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Hogwarts Castle

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Hogwarts Castle. October 20th, 1995

➵2:45 PM

Zoë placed everything she needed on her bed for later. The Invisibility Cloak of course and some clothes. She then hid them under her bed just in case her uncle came in, although he never did.

"Zoë? May you come out please?" Zoë's heart skipped a beat. Her uncle is almost never in his office around this time. Will he stay here later too? Zoë thought. She opened her door to be presented with her Uncle Albus and a man whom she hadn't seen since the beginning of the school year.

"SEVERUS!" Zoë quickly ran up to the man dressed in all black and hugged him tight. The man gently patted her back in return.

"I decided to visit one of my favorite people during my free time." Unlike his actions towards Harry, Neville, and basically anyone besides Slytherin students, Severus Snape grew very fond of the fellow muggle. He would visit over the summer when her Uncle Albus was busy with a project called "The Order of the Phoenix" and offered company to Zoë. He quickly became like a second uncle to her.

"Do you still have that puppet of you that I made?" Severus nodded and said that he had it on his desk to always be reminded of her and make his day better.

"I also came here with a surprise. I had the elves from the kitchen make you your favorite meal." Severus took out a tray and presented Zoë with a bowl of tomato soup with white rice in it and freshly baked bread. Zoë gasped as she took the try with trembling hands. And with a light whisper, she said:

"T-the only muggle meal my father learned to make. I-I re-remember making this wi-ith him before h-he--" Zoë broke down in tears as Severus took the tray from her hands and hugged her tightly.

Zoë saw guilt in his eyes.

"I know you and Aberforth used to make this together and you loved it. So I wanted you to enjoy it here." Severus let go of crying muggle and told her to eat. Severus cared so much for Zoë, and was hurt seeing her cry over something that may seem small to him but to her was the whole world. 

Zoë obeyed and went back to her room, closing the door behind her. Before she could even place her tray of food down on her desk, Zoë heard her Uncle Albus speak.

"What did you want to talk about Severus?"

"It's about Zoë and the proph-" Zoë suddenly stopped hearing anything. Her uncle must have placed a spell to prevent her from hearing the conversation any further.

And for the rest of her mea Zoë pondered what Severus was trying to say.


➵4:00 PM

2 hours until the meeting starts.

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, sat in the Gryffindor common room next to Hermione Granger, who was helping him with Herbology Homework. 

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