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   I stood in front of my mother's office the next morning. The book and pictures held close to my chest. "Quartz, you jerk." My dear brother chickened out at the last second. Leaving me here. I took a deep breath before pushing the large oak doors open just enough for me to pass through. I slipped through and looked into the office. It was kinda dark with only a single floor lamp near my mother's desk. "Mom?" There was a faint sound of swearing and my mother popped her head up from under her desk. "Oh, Crystal? Is there something you need?" I approached my mother's desk. "Ya. Er. Why were you under your desk?" She sighed and leaned back into her chair. "Smith did something to my computer. I'm trying to fix it." I leaned over her desk and staired at the screen of her computer. "Tha hell?" On the screen was a few sentences in the same language that I still couldn't read. Honestly, this was getting frustrating. "They say, 'You can do it Dia.' 'Don't listen to the voices.' Yada, yada. Inspirational crap. She can be such a pain." I chuckled a bit as I sat down in the chair, adjacent to face my mother. "But, she's been a good friend." A small melancholy smile seemed to ghost over her face. "I miss her sometimes." 

   She sighed heavily as she staired at her computer. "And then she does shit like this. Oh, What did you need?" I jumped, almost forgetting what I had come in here for. "Ah um well. M-me and Quartz f-found this! I wanted to k-know what it s-s-says." I held up the book, pictures, and the weird card. "W-we also found these." She looked at them indifferently. Her arms were crossed and she had taken off her glasses. "You two got them from the bunker." She didn't need an answer, she knew it already. Mom took them from my hands and laid them on her desk. "What do you want me to answer first." 

   "Ah, well. . ." I chewed lightly on my lip before I gently pushed a picture towards her. "I want to understand Missy." Mom smiled while she picked up the picture. "Well, I think you should understand her mothers first." She tilted her head as she smiled in the most motherly way I've ever seen her smile. "Kelsey is a hard ass. Often trying to one-up anyone who happened to be better at literally anything. Whether she was interested in it or not." She snorted a bit. "She once tried to make jewelry. It was a mangled mess." Mom looked down at the picture of her and the others with a smile. "Quill, on the other hand, she was the sweetest thing. Always there when you needed her or when you don't." I could see a few tears escape her eyes and fell to the wooden desk. 

"Missy is a combination of the two. She can be sweet but she feels like she has to compete with you." Mom wiped away her tears and smiled at me. "You have two parents, a brother, good friends, and a stable home. Missy doesn't. She is alone at school and home and all she knows how to do is fight for the smallest thing and to never back down when she feels threatened." I stared at the photo. 'I think I understand. Not completely, but it's a start.' I scratched at my ear before I stood. "I think I'm good for today." Mom looked surprised as she too stood from her seat. "Are you sure? That was just one question." I smiled at my mother before turning around. "Ya, but I'm satisfied. For now. I'll come back when I'm ready for more answers." I shut the door behind me with a satisfying click before I walked away.

    "I don't think I'll be ready for the big questions for some time." I sighed before walking to my brother's room. "So she is just lonely and scared? Strange." Two words that I never thought described her so well. I let out a heavy sigh before I knocked on Quartz's door. "Come in!" The door swung open easily and I walked into the nearly bare room. Quartz was rummaging threw a box before he noticed that I was about halfway in his room. "Oh hey. How did it go?" I sighed before flopping onto his bed. "It went ok. I asked 'bout Missy. Haven't asked about anything else." He frowned as he sat down next to me. "Why not?" I sighed and hugged his pillow. "What if we don't like the answer." Quartz hummed before picking at his nails. "I guess you are right." He sighed.

  Quartz continued to unpack his boxes as I sat on his bed. Every once in awhile, he would hand me a box full of random junk to sort through, often it was all junk. We did this for a few hours before someone knocked on Quartz's door. "Come in!" Quartz popped his head up from one of the boxes before diving back in. Our dad walked into the room. "Hey? What are you two doing?" I shrugged as I fussed with my sleaves. "Just making up Q-tips room dad. What's up?" Our father moved a bit further into Quartz's room and looked around. "Looks nice. Anyway. The school foundation is fixed and you two will be going back next week." I frowned and raised an eyebrow. "Why next week?" Dad raised an eyebrow at me. "Ooooh right. It's Wednesday." He clicked his tongue before leaving Quartz and I in Quartz's room. I looked at my brother. "What do we do now?" 

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