Part Twelve [End]

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* * *
"Do you, Thanapon Jarujitranon, take this man, Darvid Kreepolrerk, as your lawful wedded husband for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

Tee smiled lovingly as he stared at Tae's eyes. "...Until forever ends, I do."

Tae's heart swelled with love and pride, deeply elated by his groom's words. He didn't wait for the wedding officiant to tell them to kiss and seal the deal. He pulled Tee towards him and smashed their lips together in a searing kiss.

"I love you so much, Tee."

"I love you so much too...

* * *

Two years later...

A man in his dark blue business suit stepped out of a black sedan parked in front of a college building. He removed his sunglasses and smiled, inhaling the scent of of December. His gaze then turned to the handsome and beautiful figure walking his way.

"Hi, baby." He greeted the beautiful man with a kiss on his lips. Loud screams of female students were heard in the background.

"KYAAA! Instructor Kreepolrerk is so shameless!"

"Ahhh! My poor heart!"

"Why does he have to be married already! KYAAA!"

The couple chuckled with their foreheads pressed together as they listened to the never ending screams of college students.

"Instructor Kreepolrerk, I'm afraid I'll have to mark my territory more and more." The man's husky voice whispered to his husband's ear.

"P'Tae... Let's just go home, uh."

"Tee, baby... Why don't I just lock you up at home so no students can ogle you when I'm not around."

Tee chortled and smacked his husband's chest. "Let's go. I have good news so I need to make your favorite tonight." He gave his husband one more kiss on the lips before getting into the passenger side.

"Shouldn't it be the other way around? I should make you your favorite." Tae said after getting inside his car.

"You sure?" Tee asked, wriggling his brows to his husband.

"Yeah. So." Tae started the engine and drove his car out of the parking lot. "...what's the good news?"

"I'm getting a tenure as an associate professor."

"Woah." Tae abruptly stopped his car and turned to his spouse. "I'm so happy for you." He gave him a hug and a shower of kisses. Then he cleared his throat. "So, um. Do I get a date with the professor tonight?"

"Date? Hmmm... We can even go further than a date."

"Yeah?" Tae uttered as he drove out of the university premises. "Then I want further, and further of whatever. How much further are we exactly talking about?"

Tee leaned towards his husband and whispered with a seductive undertone, "Make your rules. I'll play along."

With that, Tae weaved through the traffic carefully but faster than the limit.

* * *

"Master...ahhh! Right there. Don't stop." Tee begged as he received his husband's thrusts from behind. His right leg is raised and placed on the edge of Tae's home office edesk while his other was standing. Tae is behind him.

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