Part 13: our agreement

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???: so y/n lets go meet Jungkook

you: taehyung!!?? what are you doing here?? whatever i need to talk to you right now

tae: yah sure lets go to the car we can talk about it 

you: yah...ok mom dad  bye i will try to come back soon..

dad: y/n come back at 6 pm then we will have time to explain everything 

you: ok dad 

with that you gone to the car. in the car you didn't talk at all.

tae: y/n why aren't you talking to me you said that y-

you: yah i will say that after we meet Jungkook ok..

tae: ok...

 after an hour you got out of his car and gone to the hospital. you gone to see Jungkook. tae came to find you as where looking at Jungkook and you started to didn't know why where you crying but when tae came you removed your tears and looked at him

you: tae can you brought food for me...

tae: yah sure but we can go to a restaurant and eat

you: no just bring it here..

tae: ok..

so with that tae gone to bring some food for you. you said that to just so can you and Jungkook can be alone and tae doesn't stay with you.

your POV

Jungkook i'm so sorry...for me you are now on coma. i never thought that i will feel pain in my heart when you are not with me. i don't know why but i think...i stared to like you... i think i am in love with i cant even tell you this that i love you... 

but i promise you Jungkook after you wake up from coma i will tell you my feelings for you and i know that you also love me..we will live happily..and i will never leave you never..i hope everything be alright or it will be a completely mess of my life...

while you where thinking this tae came back.

tae: y/n i got us some food

you: oh y-

suga: uh?? y/n?? tae??

RM: oh you came here to see Jungkook as well

Jin: thats good to know

Jhope: tae where have you been yesterday??

jimin: yah we looked for you everywhere

you: he was busy oh guys eat this food ok we need to go now

you gave them the food then you took tae's hand and got out from the hospital and gone to his car

tae: why did you gave them our food??

you: oh god tae we need to talk so we need to go to a near cafe so lets go we can eat there.

tae didn't say anything he just drove off to a near cafe you both got out from the car and go to the cafe. you both took a sit and oder everything. then you stared to talk.

you:  now can I ask you something 

tae: yah sure y-

you: oh god tae don't act like you don't know anything you know that we were getting force married right??

tae: oh so you know it too...

you: why!!?? didn't you tell me when you knew it??!!

tae: i-i just...didn't want to make things awkward between us...

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