I've been living here in California ever since I graduated from college. I set up my small electronics company and had been managing it ever since.

As for my family, they're in my home country. I visit my dad once in a while. We don't really have a close kind of relationship ever since he remarried. He had a son with her. I kind of resented my dad for it.

My mother died early and my dad didn't even let a year pass before he jumped into another relationship. They got married years later.

Recently, he asked me to come back to New Thailand because he needed my help. It must have been really important for him to actually beg me to come home. My father has pride and I do care for him, that's why I would still visit though he never asked. Openly.

When I got there, I was astounded to hear that he wanted me to take care of his company. Reason? His other son didn't want to take over. So I was pissed to know that I was his last resort. Me. His eldest.

I was angry and told him I would think about it. I'm sure his wife would have convinced him to make their son inherit the company. She's manipulative as far as I know. I never liked her.

Before leaving Bella Terra City, my father requested for me to come to his office. I did. His executive assistant and his lawyer were present.

"I know you'd be hesitant to accept my request so, I would let you bring your company here. From there, you can do whatever you want."

I snorted mockingly. "Is that why you think I said I would think about the 'request' over? You only asked me because your youngest declined."

"I'm sorry if that's how it sounded like."

He said sorry. Wow. My father actually said that word.

"...I never meant for him to take over the company. I did ask for the sake of asking. But he's a mess, son. He can't take care of everything the way you can. I told him that. And he'd be happy to work with you. As a subordinate."

I don't know my half brother well but my dad had told me a little bit about him. I didn't plan on getting to know him. I heard he had been not himself for years now. After he got married, he seemed to be lost. It's odd.

I later learned that he married the girl because he got her pregnant. And his mom made him do it. See what I mean by manipulative.

My father and I parted on a good note that day and I left for California with a light heart. We had a good conversation but I still told him that I would think about the request. I told him I have someone very important back in the states and I don't want to be away from him. My father said, "Bring him here. If he agrees, that is."

That statement made me feel better. I never knew dad would be accepting of same sex relationship.

I went straight to Tee's apartment right after I landed at LAX. I miss him. Being away for a few days was killing me. We would talk over a video call but it wasn't enough for me.

I was at his door and I know he thought I would be coming much later. But here I am.

The second he opened the door for, I greeted him and he jumped right into my embrace. I love his koala bear hug. I'm glad I never miss on my workouts.

"I missed you, P'Tae!" His words rang like angels' song in my ear. God, I love him. I let him nuzzle against my neck as I carried him back inside his apartment. I let Bas, his roommate, go through the luggage I brought in. It has souvenirs I brought with me. Mostly food though.

While Bas was screaming in joy over what I got, Tee didn't let go of my neck and sat down on the couch with him in my lap. I held his waist as we kissed each other. I could feel his longing for me by the harshness and urgency of the movements from his lips and tongue against mine.

We pulled away for much needed air and pressed on each other's forehead, chuckling.

"How was your trip?" Tee asked while playing with my thin stuble.

I told him basically what happened, about my dad, his request. I did tell him before as well about my dad and how I wanted him to meet my father if he agrees.

"So, he wants to meet me?"

I nodded.
"He's not concerned about me being in same sex relationship. Besides, I wouldn't really care if he did. I'm gonna marry you no matter what."

"Ugh! You two! You're bad for my single heart!"

We heard Bas say while he gobbled up some coconut candy and still rummaging through the suitcase. He's like our honorary kid. Tee had asked me to buy him lots of snacks since he was just recently dumped by his crush. They weren't exactly dating. In Bas' mind, they were.

"Just eat, Bas. Let mommy have his fun." Tee quipped before kissing me again senseless.

The rest of the morning, I spent it in Tee's room, sleeping. Well, after he welcomed me for some hot love-making and I passed out from exhaustion and sleepiness. I was awake during my flight, I couldn't sleep from excitement to see Tee again.

Later in the evening while we were having a romantic dinner inside a restaurant, I opened up to Tee about our conversation from earlier. I went into details about my plans.

"You're thinking of accepting it?" He asked me regarding my father's request to run his company. I nodded.

"I know it wouldn't happen soon. There will be adjustments from his side and from mine, too. And I don't want to pressure you. I would love for us to get married soon. And I want you to come with me. I need you, Tee." I told him while holding his hands on the table.

Tee gave me a soft smile and squeezed on my palms. "Like I would say no. You've never asked for anything but for me to be with you. You've always put me first before your work. And I love you. I want to ask you something though..."

"Anything. Tell me."

"What does it mean for you to take care of your father's company?"

"Though my dad and I never really talked much, I care for him and I care for the company my grandparents built before him. I told him, if I did it, I would be doing it for gramps and grams. They raised me. And I won't let their legacy fall when dad steps down from his office."

Tee knows about my grandparents. They were my everything when I was growing up. They died right after my college graduation. I wanted to run away from everything and I did. But I've slowly moved on. I know that wherever they are now, they wouldn't be happy to see me sad.

"For your grandparents... You know, I love that about you." said Tee while caressing my cheek. His warmth is so precious to me. I need it. All the time. I relished on his touch as he looked at me in the eyes and smiled lovingly.

"I love you, P'Tae. I'll go with you."

To be continued...

A/N: Thanks for reading, voting, and/or commenting.

See ya! (^_^)


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