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~-~-~-I did make this picture however I did use the base it's by Bases X of DeviantArt. I'm not good at drawing people sorry. Also, this was when they were 17-19~-~-~-

         A middle-aged woman slammed open the door to the police station, clearly very pissed. The glass on the door shattered while she stood in front of a steel counter. Her ginger and blue-tipped hair floated around her as she gritted her teeth. "G̸i̵v̴e̶ ̴m̸e̸ ̵b̶a̷c̴k̶ ̵m̷y̸ ̶d̸a̷u̷g̶h̴t̴e̶r̷!̵" All the police officers were staring at her with mixed emotions. Not that she cared. "Miss? I'm I to assume that your daughter is Crystal Stone?" A gray-haired female officer stepped forwards. Her wrinkled face was set in a cold glare at the younger woman. "Yes, you are right to assume that. I am Diamond Stone." The far younger woman towered over the officer. Though she didn't mean too. "And I would like my daughter back!" Diamond slammed her hands on the counter, denting it slightly. "I'm sorry, miss, but your daughter was found using magic in a no magic zone. Which you are also doing." The officer shifted her gaze down to the now dented table and the females claw-like fingers. Diamond growled as she moved her hands away while also shifting them back to normal. "How much is her bail." She gritted her teeth as she tried to control herself. Which was proving difficult. "$100 million." Diamond took a deep breath before standing straight, she had an urge to fight against such a high bail but knew better. "Fine. I have the money. Take it and give me my daughter back." She gave the officer the money before turning around to wait. 

        The lights flickered slightly with every passing minute that she had to wait. Before long another officer came out with Crystal. She looked so much like her mother. The only difference was that under layer of Crystal's hair was blue instead of the tips. Crystal wouldn't meet her mother's eyes. Instead, she kept her eyes on the floor. "Before I leave here." Diamond handed out a black credit card with light blue diamonds decorating the edges. "Get your table fixed. Then give it to Chief Killian. She will get it back to me." Diamond turned around and took Crystal's hand. Practically dragging the girl out of the building. 

        "You are SO grounded, young lady." The teen hadn't said anything while she was pulled up to her mother's teal truck. She got into the passenger seat while her mother went to the driver's side. "Do you want to explain yourself Crystal Sterling Stone?" Diamond's voice had shifted from absolute pissed to somewhat calm in a matter of seconds. "I was in a fight." Crystal looked into her mother's crystal blue eyes with her own. "Elaborate Crystal. Please." Diamond turned so she was facing her daughter. "Tiga started it. I was just trying to help." Diamond groaned as she held the bridge of her nose. "My gem. You have the power to destroy neighborhoods if you aren't careful! Why did you think it was a good idea to get involved?" Crystal shrank a bit before looking through the window. Avoiding her mother's concerned face. "Tiga was scared. All she can do is shapeshift. She doesn't know how to protect herself when her hot head gets her in trouble." Diamond sighed while rubbing her forehead. "Why didn't you get one of her parents? Surly Killian could have done something, hell even Kendrick would have been more productive." The teen shrank a bit and became more interested in her shoes. "I hadn't thought of that. And their names are Catherine and Stitch mom, not Killian and Kendrick." Diamond fought back an eye roll before she started her car. "I got custody for you why?" Her mother teased lightly. Hum Crystal grinned a bit as she played with her fingers. "Because you loooove me." Diamond snorted as she drove. "Don't forget that kid. I can still give you to your father." The young female's face fell as she sat quietly for the rest of the ride. Though, she knew her mother was kidding.

       All was good till Diamond pulled into her long driveway and the white marble mansion stood quietly. The first thing that both of them were aware of as four more cars parked in the driveway than normal. "Hn. Well, best get this over with." Diamond unbuckled and got out. Crystal was a little slower but got out as well. Dragging her feet as slowly as she could. Knowing what would happen next.

       "What were you thinking!? Are you two just begging to go to jail!" Catherine gripped her dark ginger hair as she all but growled at the teens. Crystal stood silently next to her friend, Tiga, as said friend's mother tore into the both of them. Crystal's mother was sitting on the black couch with a cup of coffee in her hand. As it was 'too early for this shit'. As she so delicately put it. Despite it being 2 pm. On a Sunday. "I have to find out that my niece is in the police station's jail and my daughter is in the interrogation room?!" Catherine gave a wordless shout as she gripped the sides of her head. "Catty that's enough." Tiga's less violent mother walked in a toddler on her hip. "I'm sure they understand and if we know Diamond." A pair of crystal blues looked up from her coffee at the mention of her name, meeting the royal purple eye of Stitch Kendrick. "She has already lectured Crystal. Besides, Tiga looks terrified. I think you got your point across." Catherine took in a deep breath before turning to face Diamond along with her Ex, who had elected to stay silent and just watch next to Diamond. "And you." She pointed at Diamond. Nearly snarling as she threw Diamond's card back at her. "Stop spending money for no reason! How old are you? A teen?" This time Diamond did roll her eyes while she leaned over to pick up the plastic rectangle. "For your information, I am 34. Two years older than you. So, shut up. Besides, its not like I even earned that money. The government gave it to me so I won't destroy the city. So I gave it to one of your Officers, so what. I was the one to dent the table. I should be the one to pay for the repairs." Diamond's carefree attitude infuriated Catherine to no end. "Listen here-" The ground shook as Diamond gave Catherine a cold hard stare. "Crystal, go to your room. You too, Tiga." The two nodded before bolting to Crissy's room. 

       Tiga flopped on to Crystal's queen-sized bed and rolled onto her stomach. "Man, my mother is a hard ass." Crystal just rolled her eyes as she sat down on her desk chair. "Don't forget that you are the one that got us into this mess." Tiga groaned as a dark ginger tail materialized out of nowhere and waved about slightly. "She could be at least a little proud about why we got into that fight." A pair of white ears materialized on Tiga's head before they drooped, while she hugged a white pillow tightly. "You know that neither of your mothers' care about that. They would much rather take care of you and Dusk than deal with people who don't understand our kind or their relationship." Tiga didn't respond as she hugged the pillow tighter until it ripped and the stuffing flew everywhere. "IT'S NOT FAIR!! WHY DO WE HAVE TO CONTROL OURSELVES AND CATER TO THE DAMN HUMANS?!" Crystal stayed silent as she let her friend let out her anger... On her bed... Oh well, she could ask her mother to get a new bed for her anyway. 

       It took a while but Tiga finally calmed down before falling asleep on her ripped bed. Crystal sighed heavily before draping a blanket over her. She stood over Tiga before turning around and walking onto her balcony. The sun had set a long time ago, now it was time for the moons to shine. Crystal looked up at the two moons that hung in the night sky. One a light pink, the other a dark green. "Crystal?" She looked over and saw her little brother on the other balcony. "Hey Quartz. Did Dad bring you?" Quartz nodded a bit before he sat on the railing. "So I heard you got arrested." He swung his legs a bit as Crystal rested her head on her hand. "Ya. For using Magic in a no magic area." Quartz didn't say anything as they just stood silently. Rubbing a bit of his dark ginger hair between his fingers. "You know," Quartz thought of his words carefully before looking to his older sister. "I saw Mom at Dad's. They weren't fighting. They seemed to be having a date." Crystal smiled slightly. "We may be a family again." Musing quietly to herself. Maybe. 

Or maybe not.

(Edit: Geez this was a bit of a hot mess. Hopefully, it's better now. :p)

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