Part Eleven

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Tae's POV

I went inside Tee's room after that brief talk I had with my brother. I admit that I felt threatened by him for I knew he was the first person my fiancé had loved.

A few months after we dated, Tee bared it all when he told me about his past except for who it was. A few days ago, I was hurt, of course, when he didn't recognize me after waking up. But I could feel the longing in his eyes for me when he saw me cry.

I had to endure. And I did.

Walking inside, I found my lover gazing out the window while standing in front of it. I approached him silently and stood there next to him. "It's the monsoon season. It'll rain a lot."

"We like the rain, P'Tae." Tee said without looking back to me. "It was raining too when we made love for the first time. In a private cabin in Washington on our first trip."

I was so happy. My heart was beating so fast hearing him recall those times. "You remembered." I said in a broken tone.

Tee turned to me and took my hand. "Hello, P'Tae..."

I returned his teary loving gaze. "Hi, baby."

I saw him swallow before he hung his head low. "I have something to tell you."

I brought my hand to his cheek, carresed his smooth skin before pulling him to my embrace. "I'll let you tell me everything. But before that, let me apologize."


"I kind of knew about Kim, but I waited for you to tell me." I confessed. I felt him stiffen. "I was upset but I can never hate you." He loosened up and then hugged me tighter. "Tell me everything. I'll listen, baby."

My fiancé let it all out. Though I pretty much have heard the story, I listened. It was only the identity of the person he loved that I didn't know before.

At one point, Tee took a deep breath. Almost like a relieved one. "I should have told you right away. But I thought it was best to wait for your company to settle down."

I smiled and brought his hand to my lips. He's back in his bed and I'm sitting next to him. "I think it was a good time. Except for when you got hurt. I couldn't stop blaming myself for it. For that I'm sorry."

"Perhaps, it was necessary, P'Tae." I glanced back to him, his peaceful eyes looking back to me. "...for me to get hurt. Then remember it all, feel it all, all over again. But I'm very thankful and happy. It's almost too greedy of me."

"Don't say that. You deserve all the happiness in the world, love." I told him as I laid his head on my shoulder.

" I told him as I laid his head on my shoulder

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"Well, I'm just saying. Because my heart didn't betray me. Though I couldn't recognize your face, my memory of you fought to resurface. That's why I'm very happy."

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