Part Six

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Tee's POV

The very next day after P'Tae and I arrived at our new home, he was already called by his father for a meeting. He will be very busy. The transition of the leadership in their company will surely take a lot of his time.

I knew all that. Though he promised me we'll talk and discuss about our wedding plans after he settled in, I prepared myself for I know as well that it will take a while.

The matter with P'Kim was something I didn't see coming though. I really thought he wasn't living in the country anymore. If I did, I would have hesitated in coming back.

It's not that I have lingering feelings for him. It's just that I was sacred to face the pain if it ever comes back if I saw him. And it did. A little. Not to mention he's my fiancé's half brother. That's another factor that rattled me.

That's not good at all.

I have confidence in my relationship with P'Tae. I know that if I tell him about his brother, it will definitely shake him but I know he loves me. Enough to go past it. But with the company in the equation, everything is now so messed up.

The question is, when do I tell P'Tae about my previous relationship? And with his brother at that.

What happened this morning made it all worse. I was in tears from the fear of P'Kim getting in between P'Tae and me. It's only been less than a day and he's already doing that.

He seemed so desperate. He didn't look like the gentle P'Kim I once knew. Even when he came to California, he wasn't this desperate. He didn't force me. He begged and cried but didn't do anything even remotely close to what he did at the pool house.

He scared me.

I ran to the bedroom P'Tae and I share and rummaged through my stuff. That pendant had been in my old wallet that I forgot it was even there.

The reason I still have the wallet was because it was the only memory I have of my parents. The woman who raised me at the orphanage gave it to me and told me it belonged to my father and I began using it since then until it almost fell apart I had to put it away.

I looked for anything else in my possession that's related to P'Kim. I sighed in relief when their wasn't any. Just then P'Tae came into the room.

"Forgot where you put stuff again, baby?" He said to me and showered me with kisses on my hair. Yeah, I can be absent minded with my stuff.

I shook my head and closed my bags. I got up and let P'Tae pull me towards the bed. Straddling his lap, I caressed his face, planting a peck on his nose after. "How was the meeting?"

"Too much." P'Tae playfully bit my chin. "There's so much to do. My dad thought I can handle it all so he's not worried with dumping a lot of work on me."

"That's just mean."

He chuckled and buried his face on the side of my neck. "He even had the nerve to ask me more favor."

"Hm? What's that?" I asked.

"He told me to take Kimmon under my wing. He said my brother is finally trying to turn his life around after being a nomad, traveling from one country to another with Mack."

And here came another unforeseen issue.

P'Tae and I later had lunch with his family before his father and step mother left an hour after that. I wondered why P'Kim and his son stayed though. Not until P'Tae said the two will be living with us.

He said, "It's a big house. And it will make it easier for me if he's closer. If I have to take him under my wing, it's better this way."

I couldn't react to it. I couldn't exactly say, 'Don't let him live with us. He's my ex!'

Right off the bat, yeah. That will really sit well. Not only will i ruin my fiancé's relationship with his brother but also his father.

I saw how excited and looking forward he was with the new development in his relationship with his dad. And I definitely don't want to wreck it. I know how important family is and I'm happy that P'Tae had finally reconciled with his father. I just have to find the right time to tell him about P'Kim.

Tae's POV

It's a huge task my dad left me with. The company. My brother. I knew it will take a lot of my time to begin settling down at my dad's office.

I had promised Tee that we'll talk about our wedding once I'm all settled. He's been very understanding with the whole thing. And I'm so proud of having him. He was willing to leave his life in California for me. That's big. I know.

I'll make it up to him but for now, I got to get over this transition before it eats more of my time.

Monday came, Tee, Kim, and I were given a tour at the company by my dad. Since I've already studied all that I had to about my responsibilities, I focused on getting to know the staff that the three of us will be working closely with.

"Bear with me. In a few months, I will be out of here." My father jokingly remarked after the tour ended at his office which has already become mine. "I will be be coming from time to time to see how you're doing but other than that, you've got this place all to yourself."

I smiled after scanning the room. It's a traditional office. He said he doesn't mine if I got it remodeled when I have the time. And I will for just that with Tee's help. He has better taste than me.

"Thanks, dad." I gave my dad a side hug before pulling in my fiancé. "What do you think, love?"

He just sighed and smiled to me. "This is you now. I'm just here to help you. A little."

"Ugh. So humble." I squeezed Tee for a hug and whispered sweet nothings that made him giggle in my arms.

When I turned to my dad, he had a wide smile plastered on his face, too. "I'm happy for you, son."

Kimmon's POV

They're too happy. Dad. Mom. My brother. Tee. Everyone is so fucking happy but me.


You were mine. And I intend to have you again. This time, I don't care about family anymore. I'll make me happy. And the only way to do that is to have you.

You'll be mine again, baby.

To be continued...

A/N: These are just their characters. Remember that. And this is just a fictional story. Remember that, too. 😘

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See ya! (^_^)

-ZiaJang 🙇

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