Part Five

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On their way back to the hotel, Tae noticed the odd silence from his fiancé.

"You okay, baby?"

"Huh?" Tee glanced to his side and nodded. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine, P'Tae. Why did you ask?"

"It's're quiet."

"Owh. I was just..." Tee looked at the window and sighed. "...Just thinking about our relocation. The wedding plans and work."

Tae chuckled and reached for Tee's hand. "You'll be working with me. Didn't you say you want to ward off potential tigresses at the company?"

Tee playfully slapped his lover's thigh. "And working as your executive assistant is the best job?"

"Yup." Tae grinned as he parked the car in front of the hotel. "I'll have to ward off wolves, too. Might as well have my baby close."


The couple were teasing each other as they entered the hotel. For a few moments, Tee forgot he had encountered his ex lover. It took him by surprise that Kim was back in the country. He's been pondering hard on when to open up to Tae about it.

That night they went back to the house, Tae and Tee saw more people present - Tae's father, his wife, Kim and his son, and Arnault and his family.

Tee has never met Kim's mother, only saw her once. It was easy for him to pretend nothing happened in the past. Even as the pain of Kim's infidelity was coming back in his mind, he tried his best to act cordial and normal in front of Tae's family.

Tae introduced Tee to his father with pride. "This is Tee, dad. My fiancé."

"Nice to meet you, young man. I'm Daniel Khemmonta." The older man shook Tee's hand with a smile. It wasn't a surprise that Tae has different last name with his father.

Tae got his name changed to his mother's last name before he left for the states. It seemed like an act of rebellion at first but he's thankful he did it. He was able to feel independent of the influence of his dad's name.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Daniel."

Daniel introduced his wife and Tee had to force a smile. He could tell right away that the woman doesn't like him. Or maybe because she doesn't like her stepson either.

"It's okay, baby." Tae whispered to Tee while everyone was having a camaraderie in the living room over snacks and drinks. He thought Tee was just feeling awkward because he was meeting the in-laws for the first time. But it's much more than that.

Tee could feel Kimmon's gaze following his every move. Their eyes had met more than a couple times when Tee wanted to confirm if Kim was indeed looking. He didn't like it.

At dinner, Tee stuck close to his fiancé for comfort. While Daniel and his wife kept asking questions about Tae's life, he remained quiet and would smile thinly from time to time.

"How about you, Tee? What did you do in California?" Tae's stepmother asked curiously.

Tae smiled widely as he waited for Tee to answer. He's always been proud of his fiancé.

"Well, I was an international human resources associate for Silver Corporation in LA."

"Really?" Daniel asked, amazed at how young Tee was to be able to hold such position in a well known company in US. "Have you worked there since you graduated?"

"Mm. I worked there as an intern back in college. And then before graduation, I got a recommendation to work there. After a year, I was advised to get an mba so I could get promoted real quick. I kept working while I studied."

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