Part 12 : The lie

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you are so confused about everything but then suddenly the doctor came

doctor: I am really sorry to say something that-

you: what are you talking about Doctor???

Doctor: I am sorry about the fact that the patients had gone into, coma we couldn't done anything I think it is due to a shook that he could in handle it and this happened...

suga: but will he wake up??

doctor: i dont know about that only time can say..

you were so worry about Jungkook a lot cuz you think that its all your fault that this happened then you remember something

you: suga im going somewhere

suga : uh?? where??

you walked out of the hospital and gone to the pleace where taehyung told about you to meet him there early today. you gone in and say taehyung siting there. you gone near to him and say

you: what are you here why didn't you gone and see jungkook at the Hospital

taehyung: I didn't feel like going there and I know all the information about it suga told me everything

you: but still you should have come there at least or else we are all very worry about you with Jungkook that is why I am asking why didn't you go even after knowing he is on coma

taehyung: I just don't want to go

you: but why??

teahyung: look y/n who are you asking me this why should i answer you??

you: tae...why are you talking like this??...

taehynug: sorry y/n i just feel...i dont feel good right now i have to go...

you: then promise me you will come tomorrow to meet Jungkook at the hospital..

taehyung ok... i will..

you: but really why are you acting like this...??

taehyung: you will soon know it...ok y/n i need to go now bye...

you: uh..oh ok bye..

what happened to tae i really need to find out there is something worng... and his act has a connection to Jungkook going to coma..i have to fine out.

with that you got out and gone to your home. you had told your mom and dad everything about you being at the hospital. but they didn't know he is on coma 

mom: y/n!! is Jungkook ok!!??


mom: what!!?? what happened to him then??

you: he...he is on coma...

mom: oh no...will he wake up..?

you: the doctor said that time will is dad??

mom : your dad... has gone..somewhere don't worry he will come back soon

you: oh ok mom i'm going to bed now i'm so tried of everything that happened today

mom: i understand y/n get some rest now

you gone to your room and got ready to go to bed

you where sleeping but suddenly some noise make you wake up you gone to see what was it and you saw your mom and dad talking about something

dad: yes you where right honey 

mom: so he is that boy that y/n's grandfather told about to force marry with him??

dad: yes I gone to see dad but he said he wont change his decision about y/n's marriage..

mom: then what now??

dad: but dad said that he wants to meet jungkook to see if he is good for y/n

mom: but didn't you sa-

dad: yes i told him that Jungkook is on coma now but he said...

Mom: what did he said??

Dad: he said if Jungkook don't wake up from coma in next 3 months he will make y/n marry taehyung her cosine

mom: oh no thats really- wait Y/N!!?? WHY ARE YOU HERE??

you: what?? dad is it true?? THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?? AM I A JOKE TO YOU??

Dad: y/n listen we know it today your grandfather never told me about this till I said about your nightmares. but he said nothing to me at that time but he said he won't accept Jungkook cuz he had someone on his mind i didn't think too much out that at first but then yesterday at night dad send me a picture of that guy I knew it he looked so familiar to me....

 Then today i gone meet your grandfather today and know that it was Kim Taehyung one of  the most richest family in our country and the biggest company and your grandfather thinks that it will help him a lot in our company so he decided to arrange a marriage  you with one of his sons

you: what one of sons tae has brothers??

Mom: yes and you know them as his friends but they are taehyung's brothers and its Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon

You: what!!?? i will wait until tomorrow and then i will ask tae about all of this i know he knew all of it but never told me about anything

Dad: y/n don't blame him cuz it's not his fault

you: but dad he lie to me he could have tell me when he knew it..ok now i'm going to sleep and dad mom i will meet grandfather tomorrow ok i need to talk with him

Mom: no y/n you will not go t- 

dad: no she will go cuz its her life and she will marry so she needs to talk with him

mom: but...ok but y/n talk politely with him cuz he is a moody person and doesn't like you that much cuz your our only daughter he tries to be normal with you but he doesn't like you so be polity ok y/n

you: ok i will..

dad: y/n don't worry too much i will try to make things easy to you

you: but i guess life doesn't make anything easy for me dad.. 

mom: don't worry y/n now go back to sleep you have a big day tomorrow

you: ok mom...

with that you gone to your room and then gone to sleep. but you couldn't stop thinking about the fact taehyung lie to you. you cried a lot and then fall asleep while crying.

 you woke up and gone to the leaving room you wake up late you gone there to eat with your mom and dad. you sit with them and eat together and you got up and gone to your room and got changed to go meet jungkook first then from there you will meet tae 

you gone to the leaving room and then you see that there was someone in the living talking with your parents and when you look at who was talking to your parents you were sure shook to see who it was

???: oh y/n lets go and meet Jungkook at the hospital

To be continued ~

A/n: Thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate that you are reading my works I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for reading my FanFiction.

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