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Godric's Hollow

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Godric's Hollow. December 24, 1990

Zoë Dumbledore had lived in a small cottage for almost her entire life. Her father never let her leave the house, saying that "the outside world is too dangerous". Zoë, however, was turning 11, and she felt a sudden surge of independence go through her. So after dinner, she decided to leave the house.

Zoë placed a big warm coat over her body and opened the window of her room, leaping onto the ground and feeling the cold snow on her face as it fell. She smiled and ran to wherever her feet took her. The cold wind didn't bother Zoë at all, in fact took all her senses and blocked her from the world. She hadn't realized until that point that she adored the cold. 

And what she didn't realize either was that a man, if you could even call him that, was soon to approach Godric Hollow in search of her father, wanting to gain special information from him that her father didn't have. 

"Aberforth you mustn't. I saw him. He is coming. You are to go to the cottage immediately." Zoë heard the voice of a man she did not recognize say, but he had said the name of her father, which made Zoë's stomach tighten in fear that she would get severely punished by her father.

"I will not listen to you, Albus! If what you are saying is true then that gives me more reason to find my daughter. After finding her will I go home. You stay away from this!" 

Zoë ran in the opposite direction from their voices, deeper into the village. Closer to him. Zoë was about to keep running until she spotted a looming silhouette in the distance. The person had a hooded cape on and walked like his feet were not touching the floor, gliding his way closer to Zoë. 

"Hello? Who are you?" The hooded man looked into Zoë's eyes, and she flinched at the sight of a snake looking man. He was as pale as the snow surrounding them and his eyes were empty from the lack of life. 

"Why hello there." The man's voice sounded nothing like his physical features. His buttery voice slipped through the silence and fell into the air, filling it with a melody of support and manipulation.

"And who must you be?" He continued, making Zoë relax and say the phrase she would never forget and would always regret.

"My name is Zoë Dumbledore. Pleased to meet you sir."

She was so young. Too young to realize the small hint of curiosity that sparked in the man's eyes as he raised an eyebrow that wasn't there.

"Dumbledore? Well..." Before the man could finish, Zoë saw a flash of light go past her and barely missed the man, who only blinked in response to the sudden shift in action. Zoë turned around met eyes with Aberforth Dumbledore, her father, and another man whom Zoë did not recognize. Both men held up their wands, pointing them towards the man behind Zoë.

"Father please do not use magic! This man is innocent."

"YOU STAY QUIET ZOË AND COME STAND BEHIND ME." Wide eyed, Zoë just nodded to went to walk behind her father, only to hear the man behind her say something.

"CRUCIO." Zoë suddenly felt an unbearable pain engulf her body. Ever inch of her body felt like it had been eaten by the hottest fire the Earth could have, and she didn't even feel herself screaming from it until the pain had stopped and she felt that her throat had become dry. 

Her father had jumped forth and started to dual with the man. 

"Come on Aberforth! Just tell me where Harry Potter is and I will spare you."

"I do not know where that Potter boy is!" 

Zoë could not believe her eyes. She was seeing her father fight a man that looked too weak to even lift a rock, but had been able to be on the winning side of the fight. Before she could even register everything, the man turned around to face her, a smile spread across his face. Rotten teeth we shown on full display and the wicket smiled was directed towards Zoë.

"Well, if you won't say anything, then maybe this will help." The man lifted his wand towards Zoë. "AVADA KEDAVRA."

"NO." Aberforth suddenly stood up and ran up to Zoë, blocking the green spell with his body. Zoë saw her father's back lift one last time from a strong inhale and never exhale, as he fell to the ground, dead.

Zoë didn't even have time to react when that Albus man yelled "TOM RIDDLE STOP" as soon as another green light had left the man's wand and this time she was actually hit with it. 

Everything became dark.


Godric's Hollow. July 30, 1995

A 15 year old Zoë left the kitchen after making some dinner. She sat next to the chair her father used to always sit when reading. It has been almost 5 years since the worst day of Zoë's life happened and all she had to comfort her was a chair that her father used to love and a scar on her arm to bring her comfort of survival.

Uncle Albus, the man she had not known that night in December, had decided to leave Zoë the cottage so that she could have a memory of her father. Uncle Albus would however visit whenever he could, although Zoë understood that he could not visit as often as he would like to as he did run a whole school.

Zoë was in the living room reading a book after eating dinner when someone knocked on the door. Zoë, out of habit, tensed up and kept quiet. Only when she heard the double knock, a bang, and a tap with a wand that she let her breath go, knowing that it was her uncle doing the special knock for entry. Zoë opened the door to be presented with a worried look.

"Hello Uncle Albus. Is everything going well?"

"You must leave this place immediately. It is not safe for you here." Zoë just nodded and went to go pack her bags. If Uncle Albus says that something is wrong, then something is wrong and she must follow her Uncle's wishes. After packing her bit of items and going to Albus, she took his extended hand and squeezed it tightly.

"What is going on Uncle Albus?"

"I'll explain everything to you soon. For now I will take you to the safest place I know." Albus responded as he lifted up his wand, placing certain charms on Zoë. Zoë let him finish what he had to do before questioning anything.

"And where is that?" Zoë asked, curious as to where she would be living. Albus answered her back without hesitation.



A/N: AHHH YES. I'm so proud on how this part turned out. In the last part I said that the next post would take a while, but what I really meant that after this introduction, chapter 1 would take a while to come out. I hope you enjoyed this and please vote and comment!

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