𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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"Why doesn't she like me."

"I don't know Finn, she's not worth spending your time on. I told you in the beginning, you deserve better, you deserve someone who likes you as much as you like them."

Finn has always had trouble getting girls. He's tried getting a girlfriend. With 18 around the corner, the last thing he wants is to be alone. And that's where things get a little bumpy. I've set out my heart for Finn, and Finn only. But he doesn't see how much I like him. Unsuccessful date after unsuccessful date, I was always there for him, to console him, to tell him she wasn't worth it. It was the same speech over and over again. But I guess it seemed to work, because he continued to put himself out there.

I met Finn at one of our favorite cafes, one just around the corner from his apartment. It was often secluded, not very busy, but the place still made good money.

"Hi! Sorry I'm late." Finn said as he pulled out the black metal chair and sat in it.

"It's fine... I uh- I ordered an Arnold Palmer for you, i don't know if that's what you wanted though."

"That's perfect, thank you."

He took a sip from his drink, the ice cold drink mixing with the hot air, water droplets forming on the outside.

"So what did you wanna meet me for?"

"Can't a guy guy just hang out with his best friend?"

Ouch. that hurt.

"Right. Who'd you meet this time?"

"No one! Honestly, I'm trying to take a break from this whole dating thing, it's not going very good for me."

"Good, I'm getting tired of repeating the same speech over and over again."

He chuckled, taking a bite of the chips and guacamole the cafe had provided for us. I didn't really get the whole "Tex-mex" thing, but this cafe did it right.

"6 o'clock, don't look now."

"Wha- oh."

I "dropped" my fork, bending over to pick it up, taking a good look at her face.

"I think I'm gonna go talk to her."

"No Finn, I really don't think—"

Before I knew it, he was walking over to the girl table. I watched him sit down across from her, chatting up a conversation, as I cleaned up our table, and paid the check and left a tip. I left.

Later that night I got a call from Finn, my heart started beating quicker, not knowing why. I knew he wasn't calling to confess anything to me. "Oh Y/N I like you, you're the one for me." I would love to hear those words, but I'm nothing special compared to the other girls.


"Y/N! It went great, I think we really hit it off."


"She's from North Dakota, apparently she just moved here. Imagine, a girl like that moving to our town?! It's destiny, fate, whatever! I think she's the one."

"Finn, it wasn't even a date, and you just met her today—"

"I asked her if she wanted to go out and have lunch tomorrow and-"


"I invited her to my birthday party—"


𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙽 • 𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙳 • 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now