Chapter 28: A Jagged Gorgeous Winter

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Once again, Danny was taking care of me like his life depended on it. I hated that dinner needed to be cooked, dishes needed to be washed, and the laundry was piling up, but Danny wouldn't let me do anything but lay in bed all day until my home-bound teacher showed up with my homework. I swear he was beginning to act like I was handicap. After my trip to the hospital, we couldn't take any chances. My pregnancy had sailed along smoothly up until that point. I didn't want to let it show, but my body was constantly running off of fumes and every minute of every day, I was exhausted.

It was incredibly hard because Rachel had lost her mucus plug and the doctor had told her that she could go into labor any day now. Reggie made sure he never had to leave the house for any reason and if he absolutely had to leave, he brought her over to our apartment so we could keep her company. She was miserable and ready to pop which sucked because she had only a few days left before her due date rolled around and if she didn't go into labor on her own, then they would induce her. I was glad that she was there to spend some time with me, but we mostly slept. I was a bit freaked out because it was just the two of us. My pregnancy was high risk and anything was bound to happen and I couldn't do much of anything to help Rachel if she did go into labor. There was no way that either of us would survive a walk to the hospital.

"Am I going to ever be able to get out of this bed again?" I asked Danny as he climbed into the bed. He did his usual walk through of the house before deciding that he was tired enough to curl up and go to bed beside my belly. His paranoia was getting the best of him and his nerves were completely shot. I could see the constant worry all over his face, but when I spoke up about it, his masculinity showed and he denied it because he was "a man". "Yes. When your water breaks and we have to go to the hospital," he said jokingly as he pulled my feet into his lap to massage them. I rolled my eyes. Of course he thought it would be funny. "I get tired of sitting in this bed all day! I'm gonna get bed sores!" I whined.

"Not if I keep your fine ass turned every two hours!" he replied as he grabbed my face and planted a kiss on my lips.

He laughed and pulled me over to where I was straddling his lap. He positioned my hips right to where his groin was pressed up against mine. "There, problem solved," he said with a wink. This isn't what I had in mind but, it was definitely heading in the right direction. He pulled me close and tangled his fingers in my hair, kissing me like this would be the very last kiss. The tips of his fingers brushed over my skin, giving me goosebumps as he tried to pull my body as close as my belly would allow. 

A sense of worry filled my heart, causing me to tense up and I knew that he could tell. "What's wrong?" he asked when he let me go. I had to come on out and tell him what had me so worried. His kiss was long and loving, like he was trying to make a lasting impression before a long departure.

"You just kissed me like it would be the last kiss," I said quietly, not wanting to sound stupid. "What do you mean? I kissed you like I always kiss you." He was lying to try and change the way I was feeling. "You know we only have a little while left before the baby comes and even when she does come, we won't get nearly as much alone time. I just wanted to take my time with kissing you. You've done so much and I love you and have fallen in love with you more and more every day. You're the strongest woman I know and I have to thank you for putting up with me." A wide grin spread across my face and even though the thought of him lying to me was still there, it had faded out. 

I threw my arms around his neck and began to kiss him again. His hands were wrapped around the bottom of my camisole, ready to whisk it over my head as soon as our hormones began to consume us. The way his teeth and lips grazed my neck and chest, I hadn't even paid attention to him stripping me out of my clothes. I had been extremely self-conscious ever since I had found my first stretch mark, right at the top of my right butt cheek. I cried about it for at least two days.

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