Part Ten

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The next day, Tae visited Tee alone. The latter was asleep when he came in. After getting his heart ready, Tae walked towards the bed and sat down on the chair next to it. He took the young man's hand and cupped them between his palms.

"Please remember me, baby."

Tee who was dreaming at the moment found himself in a crowded place full of unfamiliar faces. One stood out. A face of the man crying in front of him the day before. The handsome man was now calling somebody, desperately, longingly. Tee felt his chest tightened as he watched the said man in the middle of a crowded place, looking so lost, hurt, alone.

"Who is he looking for?" Tee thought.

The man suddenly turned his way and the smile he saw in him made his heart skip a beat and his belly flutter inside. The said man walked towards him with a smile so bright, it,blocked the unfamiliar faces around him. But before the man could reach him, Tee was pulled away by another person.


Tee bolted out of his slumber with Tae trying to calm him down. "It's okay, love. I'm here."

Tee looked up to the man with a soothing voice. " were the man crying..." His voice was hoarse, and sad.

Tae gulped the lump in his throat. "Mm." He answered thinking that's how Tee remembers him. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." Tee settled more calmly in his bed. "The doctor said I fell down the stairs. I can be a klutz, you know."

Tae's chuckle didn't escape Tee's attention. It made his heart race, he couldn't keep up. He felt guilty for feeling that way. "W-what's your name? Are you a patient here, too?

"I'm Tae."

Tee was overwhelmed with joy hearing the man's name. "I'm Tee." He smiled then tilted his head, examining the features of the man before him. "Why are you here? Where's P'Kim?"

"Um..." Tae held his tears from falling. "I'm Kim's brother."

"Ah, his older brother." Tee smiled. "He talked about you before. He said, he wished he was close with you."

Tae blinked in surprise. He never knew Kim acknowledged him as a brother. They were never close. "We're half brothers."

"I should call you P'Tae, then." said Tee with an odd prickle in his chest as he uttered the man's name.

Tae nodded. "Mm."

"Nice to meet you, P'Tae." Tee felt a familiar feeling creeping in. He was a having a déjà vu.

He smiled sheepishly when Tae offered his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Nong."

Both of them felt the warmth from the slightest touch of their hands, warmth that reached further into their hearts.

'Remember me love. Please...' Tae's eyes begged the younger man.

* * *

As advised by the doctor, Kim was given the chance to come see Tee. Tae highly disagreed with it but the doctor had to insist. "He's remembering more when your brother is around. It's temporary, Mr. Kreepolrerk. Be patient."

Kim on the other hand was thankful just to be able to spend time with Tee. Sometimes, he finds himself asking for forgiveness for what he did before and what he did before the incident. Only when Tee's asleep that he's able to tell the younger man how he regretted not standing up for their love.

Little by little, Tee would remember further and more vividly his past with Kim. Soon, the painful memories came rushing back. He would wake up in the middle of the night, utterly confused and hurt.

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