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   A large monstrous creature stood in front of me.  Rage radiating off it in droves. I stepped back as I took in the image before me. This, this was my mother or at least she was. I was shocked, to say the least. "Well, I see you haven't gotten rid of your beasty." The other woman's voice had a hint of humor. Like she found this funny. Mom growled loudly before stomping with one foot with her new form. The ground shuttering under it and slightly cracking under the immense weight. 

   The air crackled with electricity as someone appeared next to me. "Calm down, Diamond." I turned and saw a gray-haired green-eyed female. Her face was a mix of pain and anger but was poorly hidden by a mask of calm. Jackie Smith, one of my many aunts and the mother of Circuit. There were sparks of electricity periodically jumping off her as she stood next to me. As if she was made of pure energy. Which, she was. In a way. "You can't take her on." Jackie's voice was calm...Ish. My mother huffed a bit before she backed off and stood next to me as well. "As for you, Doc." Jackie mover herself in front of us and the sparking became more frequent. "If you value your life I suggest you leave. Before I call the others." Jackie held a bright pink phone up to her ear, not taking her eyes off the woman. This seemed to shake the woman before turning to leave. "Well, I got what I came for, never the less. See you too soon.~" There was a puff of smoke and she was gone. "Diamond." My mother nodded as she shifted out of her beastly form. "I know. Call everyone to the base." She paused for a moment before adding. "Their children too." Jackie nodded and disappeared into a street light. Literally. She turned into electric energy and went into the street light. It flickered slightly. "Mom?" I staired at the light before I looked at my mother. She didn't say anything as she began walking towards the forest. "Go with her, Crystal." I looked down at my own phone as an icon appeared on the screen. It looked like a bleeding heart and I don't mean the flower. "Everything will be explained eventually." I nodded and sprinted after my mother. 

   We walked deep into the forest. Until the sky seemed to disappear under the forest roof. Small glowing fungi made a path deeper into the forest to a large cliff face. It was so high I couldn't see the ledge clearly. "Mom?" My mother placed her hand on the wall. A red diamond glowed on her hand. The hidden mechanisms whirred to life and a small section of the wall opened up, reviling a long clean white hallway. "What is this place." Mom laughed a bit as she walked into the hall. "The base of cards." She held up her hand and showed me the still glowing mark. It wasn't anything really special. Just a black mark in the shape of the kind of diamond you would see on a deck of cards. "Jacquelyn Smith, Stitch Kendrick, Quillan Delany, Catherine Killian, and I made up a small but effective 'task force' specially trained to 'dissolve' tension between our country and others." She turned around and walked down the hall. "After a few years, we were shelved. Especially," She hesitated before continuing with a bit of difficulty. As if speaking through a lump in her throat. "Especially, after the death of Delany during a mission gone very, very wrong." There was a note of gilt as she spoke. "What... Happened to her?" I was almost afraid to ask. She sighed and stopped midstep. "We were in Esterwyn. Trying to 'convince' a Lord that he could live without increasing the taxes on his people when an assassin tried killing the Lord. Delany got in the way." Mom pushed open a large door. It swung open easily and many pairs of eyes watched us. All of different colors, all Majinxes. 

     I watched my mother threw glass as she spoke to a table full of forty-some adults. The teens, children, and babies were in a nearly identical room across the hall. "What even happened?" Tiga sat next to me in one of the office-like chairs. Her brother in her arms, cooing happily as Tiga waved her tail near him. "Hello, Dusk. You might want to put your tail away before-" I was too late as Tiga yowled as she quickly handed me Dusk and nearly ripped her tail away from him. "You little!" I lifted the small, now wailing, boy away from his sister. "Tiga, It's not his fault. You were the one that didn't put your tail away."  Dusk whimpered as he hid his face in my shoulder, muttering nonsense. Tiga growled a bit before stomping off to sulk in a corner. I sighed as I looked at the boy. "Well, hi bud. Looks like today isn't our day." He gurgled a bit before vomiting on my arm. "Fabulous."

   Dusk floated out of my arms while I was looking for something to clean myself up. Then a pail white rag was dangled out of the corner of my eye. I looked up and saw Stitch, smiling at me apologetically. "Sorry about him, Crystal." I took the rag, thankfully. She smiled a bit as she plucked her son out of the air. Dusk cooed and babbled nonsensically with a few actual words thrown in every once in a while. "It's ok. I can't really blame him." I chuckled a bit as I started cleaning myself up. "I'm pretty sure I threw up on a lot of people when I was his age." Stitch laughed a bit as she sat down next to me. Moving her snow-white hair so both her eyes were showing. Despite one being sealed shut by stitches. "Yes, though you were fond of throwing up on Catty." She smiled as she bounced Dusk up and down on her lap. The boy giggled and squealed happily.  

"How is the...Thing." I waved my hand over to where my mother was speaking to the others. Not really sure how to describe it. Stitch sighed lightly with a bit of a helpless smile.  "Well, Diamond and Jacquelyn are done explaining everything to everyone else. Now they are planning on what to do. A conversation that doesn't need to include me." She opened her purple eye and gave a meek smile. "After all, I'm not a battle type." I raised a brow at her as she kept bouncing her son. 

"Sometimes... Sometimes, I wish I was a battle type." Stitch let out a heavy sigh as she shook her head. "I would have...Done so much more to protect them." Her eyes looked through the window and into the other room, where the other adults were. Their talk seemed to have become supernova levels of heated. One of the adults, a medium-sized female with platinum blonde hair, seemed like she was about to explode. Literally. She appeared to be the aggressor of the situation. "I could have prevented this. All of this." I looked at Stitch as she avoided my gaze by looking down at her own hands. "I had him cornered. He was injured, but..." She hesitated as she sighed heavily as she closed her eyes. "I can't kill. Even if I wanted to." 

She laughed a bit as she turned her head towards me. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this." I looked at my own hands and smiled a bit. "Mom says that I'm easy to talk to. But, ah," I looked into her eye and scratched my ear. "You said you aren't a battle type? What are you then?" Stitch let out a laugh as she turned her head to look at me. "Creation type." She plucked at her other eye until the sutures were removed. A color inverted twelve pointed star appeared over her right eye. She held out her hand and a small synthetic gemstone grew out of the palm, about the size of a dime. It was a perfect round cut royal blue sapphire. Like you would find on a ring or on a pendant. "That. Is amazing." Stitch held it out to me and I picked it up between two fingers. Squinting at it to find any sorts of imperfections. Which I couldn't find. "It's not real. I can only make fakes. Unless I am able to watch the full prosses in which the gem is made. And as you know. That's impossible." She sighed as she rubbed her right eye. I looked at the gem and rolled it around my palm absentmindedly. "It's still impressive. I can't make a gem this perfect on a good day." I held up the gem up to one of the lights. "I help your mother make synthetic gems and imperfect copies of rare gems." She waved her hand around a bit, allowing dusk to float a little bit away. Though not far. A small smile spread on my face as I set the gem down on a table. "It's amazing! What else can you make?" Stitch smiled a bit with a faint glint in her eyes.


(I'm sorry this was kinda late. Ok, hope you like it, love you, bye!!)

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