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Hogwarts Castle

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Hogwarts Castle. September 19th, 1995

Zoë, Evanora, and Hermione were all in Dumbledore's office laughing and dancing to their own music. Zoë uncle agreed to the celebration of Hermione's birthday and brought food for the three girls to enjoy. Butterbeer, chocolate frogs, sugar quills, mostly sweet treats but some food from the kitchens. Hermione, however, refused to eat the food from the kitchen, since she said that elves who deserve better make this food. Zoë and Evanora, however, gladly enjoyed their feast.

"Guys it finally happened." Hermione said all excited. "Harry has finally agreed to my plan. We are having an army to go against Umbridge." Hermione stood up from her spot and lifted her wand in victory. 

Harry...Zoë thought. Where has she heard that name before?

"Evanora, Zoë. You have to join please." Evanora gladly agreed to the idea while Zoë stayed motionless.

"Hermione, I'm not a witch. I can't be seen by people let along join an army full of them." Hermione shook her head and said that she had a plan to make sure Zoë would be able to join. Zoë was curious as to what Hermione had in store, but she thought nothing of it as they continued to enjoy the party.


Hogwarts Castle. October 10th, 1995

It had almost been a month since Hermione had made Harry agree to being the leader for the army. Harry, Hermione, and Ron decided to meet up with people at Hogsmeade 

"Hermione how are you ever going to get Zoë to go to Hogsmeade without people noticing?" Evanora asked Hermione quietly as they rushed over to Dumbledore's office half an hour before they have to leave for the Hogsmeade trip. Hermione didn't answer as she said the password for the office and went up the stairs to see a bed head Zoë.

"I heard the stairs moving. What are you guys doing here so early?" Zoë yawned as Hermione took something out of her bag.

"Here. Take this and come with us." Hermione took at a piece of cloth and handed it over to Zoë. Before Zoë could ask what it was, Evanora gasped in shock.


"I may have..."borrowed" it from Harry. But now is not the time to talk about that. Listen Zoë. The army is meeting at Hogsmeade today. A bunch of people have already agreed to go. You have to come with us since you're the one who suggested the idea to me. You deserve to be one of the members. This cloak will make you invisible. No one will be able to see you unless you take that off. And whatever you do, do not take it off. We want you to come with us. Now put on some warm clothes and the cloak and let's go."

Without even thinking about the consequences or Uncle Albus or anything Zoë got a huge jacket and some warm pants and left the office with the invisibility cloak on.

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