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Hogwarts Castle

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Hogwarts Castle. September 6, 1995

After five days of having Dolores Umbridge as a DADA teacher, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had just about enough of Professor Umbridge not teaching them how to actually defend themselves from the Dark Arts. Although none of them would have been able to figure out how they could change that, so they just silently kept going to the professor's class and talk trash about it later while Harry would go to Umbridge's detentions. The back of his hand was starting to scar with words. Hermione especially was thinking about how she could do something to actually learn Defense Against the Dark Arts, so during her first teaching lesson with Zoë Dumbledore she wasn't really paying attention herself to what she was teaching her. Zoë took note of this and asked about it.

"Hermione? Are you alright?" Hermione looked up from the book she was reading to Zoë about the history of Hogwarts and smiled.

"Yes I am." 

" don't seem too sure about it." Hermione grinned a bit at that comment. Although she hadn't spoken to either Zoë Dumbledore or even Professor Dumbledore a whole lot, she realized that they were very alike.

They can see through people's thoughts like glass.

Hermione sighed and closed her book. With trusting eyes she turned her body completely to Zoë, facing the blond haired girl.

"If I tell you, you mustn't tell anyone. Not even Professor Dumbledore." With a nod from Zoë, Hermione began to tell her about how awful a teacher Umbridge is and wanting to go against her. Hermione also told her that she didn't know how she would learn defense against the dark arts herself and also to other students. From this comment Zoë shifted slightly and placed her chin on hand, thinking.

"Why don't you create an army? A secret society of a group of students that want to fight back?" Suddenly Hermione jumped up, joy sparking through her body as she smiled brightly to Zoë. 

"YES. That's exactly what we need. Thank you so much Zoë. Now you have to be the first member no questions towards it. We can have meetings somewhere and you can come and invite people and you can teach the other students on..." Zoë shook her head, a slight frown forming on her lips.

"Hermione, I would love to join but...I'm just a muggle. I can't do magic and people can't know I exist. You, Evanora, Uncle Albus, and the teachers besides Umbridge know about my existence. No one else. Even if I could go I'm just a useless muggle. I won't belong." Hermione's mouth formed an O as Zoë held back a bit of tears. Hermione walked up to her and hugged Zoë tightly, feeling a sudden bond towards her with memories flushing in of Hermione not feeling like she belonged because she was a muggle-born. Hermione apologized and concluded the lesson with Zoë. As she walked out, Hermione turned around before Zoë could close the door to see a tear fall down the young Muggle's face. Guilt flowed through Hermione as she slowly walked to the Gryffindor common room. Ignoring Harry and Ron calling out her name, she walked to her room and sulked on her bed.

"What's her problem?" Harry shook his head in confusion before hearing Hermione coming back downstairs towards the two boys.

"Guys. I know how we can go against Umbridge." Harry and Ron stared at their best friend as she smiled widely back at them.

"We must build an army together."


Hogwarts Castle. September 17, 1995

It's been a week since Hermione suggested the idea of an army to Harry and Ron. Ron immediately agreed all excited and Hermione blushed a bit at his reaction. Harry however, thought that he was unfit for teaching people about defense against the dark arts, since Hermione suggested that he should be the leader. So because of this, Harry still had to sustain Umbridge and her horrible teaching ways, which Harry concluded had to do with the ministry trying to tame the children of Hogwarts so that they don't follow what Dumbledore says about He-who-shall-not-be-named being back.

Meanwhile Zoë Dumbledore, Evanora Bones, and Hermione Granger have gotten along quite well. All three started to hang out in Zoë's room on days that the two teachers of Zoë didn't need to teach, and would have fun with each other like they had known each other for years. Zoë loved this. She finally had friends for the first time in her life. 

"Evanora, Hermione, thank you." The two girls looked at the Muggle confused.

"Thank you for what?" Evanora asked.

"For being my friends. I didn't have friends back at Godric's Hollow and I couldn't have any here since I'm not a witch so..." Before Zoë could continue, tears started to form in her eyes. She never realized until now how much she wanted to be with the other people outside her Uncle's office, the people with magical abilities and all the things that Zoë grew up with but never got to actually have. Zoë quickly blinked the tears away so that Evanora and Hermione wouldn't notice and just smiled.

"So...random question but when are your birthdays?" Evanora stated that hers was February 20th, while Hermione said that hers was September 19th. Zoë and Evanora looked at their bushy haired friend in shock. 

"That's in 2 days. We have to celebrate." Evanora said as Zoë nodded in agreement.

"We can celebrate here. I'll ask my Uncle if he can provide us some food from the kitchen."  Evanora and Hermione agreed and they parted ways, leaving Zoë all alone in her room again. Out of pure curiosity, Zoë left her room to be presented with her Uncle's office. She walked around and saw things like his desk, his phoenix names Fawkes, whom Zoë got to grow really close with over the summer, and a dirty weird looking hat that sorted all the first year Hogwarts students into their house.

Zoë slowly walked to the hat, took it in her hands, and placed it on her head. She suddenly felt the hat move and Zoë was about to take the hat off her head out of fear until it started to talk.

"Hm...very interesting indeed. We have ourselves a Dumbledore but not by blood. You are a girl of great character, but sadly I can not sorted you. You are not a witch."

"Please...I would just like to know what house I would be in if I were a witch. That's all I want." Zoë felt the hat move a bit, like it was pondering what to say. At last it finally spoke.

"You show bravery for your loved ones and chivalry for anyone. The traits of a great Gryffindor. But I see more a humble and hardworking girl who would do anything for people that she cares about. If you were a witch, you would be sorted into HUFFLEPUFF." Zoë, with the biggest smile on her face, took off the hat and place back where it was. She danced around the office with the biggest boost of energy she has ever had.

"Fawkes. Guess what...I'm a Hufflepuff." 

The phoenix chirped.

A/N: Hey guys! This is the second chapter. This was more of a filler for more things to come. The next two chapters are going to have so much more. Thank you for reading. If there are any spelling mistakes then sorry in advance. See you in the next one!

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