Part Three

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Tee's POV

P'Tae have pampered me with so much love that I don't think I can ever let him go. I've never thought of it either. When I accepted him, I've already opened my closed heart for him. Little by little, he wore down my defenses and I have fallen deeply, there is no way out.

Like I would want to.

He's a great guy. Anyone would be stupid not to fall for him.

When he told me he was thinking of accepting his father's offer to take over their company, I knew he would be asking me whether I would go or not. Of course, I would.

I love him that much to leave this city and go where he decides to go. He's given me all, and I want to give back. That's what commitment is about.

Two months after he came back to California, P'Tae and I are now packing our personal belongings for our flight to New Thailand. P'Tae had already taken care of what he had to to leave his company to his trusted friend and partner.

As for me, the one next in line to take my position shamelessly expressed her gratitude for me leaving so she could be promoted. She's cool, she speaks her mind.

Bas had been pouting all morning as we packed my belongings. He's even made plans of coming with us.

"I've fulfilled my dreams of studying here. I should go visit my parents and surprise them." Another one of his ramblings to coax us to take him. Wait...

P'Tae and I stopped putting my stuff in my suitcase. We're at my apartment and Bas is on the floor next to my bed, eyes looking so sad with his lips frowning upside down.

"Your parents are back there?" P'Tae asked our adopted son.


"Then why did you tell me they're traveling the world and left you to fend for yourself?" I scrutinized him.

"I had to! Or you wouldn't let me room with you! Ugh! I lied, okay."

"What the hell, Bas!" He chuckled as I slapped something on my lap while sitting on the bed, and realized it was one of my boxers. I heard snickering and my face reddened when P'Tae winked at me.

I threw my boxers on my fiancé's face and continued packing while grumbling about Bas' lying ass.

"I've already applied for resignation a month ago. But they wouldn't let me go. They said my cuteness gathers a lot of customers."

I couldn't decide whether to be mad at Bas or laugh my ass off. "You're a travel agent. Do they come book a place because you're the one behind the counter?"


I groaned. This conversation isn't going anywhere. "P'Tae..."

"Yes, love." My lovely future husband sat next to me and buried his face on the side of my neck, hugging me sideways. Sweet.

"Let's get him a ticket for when he gets his resignation approved."

Bas was clapping his hands then he mumbled about pocket money and all that, how to buy his parents' some souvenirs when gets home.

"...Let's take care of souvenirs, too." P'Tae added.

Bas cheerfully hugged us both then left my room, skipping his way to the living room.

This is why Bas hasn't stopped bothering us. He doesn't want to be left behind but he also said, he doesn't have the money to come with us. Where does he spend all his money? Clothes.

It's really making me feel like he's our kid. Ever since P'Tae and I started dating, Bas became our 'son'. P'Tae had spoiled him rotten and sometimes I can't resist doing the same. From food, to clothes, to concert tickets, and to small or big vacations. Now, he wants to come with us on the new chapter of our life.


"Baby?" P'Tae snuggled with me in my bed the night before we're leaving. He's departing with me from my apartment.

I turned around and faced him. The lights are on and in dim from his side and mine so I could still see his face. "Something wrong?" I asked while caressing his cheek. He had shaved his stubble, I actually don't mind when he has some. He looks sexy either way.

"I wanna make sure you're okay with all this." He said to me. I love the caring voice of his. So soft, tender. "They say at last minute, people change their decision. For whatever reason..."

I chuckled and leaned closer to kiss his lips. Rubbing my nose against his while he hugged me close, I felt nothing else more perfect.

"I'm not changing my decision. I love you, P'Tae. I'm going. With you."

I saw him smile before he closed our gap and tangled our lips together. I moaned when his hands pulled me up by my butt and nestled me on top of him with our mouths not parting.

Tilting my head to deepen our kiss, I found myself rubbing on him as well. Always, my body aches for him.

"P'Tae..." I gasped for air. He's got my pajamas bottoms down and seconds later, something wet and cold accompanied his fingers as they were shoved inside my greedy hole.

"Take this off, baby. I wanna see everything." P'Tae ordered me after he bit on the neckline of my T-shirt. I smirked and did as he asked me to. I, too undressed him which momentarily made him growl. I tend to relish his beautiful physique when I take off his clothes.

"Done ogling, baby?" P'Tae asked me while I sat next to his nakedness. His cock is hard and resting on his belly.  I bit my lip, face on fire as I shook my head.

"Come on, love..." He took my hand and made it it palm his erection. It made me moan when he did. I felt my own length twitch and so did my hole.

Slowly, I climbed on top of P'Tae, my eyes meeting his hungry gaze as he helped me lower myself on his aching manhood. Gently. I rocked myself back and forth to get acquainted to the right rhythm. Soon, I was bouncing up and down as P'Tae thrust upward into me.

I was a moaning and panting mess while P'Tae grunted along his movements. His gentle hands became more possessive and dominating as they roamed on my naked skin, his eyes looking at me intensely with lust and love combined. He'd kiss me, hiss at the pleasure of our union then slam his cock into me mercilessly.

I tried to balance myself but P'Tae's pounding was out of this world, he might even get me to pass out before we could have another round. Which we always end up doing.

"Nghhhh... Fuck- ahhh!!!" I burst my cum on P'Tae's chest. I couldn't hold it.

"Fuck, baby. Argh!" P'Tae's cum blasted into my walls. I felt his cock pulsate up to the last drop. I slumped my head on his chest, my body limp on top of his.

Before darkness took me over, I heard him whisper along with a kiss on top of my hair.

"I love you so much, Tee."

I knew I tired myself out with all the packing the day before. When I woke up, I was all cleaned when I knew I was a mess after the intense night with P'Tae. I smiled as I greeted the morning sunrays seeping through my windows' blinds. With eyes closed, I stretched my limbs and tossed the covers off of me.

"Good morning, future Mr. Kreepolrerk." I turned to my side where my door is and saw my handsome fiancé smiling at me with a tray full of food. I sat up excitedly beamed at the breakfast he for me. He made me scrambled eggs with a I ❤ U in it, cinnamon rolls and waffles and then coffee. It's simple but so sweet. Yup, literally, too.

"Thanks, P'Tae."

"You're welcome, baby. Let's eat."

This is it. The start of another beginning for us. Today, P'Tae and I are leaving for our country home.

To be continued...

A/N: Thanks for reading, voting, and/or commenting.

See ya! (^_^)

ZiaJang 🙇

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