Part 4: Who Is That Stranger?

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Your POV

Aish!!!! I have to skip my 1st class for him to talk to me and find out if there is another solution or not I hate this but I have to find out another solution

I have to ask him if he can give me another solution cause I cannot accept that solution so I have to find out another solution.

[after 16 minutes later Jungkook came to the rooftop]

Jungkook: oh.. Did I make you wait?

You: No but I want to ask you som-

Jungkook: please don't talk now I am gonna say many things to you so please do not talk when I am talking and if you want to ask me if there is any other option.

Then there is no other option I asked that stranger for another option but that stranger said that there is no other option so please don't ask anything about another option.

There is no other solution you have to accept the first solution ok and we have to be together so it is like we are soulmate.

 so we have to be together no matter what. If you like it or not. we have to be together so I was thinking if we get together and if you don't want to then I have to force you.

Plus I won't let you go cuz my life is also related with this dream and cause we both are visionary if something gets wrong.

our bad dreams can come true. so do not hesitate to accept this solution ok I am done talking.

You: OK I have only 1 question who is that "that stranger"? that you talk about. And that "that stranger" said there is no other option who is  "that stranger" may I ask that?

Jungkook: "that  stranger " is "the stranger" that always comes in our dreams and "that  stranger " told me to go to your dreams as well and.

" that  stranger " also told me about the solution how can I solve this problem but "that  stranger " didn't come in your dreams cause "that  stranger" doesn't want you to know

About this plan and  "that  stranger" also said that we are soulmates for that reason we are seeing each other in dreams so there is no other option or no other solution and that
"that  stranger" told me all of this.

You: what kind of plan???

Jungkook: "that  stranger " told me that we are soulmates and we have to meet each other. so " that  stranger " made up a plan and it was this that

we will meet each other on our dreams and afterwards we will meet each other on our real life. But when I first saw the dream and

"that  stranger " told me about this I didn't believe anything but now I think I believe everything that
"that  stranger" said.

You: no other option?

Jungkook: No...



You: umm...are you sure...about that?

Jungkook: I am really sure about that. so let's start to be together then?

You: I don't know I don't feel good about this will it will be fine?

Jungkook: yes just trust me OK... And meet me after school I will show you something..

You: oh...OK..

Your POV

I have to accept this but my main problem is this that I cannot trust him this is impossible how can I trust a jerk like him.

I can't trust him but there is no other option or no other solution I have to trust him and I will try to do my best.

If I could make him like the way I really want him to be like. I will make him change as well and I think under that jerk soul there is a good person and I will make him turn into a really good person and that is my challenge.

Life is sometimes hard and sometimes so good that I forget many things of our life but I think now I should talk about myself you know many things about myself if you read the previous part's  I tried to love my life as much as I can....

But I couldn't cuz of many problems and my anxiety the big problem of my life ok enough of this sad talk now let's talk about the FanFiction

I am stuck with this jerk for my rest of my life.

And I hate that but I don't have any other choice I have to accept what I hate the most he told me to meet him after school cause we are going on a date now.

whatever I don't care what he said but I have to skip like one class for him to talk with me the same thing that he told me yesterday but now everything is clear to me and now I have to go on a date with him

I have no other choice but before I go on a date with him he told me I have to get to know his friends better to get along with him and as I hate that jerk I also hate his friend as well

Time pass~[After School]

Jungkook's POV

I don't like y/n but I cannot say this to her cuz if I am not with her then I have to suffer in anxiety much more than I am suffering now.

so I don't want that in my life so I think I will be with her anyway but I don't think I could love the way I should love but it's not the facts.

I don't like her and she doesn't like me either we have to stay together no matter what how can we be soulmates is impossible we don't even go with each other wherever.

we have to get to know each other better why is she taking so long I can wait too much and I don't wait for a girl this long in my entire life.

And I have to wait for a girl that I don't even like whatever there she is she is coming after making me waiting for 2 minutes

You: oh..sorry I was kind of busy with school works...

Jungkook: oh whatever let's go

You: OK

[To a park~]

Jungkook: I had call the boys they will come soon want some ice cream??

You: If you want to give me one....

Jungkook:um...why won't I??

You: oh..NOTHING...

Jungkook: OK let's go get some ice cream

You: I want a  chocolate ice cream...

Jungkook: ok ...*how childish*

You: thanks for the ice cream

Jungkook: OK...

???: WHAT!!! yesterday you are not even talking to us!!! and now you are dating JUNGKOOK!!!

That's super weird I didn't thought you will do that and why are you do guys are eating ice cream all by yourself I didn't like that now you have to buy ice cream for all of us now!!!

Jungkook: AISH!!!! Stop it don't act like a baby!!! And plus I am the youngest one taehyung!!!

V: aww.. don't get mad I just never saw you buying an ice cream for me or anyone but you are buying ice cream for that girl

that was talking to you really badly yesterday what is going on can you guys tell me do you guys know each other for a long time or something like that????

Jungkook: yes that is the reason I call all you guys here OK now let's start the story....

To be continued~

A/n: Thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate that you are reading my works I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for reading my FanFiction

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