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***These last chapters require knowledge of events from the DH book before this time point

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***These last chapters require knowledge of events from the DH book before this time point. This story will either mention past events or even skip over them completely. Please note that all the events from the DH book have happened here, some are just not written down. Again, please have at least knowledge of the events from DH before reading. Thank you***

Malfoy Manor. March 26, 1998

Harry and Ron bang on the walls of the cellar. 

The trio landed themselves in Malfoy Manor after being caught by Snippers. Harry had accidentally let slip Voldemort's name, revealing their location. Now Hermione was heard yelling from above in Bellatrix's grasp, while Harry and Ron were pushed in a cellar, with Luna, Dean, and Mr. Ollivander already there.

"HERMIONE! HERMIONE!" Ron yelled out desperately for the girl, trying to Apparate without his wand. But nothing worked.

Harry took hold of Hagrid's pouch around his neck, desperately looking for something, anything. He shook Dumbledore's Snitch, waved the two broken pieces of the phoenix wand, and even took out the small journal, giving it a small wave before throwing it on the floor. Finally, he landed on the mirror piece on the floor, the brown eye staring back at him. Although the eye wasn't blue and the skin surrounding it looked far to smooth for an old man, Harry was convinced it was Dumbledore's eye.

"Help us!" Harry yelled out. "We're in the cellar of Malfoy Manor. Please help us!" The eye blinked was before it disappeared.

The screams from Hermione roared through the cellar once more, with Bellatrix's voice sounding louder than over her screams.

"How did you get into my vault! Did that filthy goblin in the cellar help you out?"

"No no." Hermione cried out. "We only met him tonight! We were never in your vault. The sword's a copy. Just a copy!" 

"LIAR! CRUCIO!" Ron couldn't hold back the tears as Hermione screamed louder than before. Harry's whole body filled with pain.

Griphook kept himself in the corner, looking pale. Harry called out to him but was interrupted by a sound coming closer to the cellar.

"Stand back. Try anything and I'll kill you!" The voice od Draco called out. All the people in the cellar didn't dare to disobey, as Draco entered, quickly taking hold of the goblin before leaving, the sound of a loud pop suddenly being heard in the cellar.

Dobby stood there, his tennis-ball shaped eyes wide was he trembled all over from being in his old master's house again.

Harry sent Dobby off with Luna, Dean, and Mr. Ollivander. As they were about to leave Harry got visions through Voldemort's mind once again. He could feel every inch of his body full of Voldemort's fury before snapping out of it again. 

The sound of the popping reached the ears if Lucius, who send Wormtail in the cellar to investigate.

The man was dead in minutes, betrayed by his own silver hand.

Harry and Ron quickly made their way up the stairs with Wormtail's wand in hand. The scene in front of them was clear.

Bellatrix stood over the goblin, with Hermione lying by her feet, barely moving.

"Is it the true sword or not?"

"No," Griphook answered her. "It is a fake." Relief washed over her face. Bellatrix slashed another deep cut on his face before standing up, laughing. "Now we call the Dark Lord." After touching her dark mark, Harry felt the pain from his scar worsen, seeing himself as Voldemort again.

Harry barely recovered from getting himself on out Voldemort's mind when he heard Ron screaming beside him, running towards the Death Eaters. Harry ran after, catching Bellatrix's wand that Ron made fly out of her hand. 

A battle began, as time ran out for Harry, as he felt Voldemort coming closer.

When all hope seemed lost, Bellatrix, who held Hermione with a knife to her throat, threw herself back from a falling chandelier. Ron took a hold of Hermione and Harry took the three wands out of Draco's grasp. 

Dobby appeared in the room, his hands trembling. 

"You!" Narcissa howled. "You dropped the chandelier." As Narcissa lifted her wand to kill Dobby, he wand flew out of her hand, landing on the floor.

"How dare you defy your master!" Bellatrix yelled out. Dobby stood up.

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf! Dobby has come to have Harry Potter at his friends!" Harry ran to him, taking hold of Griphook as well as Godric Gryffindor's Sword. Together they all began to Disapparate.

The last thing Harry saw was a flying piece of metal.


A few moments later Harry and the others landed on the sandy ground, the smell of sea salt hitting his nose. Before he could even get a chance to see if they landed where he wanted to, he spotted a staggering Dobby. The elf fell to the ground, clutching something on his chest.

Harry quickly came to the elf, his eyes landing on the silver knife in Dobby's chest. 

"Dobby no. No, don't die." Harry pleaded. Dobby looked up, his eyes glossy.


And with that, the elf went limp, dead in Harry's arms.


***Zoë is mentioned here. Can you spot it? ;)***

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