Chapter 8: The Worst Part Is Over, Right?

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-=Ink's POV=-
  The edge, water rushing, night sky.
I was in that dream again, but.. why? I was just with Error doing the project.. did I fall asleep somehow?

  I looked around. The mystery person was again standing by the edge, weeping. I slowly walked to them, knowing I wouldn't be able to say anything. I stood by them, waiting.

But, something different happened.

  They jumped and I dove after them, like always. But this time I was able to get a grip on their wrist. How peculiar.. We hit the water together, but it didn't go black. Instead, I could see the rivers bottom and moonbeams shining through the murky water.

   I pulled the person closer to myself and started swimming upwards. Could I actually save them this time? I broke the water's surface and made a
b-line for the river's shore. I knew this wasn't real, but, for some reason, I felt like if I didn't save this person I would deeply regret it. Like, I had a connection to them or something.

  I dragged the person onto the shore and rolled them over. Their face was blurred, but the moonlight illuminated something shiny around their neck. I swear I've seen this somewhere before-

  Something suddenly pricked the top of my hand. I jumped at the feeling. I felt the sensation of some sort of mask pressing down on my face, and heard voices and beeping..? The voices grew clearer, the beeping became louder. Things started to blur around me. I desperately reached out for something, for the person, but I was meet with emptiness. Then, my blurred dreamscape went black.


  My eye fluttered open, and I was greeted with harsh brightness and a blank white ceiling. The scent of cleanliness filled my nose(?). This seems like a hospital..?

  "INK!!" I heard someone shout as they tackle-hugged me.

  I looked down to see Blue crushing my rib cage.

  "Blue- Can't- Breath-" I said rather dramatically.

  "Sorry Ink!" He said, climbing off of me and sitting on the edge of the bed I was on, "It's just, I, the magnificent Blueberry, was worried about their friend!"

  "It's okay... where's Dream..?" I asked, taking note of the various machines and stuff I was hooked up to. Thats probably what was beeping...

  "Right there!" Blue exclaimed, pointing at Dream, who was sleeping on a armchair in the corner.

  "Oh... um... what happened?" I said, realizing how uncomfortable this breathing mask thing was. At least it's colorful...

  "Well, I was at soccer practice and suddenly got a call from Dream and we came here and Error told us that you were doing your project and then you passed out or something!! I was really scared, but everyone said you'll be okay!!"

  "Well, you shouldn't worry! I'll be fine!!" I replied. I don't like this room, it has too much white..

  I smiled at Blue, but deep down, I was scared, I was scared out of my mind. But I have to keep it together. I'll be fine, I'm sure! The worst has passed and It'll just get better from here! Besides, what's the worst that can happen?


  Take my short, rushed, horrible chapter!! Sorry for it being short and random, but I wanted to get something out for y'all as a thanks for OVER 700 READS!! 

  Anyways, I'll catch you guys in the next update! Bye!


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