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The London Sky

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The London Sky. June 18th, 1996

The group flew high in the sky, Harry curiously looking back at the extra thestral that seem to have joined them out of nowhere. Harry just assumed it was attracted to his blood and turned back around, focusing on getting to the Department of Mysteries as quickly as possible. He needed to save his godfather.

As they arrived at their destination the thestrals started to lower until they finally landed. There Zoë slid of the creature and patted it, thanking it for taking her. Zoë did her best to stand as close as she could to the group but at a safe distance where she could not be discovered. But that proved challenging when the group started to squeeze into a small beat-up telephone box. 

Zoë went in after Evanora as she did her best to not get her cloak pulled off.

"Evanora move a bit!" Ron had said but Evanora didn't move.

"I can't there's something preventing her from going further back." As Zoë watched in horror as Evanora's hand reached out to her, it was paused when Harry spoke.

"Whoever's the nearest to the receiver dial 6 2 4 4 2!" Ron uncomfortably did so and then a robotic female voice was heard.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business." Harry stated everyone's name besides Zoës' and stated his business, which Zoë was shocked to realize that it was similar to her situation. Seven badges came out of the metal chute and each person placed it on their clothes.

The box started to move as they went deeper and deeper underground. Zoë could barely breathe as, since no one knew she was there, Evanora was leaning back on her, practically crushing her lungs.

But at last, the box came to a complete stop as they had arrived.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant evening."The door suddenly burst open and Harry toppled out of it, followed by two others. Zoë didnt even had time to admire the beautiful statue in the middle of the forum as the group quickly went on their way to wherever they were going. Zoë followed them, the noise of their shoes clicking on the floor. 

The group passed through several rooms, which fascinated Zoë as she had never seen anything outside the comfort of the castle and her little cottage home. She has always been isolated from the world since she was a muggle so seeing all of this was rare and exiciting. The others didn't seem to have that same type of enery though. The rest were gloom, to the mystery of Zoë.

After a few they stopped in front of a large door. Everyone had their wans up as they opened the door, revealing halls upon halls of little balls that lit of a swirling blue. The room was cold as they entered. Zoë's blood went cold as well. This was the same room she saw in her nightmare. 

"You said it was row 97." Hermione whispered to Harry. Harry nodded as they kept walking. When they made it, Harry began searching, seeming to look for someone. When he reached the end of the hall he stopped, Hermione even saying to him that a guy named Sirius wasn't there.

Suddenly, Ron called out for Harry, saying that one of the blue orbs had his name on it. Harry went up to it just as Zoë caught sight of the blue orb next to Harry's that had a tag saying:

S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D.                                                                                                                                                                   Dark Lord                                                                                                                                                                                   and Zoë Dumbledore

Zoë curiously walked up to the orb, picking it up at the same time as Harry picked up his. Suddenly the same women's voice was heard saying two different messages at the same time. The whole group besides the distracted Harry stood back a bit, surprised at two messages being heard, and a very ominus "floating" orb. 


The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...


And a girl, born with non-magical blood and marked as his equal must die at the hands of the Dark Lord...Or else the Boy Who Lived will not be able to defeat the Dark Lord...Her blood must be shed and her death must come...

Before both messages could be heard to its completion, Hermione called out for Harry. The entire group turned around and saw a masked man, walking up to the group with his hand out. 

"Well done, Potter. Now, nice and slowly, give that to me."

Zoë didn't know who this man was, but just seeing him gave her the chills. 

From emerged others just like him, excluding one women, who had her face exposed. She had a wicked smile across her face and untamed hair. The whole group stepped back a bit. The man that spoke took his mask off, revealing a white skinned man with snow white hair, which reminded Zoë of that one guy she passed by the hall with Hermione.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry spoke to the man as he walked closer and closer to the group, laughing.

"The Dark Lord always knows." As Harry continued to talk and the women next to the mysterious man kept mocking Harry, Zoë kept stepping back, thinking.

Thinking of a way to help. She knew by now that these people were up to no good. Zoë stepped all the way to the end of the hall and yelled:

"GUYS! RUN!" All the people there turned around trying to find the invisible Zoë. After she yelled this Zoë kicked the end of the whole row of blue orbs hard. One by one each row began to fall. Both groups began to run, Zoë right behind Harry's group. Left and right spells were being yelled and Zoë barely missed them, trying to keep her invisiblity cloak on her and the blue orb in her hand. Soon both groups made it to a certain area with a mysterious almost box figure with brains and flowing swirls of blue.

Harry Potter and the rest lifted up their wands, ready to attack the people who were after them.

Prepared for battle.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter took forever to come out. I hope you enjoyed it and sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes. Bye!

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