Part 7: My Family

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Morning your POV

Today I will show Jungkook to my parents and I hope he agrees with me to come to my house but who knows if he comes or not.

But I will wait if he won't agree to come with me then and I will force him to come I won't listen him he has to listen to me

You: mom I'm going now

Mom: oh OK

Gone to school


You: why are you shouting V??

V: oh sorry I was just want to..

Suga: OK OK shut up don't talk too much V. I am sick of babysitting. you are old enough to know not shout at the street. sorry y/n..

You:  no it's ok

Jin : what happened!!?? Oh sorry y/n for Taehyung

You:  no I told you it's ok um.. Jin where is Jungkook

V: Why are you looking for him

You: no its just I want to show him my house

V: then can we go too

Suga: I told you not to talk too much if she wants to take Jungkook then she just wants to take Jungkook that doesn't mean she wants to take all of us to her house

V: but still you can take us to your house we never saw your house y/n

You: Aish it's ok suga I don't mind taking all of you guys to my house it's ok let's all go together we will be more fun

Jungkook: but I won't go

Jin: why the main person she is inviting is you and you are not going!!? are you crazy!?

You: no I won't listen to you cuz I hate disagreement do not cross your line and come with me all of your friends are going. why won't you go?

V:  let's go we never saw her house

Suga: please don't argue about this

Jungkook: ok ok I will go


V: yes I'm happy too we will go after class

After class

Jimin: y/n I hear that you invited us on your house

You: yes I really did

Jimin: I'm really happy you invited us

You: why??

Jimin: cuz I thought you won't even like us...

You: No.. I like you guys but Jungkook is so odd around me I hate that

Jimin: you have feelings for Jungkook right?

You: NO.... I DON'T!!

Jimin: OK OK!!

V: I am so excited to go to your house now 

You: yes let's go now it's not far away from here

Walk with you to your opened the door.

You: Mom I am home

Mom: came home you bring your friends how many friends you have oh my!? U turn into a playgirl know ??

You : NOOO!!! MOM!!

Mom: I know I was just joking

BTS: [all together] Hello we are BTS

You: um...guys you didn't come on a interview but what ever now introduce yourself one by one

[Author-nim: I won't put the introduction here cause you guys know who BTS are]

Mom: oh nice to meet you all

Dad: oh my daughter that never talk to boys made 7 boyfriends wow


Dad: OK OK I was just joking

You: Mom Dad you guys joke a lot I don't like it!!

Mom: OK OK now let's eat now

Jin and you: Yes!!!

RM: [to Jin]  you found your lost sister Jin are you happy

Jin: yes she is my sister I miss you my sister

You: I miss you too oppa

Both of you and Jin stars to cry and hugging each other.

Suga: Am I watching a k-drama or something I am not liking this k-drama I want my money back give me my $3 back

Mom: ok ok now let's go to eat

On the dining table everyone is eating

Mom: I am really thankful that all of you are my daughter's friend.

RM: no it is also our pleasure Mam that we have a friend like your daughter y/n she is a really good friend of us

Mom: yes she never had so many friends before but now she has you all

You: mom don't talk like that...

Mom: ok...

You: guys eat don't mined my mom...

Dad: ok so all of you are my daughter's friend but who's the boyfriend??

You: Dad!!!

Jhope: here Jungkook he is her boyfriend/soulmate.

Dad: oh Jungkook I want to talk to you alone after eating OK

Jungkook: OK...

after eating

You: Dad what will you tell Jungkook??

Dad: I will tell that later. Ok Jungkook let's go to the garden.

Suga: we should go now then ok y/n bye. See you soon

You: ok bye

Mom: come again soon

V: we will!!!

Your dad and Jungkook talk about something for a long time

Jungkook: OK y/n I will go now

After few while later

You: Dad what did you tell Jungkook??!!

Dad: You will know it any time soon

To be continued ~

A/n: Thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate that you are reading my works I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for reading my FanFiction

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