Part 3: My Dad & My Best Friend

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Your dad's POV

It's been so many days that I didn't came to courier it's been 2 months but it feels like a long time. I want to meet my family so I got out of the airport and got a taxi after hours later

I reached my house I gone out of the taxi and then gone near to the house and ring the doorbell.

my daughter open the door and hugged me and said that she missed me a lot I also hugged her and also said that I also missed her a lot.

From her childhood she has so many problems and anxiety that she cannot overcome and I am always worried about her.

she told me she wants to tell something so we all got inside and gone to the living room then conversation start.

Mom: um...honey y/n meet that person that she see in her dream he told the solution but it is very hard for y/n. The solution is y/n and that boy has to be together or else is will have this dream forever.

Dad: y/n but if it is the solution then please accepted it. It's for your own self...

You: but how can I except it?? I have my own decision to make I have my own life I should make my life decision by myself.

so why another person would say that what I should do with my life and I have to accept everything.

I know I am now grown up I can get married soon and I have to get marry soon as well but the person I don't even love the person.

I don't even care about the person I don't even know that much well how can you expect me to be with him or should I say with a jerk. that is so not fair. I will not except it!!!

Mom: OK you don't have to but just try to make up with him. You also might fall in love who knows

You: I will never fall in love with him NEVER EVER OK I am going to sleep

Your POV

I didn't expect my family would accept the solution that easily I am so upset about this I need to forget about this I should go back to sleep I cannot take this kind of thing anymore.

if I stressed out again I can get that expiry anxiety again so I should fall asleep I got changed and gone to the bed and fall asleep

Time pass next morning

Morning your POV

It's morning already I have to get dressed up and go to the school and I have a bad night yesterday cause I talk back with my parents that I never do.

But just for the solution was like that kind of solution I couldn't accept the solution cause that solution is not a solution I think he is lying.

Just to play with me. he is lying and I don't believe that. So I will ask him again again and again I need to know if there is any other way or any other solution that can help me to overcome this illness and this anxiety.

I got ready and gone downstairs to eat breakfast I didn't talk to my dad or mum cause I was still angry at them so after eating I got out of the house and walk towards the school after few minutes later I reached the school and I saw suyoon.

You:hi suyoon how are y-

Suyoon: shh....I know everything now!!!

You: what do you mean by everything?

Suyoon: uwu.....that you and Jungkook are in a relationship uh? HOW CAN'T YOU TOLD THIS TO YOU'RE CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND!!!


Suyooon: didn't lie. I saw you with him and he told you to meet him didn't he?

You: yes he di-

Suyoon: when what is the problem I am not jealous or I am not even taking him away from you.

Yes he is handsome but it doesn't mean I would take away my best friend's boyfriend so don't worry . you can say everything to me.

How that happened!!! please I want to take one of those 6 handsome guys so please tell me how did you do that!!!

I think now you are also closed with them so can you meet me with them at list with teahyung? can't you can't you please~

You: I will introduce them with you. but I am not Jungkook's girlfriend so if any of his friend don't want to be your friend or a k a boyfriend then I can't do anything.

But Jungkook and me are not together. We are not boyfriend or girlfriend. so stop saying that I will introduce his friends to you and you have to do the rest of the things.

I will not do anything to make your relationship with V. OK?

Suyoon: OMG!!! ok ok I will do the rest of the thing you don't have to worry about it but please introduce V to me.

But are you really telling the truth that you are not in a relationship with Jungkook. Are you really sure about that??

cause he came to me and ask me if you came to school or not but I said you didn't came and he is searching for you so bad.

So that is how I understand that you guys are together or why would he will search for you I mean like why would he??? so I think he loves you I guess.


Suyoon: don't laugh it could be true. I think he wants to say something to you and he also told me that you should meet him at the rooftop and you have to skip a class for this.

And he said that it is very important it was like the solution thing so what is the solution can I know that?

You: oh is that so ok then I will go to the rooftop then bye~

Suyoon's POV

But what was that

[you walk towards the rooftop]

Solution....thing? Aish she didn't even tell me l heat her for this I am so long friends with her but she always keeps secrets for me.

and I don't like it we are childhood friends I know she has some anxiety and bad condition of her health. I saw that with my eyes.

One time when we were 5 year old she got in to a fight and for getting hurt so bad her anxiety took over her body then she had gone into a coma for like 5 months.

His parents was so scared that she would have never woke up but after that I was her only friend many people didn't wanted to be her friends cuz she had anxiety.

But I thought that it would be a common thing that doesn't mean that I should not take care of my best friend. But she keeps secrets from me and now this.

I am also scared that she is going into this. I am scared that she will be heartbroken again like in the High School.....

To be continued~

A/n: Thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate that you are reading my works I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for reading my FanFiction

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