Part 14: All The Things

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you saw your dad sitting. You gone near to him then your dad ask what did your grandfather said to you.

you told him that to get home and you will tell everything to mom and dad together so you dad drove off to your home.

you both gone in and you saw your mom sitting in the couch she was worried about you what might you say to your grandfather.

cuz you were angry at him so you all sit on the couch and then you told about what your grandfather said

Flash Back

Grandfather: I knew that you won't accept this decision of mine that is why I told your dad that if Jungkook doesn't wake up in 3 months then the decision I made you have to accept that and I won't accept any of your disagreement and if he wakes up in under 3 months.

Then I promise you that i will agree with your marriage between you and him so don't worry you only have 3 months but if he doesn't wake up I will be in my decision I don't care about others things so you just have 3 months left and that is my final decision and I won't change it and we will not talk about this anymore.

Back to present

you: so that what he told me...about his decision..

mom: so..we can't do more then wait for Jungkook to wake up...

dad: yes y/n we now just have to wait...we can do nothing

you: I know dad...

after that day grandfather  decision that he won't even changed. he just a give three months and it was almost two months and you are willing that Jungkook will wake up.

but he still didn't wake up then it was of 3 months and you were scared that he won't wake up in this 3 months and you have to marry Taehyung that your grandfather organized for you.

you now just had 1 week to go so you gone to the hospital and hold Jungkook's hand and say that

you: *crying* why...aren't you waking up...?? now i just have 1 week to go...i need you...I love you...why don't you wake up...please wake up...I want to spend time with you...we will have a lot of fun when you wake wake up... 

you always cry while holding his hand cuz you miss him his stupid talk anger the jealousy..and everything you miss everything about him...

cuz now you realized that you both love each other and can't live without each other but Jungkook left you like this it makes you sad. you couldn't spend time with him...that much...

you were really scared it was the last day of the month and Jungkook didn't wake up so you have to accept your grandfather decision and marry Taehyung and your really sad about that but you or your parents can't do anything for you. So you just agree and accept that you were sad but you try to keep yourself strong and you did as well.

you asked help for taehyung but your grandfather still didn't listen. then on the wedding day taehyung's parents came and understand the whole situation they didn't accept that it was a force marriage even if it is good for there company as well but they still didn't accept that they will ruin my life. So after that they cancel the marriage and then a big drama happened with me and my Grandfather

Grandfather: you know y/n this is why I hate you and don't like you that much. That you never ever listen to your parents or your grandparents you just listen to yourself and do whatever you want and that is why I hate that is why we don't have a good relationship between us and today you just cross your limit and I hate when one of people doesn't listen to me and across there  limit even if it is one of my family  members. I will never forgive you

you: but's my life and i can do what ever i want cuz i'm not a kid any more..and i don't even love why are you forcing me??? I have to stay with him and if i marry a boy that i can never love then what is the meaning of getting married??

Grandfather: enough don't talk a single word in front of me again what ever you think I will never forgive you for doing this to me so never ever talk to me ever again not a single word 

you: *sadly laughing* when we had a good relationship?? and when did I even talk to you?? we never talk to each other too much on a good way... so what is even meaning of talking with you grandfather?? I will never talk to you ever again but you are no one to force me to marry someone and I won't accept that.

Dad: what happened is for good so let's forget about 

Grandfather: I will never forget about it so I am leaving take your daughter away in front of my eyes.

 And with that your grandfather stared to cry a lot hoping that Jungkook will wake up soon and you both can spend time with each other...but you don't know when will he wake up..

Day by day pass by as well as months pass away  its been 07 months after that day but Jungkook still didn't wake up you were stared to loss hope cuz it's beaning almost 1 year but he still didn't wake up...all of your friends were telling everything will be ok. But you still were losing hope..and your best friend Suyoon was angry at you'

Cuz she liked Taehyung but you were about to marry her love..but she soon understand that your grandfather force you to marry him. now you are happy that Suyoon and Taehyung both love each other and your friend is happy for that so you are happy for both of them. 

but they both remand you of you and Jungkook and how much you miss him. One day you were at the hospital at night you don't know why but you wanted to stay there with Jungkook and you never could sleep peacefully so just wanted to stay there

you were looking at him and then stared to fall asleep...suddenly you feel a hand on your head you slowly open your eyes and saw nothing you so fall asleep..but you again feel that some one hand was on your head you then look up and got shook to see who it was...

To be continued ~

A/n: Thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate that you are reading my works I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for reading my FanFiction

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