Chapter 9: Talking

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Quick A/N: Shoutout to JustAnotherAnimator  for unintentionally giving me this idea! Also, play the song now.

-=Blue's POV=-

  It's been a week since Ink had to go to the hospital, and let me tell you, it's been extremely boring without him. I guess the doctors don't know what's wrong with him or something, because Ink isn't allowed to go home, so Dream and I have to visit him and bring him his homework. Which is fine, but Ink isn't allowed to leave his room, so it gets super boring for all of us. Not to mention how lonely he must be when we aren't there!! But Error's also visiting him, so that's good. Sometimes Error even brings Ink his homework, so that's really good too!

  "Blue? Blue, can you answer the problem?" My math teacher asked sternly, his words piercing through my thoughts.

  "U-Um... C-Certainly.."

-=Ink's POV=-

  I half-sat, half-laid on the bed. The TV was on and I was mindlessly doodling in my notebook. It's so boring here when Error or Dream or Blue aren't with me. I miss going up to the roof, the scenery was always so inspiring. Now I'm stuck staring at a blank white wall.

Sighing, I looked down at my sketch book. It was just a bunch of random shapes and names written in cursive.

Suddenly there was knocking on the door and it made me jump.

"Come in..?" I said uncertainly, all my friends were still in class, so it was probably a doctor or nurse. Yay, more poking and prodding.

The door slowly creaked open to reveal Error, his backpack slung over one shoulder and holding a stack of board games.

I looked at him and tilted my head like a confused dog, "Error? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

He laughed and walked over to me, his necklace swaying with each step. Error then sat on the edge of the bed, "YeAh, WeLl, I nEvEr ReAlLy FoLlOw RuLeS, iNkY."

"W-What did you call me?" I asked, stunned at the nickname.

"InKy. YoU wHeRe FiNe WiTh It In BeFoRe?" He said, looking slightly amused.

"I... was too sick to notice!" I exclaimed, waving my hand to dismiss the question, "Now can we please do something?! IM BORED OUTTA MY MIND!!!!"

~Several Hours Later~

-=Still Ink's POV=-

Though I didn't want him to leave, Error had to go home, dooming me to loneliness once again. As I went to grab my sketchbook off of a side table to my right, though, I noticed something glistening on the white tiled floor. Carefully reaching down, as to not tangle the wires attached to me, I grabbed the shiny object. Slowly opening my hand, I was surprised to see the heart locket Error seemed to always wear nowadays. Upon closer inspection, I noticed the clasp was broken.

Huh, must have fallen off without him noticing.... Oh well, I'll just give it back to him when he visits again.

Something made me stop as I let the pendant dangle by the chain, however. Haven't I seen this somewhere before? Somewhere not with Error, somewhere....

It hit me.

My Dream.

I stared at the necklace with a new-found interest. Why was this piece of jewelry in my dream? Surely it must mean something. As I continued staring at the golden-heart, I started putting pieces together. Didn't Dream tell me that Error had brothers? I think their name's are Fresh and Geno.. How come I've only ever seen Fresh? At least, I think the neon-colored rainbow is Fresh.. Error did seem really sad when I asked him about this necklace before.. Did... wait... no.

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