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   I watched Stitch as she created all manners of things. Colorful rocks, random toys, small cups, marbles, and many other things. The biggest being a foot long toy boat that Stitch had to piece together and the smallest being a small ball about a half-inch radius made out of stainless steel. We seemed to have caught the attention of a few of the younger kids. They all stared in amazement and even asked if she could make other things. Stitch just smiled and made the things the younger kids asked. I just took to the side. Watching her make everything the kid asked. 

   "She is going to get tired at this rate." I jumped at the sudden appearance of Tiga. "Jimmy crickets Tiga! Don't do that! And what now?" Tiga sighed as she dragged me away. "Mum uses up energy every time she makes something. The bigger the item the more energy she uses. something about binding the atoms together." She stopped walking and turned to look at me. "She didn't tell you that did she." Tiga groaned as she rubbed her face. "Bloody hell, Mum." There was a faint murmur as the door opened. Catherine stormed in with her signage sour look fixed to her face with a few words in a different language being tossed around sporadically. She immediately hugged Stitch from behind. Tiga looked at me and I raised a brow at her. "I have no idea what she is saying." I looked back and saw that everyone who was in the other room was now picking up their children and getting ready to leave. My mother walked up to me while shaking her head, looking exasperated and tired. "Crystal. Get your brother and father. I'm going to sit down for a bit." I nodded and weaved in between all the people. 

    It took a bit but I found my father and brother speaking to another male. I didn't recognize him but Dad didn't seem outwardly defensive nor did Quartz. However, something felt off. "Dad?" He looked down while giving me a forced smile. "Hey, little Diamond." I nodded a bit, not taking my eyes off the man. Something about him was eerily familiar yet, completely different. What an annoying conundrum. "Ah, You've never meet Leon." My father set his large hand on my shoulder. Most likely sensing my discomfort. I looked up at the male's steely gaze. "Nice to meet you. I'm Crystal Stone." I mumbled a bit as I avoid his gaze as best as I could. He gave me a tight-lipped smile as he held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Crystal. I'm Leon." I took his hand, still avoiding his gaze like the plague. He coughed a bit as he shifted his eyes away. "Well, I'll be seeing you later Proto." My father placed a hand on my shoulder. "Be seeing you, Leon." He nodded and walked away. 

     My eyes were locked on his back. The uneasy feeling never left my gut as Leon disappeared into the crowd of people. Though I stook it off quickly. After all, mom was waiting for us. I looked up at my father. His face was twisted up as if he bit into a lemon or something similarly sour. Clearly, pissed about something or other.

 I lightly tugged on his shirt. Was it wise to get his attention while he was mad? No. Not at all, but I'd rather not keep my mother waiting any longer than I had to. "Dad? Mom wants to go home." I gestured vaguely where I had come from. He nodded faintly then gestured for me to lead the way.

When we reached mom, she was resting her head on the table. She appeared to be awake but her eyes kept flicking back and forth too rapidly to be actually processing anything. I've seen her like this only a few times. The first time to come to mind was when she first opened her shop and there was a problem almost every day. Another was when Quartz was born. Each time was so exhausted that she physically shut down leaving her pretty much defenseless.  My father walked up to her and gently shook her. "My Gem? Come on we need to leave." She nodded and stood. Her legs wobbled a bit but with the help of dad, she began walking.

 Quartz and I lagged behind a bit. Taking in as much of the halls details as we could before we had to leave. A large wall of pictures caught my eye. I walked over to it and stared intently. "Crystal?" Quartz walked next to me and stared at them as well. There were at least forty-some pictures. Some were solo pictures while others were groups of five. "Crystal, look!" Quartz pointed at a picture. It looked like a younger version of our mother. Though there was something different about her. She looked...Murderous. Quartz and I looked at each other before looking closer at the picture. Mom was clad in all black and her hair was cut short in a sort of military fashion. A dark blade hung at her side as well as a gun. "This is a bit disturbing." Quartz took the photo off the wall and examined it a bit. "Kids! Come on!" Quartz stuffed the picture under his shirt and ran after our parents. I chuckled and ran after him. 

  I sat on my balcony with Quartz. Just kinda staring at the picture of our mother. "Why, did you take this?" Quartz just kinda shrugged as he messed with the frame. "I don't know. I just kinda, did." I took the frame from him and examined it. It was a simple black plastic frame. Though it was thicker than a normal frame and it made a faint rattling noise. "Strange." I pried off the back of the frame and a few things fell out. Some sort of seethrough rectangle that was 'bout the size of a playing card, a few pictures, and a notebook. I picked up the notebook while Quartz collected the pictures. "What's this doing in a picture frame?" Quartz shrugged as I opened the book. It was in a language I couldn't read. I snapped it shut in anger. My brother jumped, almost ripping one of the pictures in half. "What's wrong?" I groaned and handed him the book. He took it and stared at the pages. "It looks like Dad's, er. Language?" He traced the letters with one finger. "Do you know what it says?" I leaned over my brother's shoulder. "No... I can't. Though these," He tapped a few symbols. "Are numbers. I've seen Dad write these on pieces of paper while counting." He rubbed his temple before handing me back the book. "I have no clue what the rest means though." I sighed before I flipped through the pages absentmindedly. "Darn. I guess we need to find someone to read this." Quartz hummed as he looked at the pictures again. "Do we really need to? I mean, as interesting as these are they aren't really important." I sighed as I leaned against Quartz's shoulder. "I know. Hey? What are those photos anyway?" My brother shrugged before handing me one. It was of the females sitting at a table and staring into the cameraman with different emotions on each of their faces. "I think they are Mom, Aunty Jackie, Catherine, and Stitch. I don't know who this is." Quartz tapped a female in the far corner with large tricolored wings. I frowned at the picture. "That is, Missy's other mom." We were quiet as we stared at the picture. Missy's mum was very attractive and clearly headstrong. I could see the family resemblance between the mother and daughter. It was eerie how similar they really were. 

   "Should." I hesitated slightly as I continued to stare at the picture. "We speak to mom?" Quartz seem to hesitate as well before nodding slowly. "That would be the best." 


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