Part 2: The Vision & The Solution

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Your POV
Wait why I am here and were am I.
I don't know this place I have to go back but how can I do that as I don't know where am I?

Then a stranger came to you and told you something.

stranger : hello are you lost. I can help you If you want and you just have to follow me I will tell you the direction if you maintain some rules do you want to know the rules

You: what kind of rules?

stranger : the rule is simple you just have to talk to me. shear every secrets with me but can't share any secrets with others you only can share them with me and if you feel sad then Just dream about me.

You: what!! No!! I won't!!Ahhh...Oh no... again that dream.

Its 5 years but still I get that dream that a stranger comes to me and say all those kind of things.

I hate myself cuz I agreed with his rule and now I cannot even break it cause if I break it I could break my self as well there are so many bad things happening to me.

so if I share this to someone unless my mom and dad then I will break the chain and I might have to suffer a lot.

it happened one time cause I shared this with Suyoon and then my dreams got even worse and afterwards. I never break the promise.

He also said that I can meet him in real life but I didn't believe on him.

He is a stranger and it is just a dream so how can I meet that person
I am seeing on the dreams then he said that he will come to me I don't have to search for him....

You then wake up feeling dizzy

Then your mom called your name.

Mom: so you wake up today. Early.

You: Yes mom...and I.. I..

Mom: you saw that dream again... I'm really sorry its been so long but we still can't help you with this dream...I'm sorry

You: mom don't be sorry its fine..its not your fault...oh mom I have to get ready for meeting him...

Mom: yes I made your breakfast. Came and eat it.

[COMPLETE] Soul mates •Jungkook × Reader•Where stories live. Discover now