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Hogwarts Castle

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Hogwarts Castle. May 1, 1998

 Harry got up shaking. Cold air moved through his body, symboling the explosion of the wall has brought the whole thing. That one Death Eater couldn't have possibly done that. He might have had that intention, but an outside source must have done the damage.

Besides him, Hermione struggled to get up as well, even with the help of Draco, who was a bit too far to get any serious damage to him. Ron was already up, on the other side of the rubble screaming.

"Quickly! Get the bricks off them!" Ron, Percy, and George were picking up and throwing the rubble to the side, trying to get to the two people still under. Harry, Hermione, and Draco managed to get there, noticing Zoë faced down on top of Fred, who was faced down as well. The group managed to get all the rubble off them and separated them. 

"Fred? Fred!?" A small grunt escaped his lips before he opened his eyes, looking around.

"What happened?"

"The wall exploded. Zoë tried to push us off but only landed on you. I think she just saved you." Ron said, helping his brother up into a sitting position. Fred rubbed his forehead, hurt from landing face down.

"ZOË!" Draco yelled, shaking her, but she didn't respond as Fred did. Her eyes remained shut and her body unmoving.

"Please wake up. You can't be dead please." Silent tears began to escaped Draco's eyes, as he placed his head on her chest. Suddenly he jolted up.

"I hear a heartbeat." Draco lifted up Zoë as best he could, with the help of Ron. "Quick. Before-"

Curses started to be directed at them. The group started to move, avoiding the spells and casting ones themselves at the Death Eaters. 

"You go that way." Draco pointed the group to the other side of the hall. "I'll take Zoë to Madam Pomfrey." And with that Draco took hold of Zoë completely and made his way to the Great Hall, leaving Harry to seek exactly where Voldemort was and make his way there.


"Nagini. Kill."

Harry couldn't process what he was witnessing. Right in front of Voldemort in the Shrieking Shack was his old professor, Severus Snape, being attacked by the one who he spied on for the Order. With ever thud Harry whined under the cloak, along with Ron and Hermione. Until finally they stopped, and all Harry could see was Voldemort and Nagini leave, and the blood of Severus on the glass.

The trio made their way to Snape, who was on the floor gasping for air. Tears flowed down his cheek as he could barely turn to face the group that had just come in. Not only was Severus spilling blood, but a blue smoke was coming out of the wounds, floating in the air.

"Take them." Severus gasped. Harry asked Hermione for a vial as he collected the blue memories into it, shutting it. He then got on his knees in front of Severus, pressing down on the gash on his neck.

Severus looked up, finally looked into Harry's eyes after so long, and saying. "You have your mothers' eyes."

Harry shook his head. He knew that what Severus said was meant to be his last words, but something was preventing Severus from finally closing his eyes. Harry thought quickly, before finally blurting out "Zoë...Zoë is going to be okay."

Severus looked up and smiled, before finally closing his eyes, and breathing is last breath.


Harry lied down on the floor of the office face first, finally learning the truth from Snapes' memories. All this time he thought he was learning how to survive, but in fact, he was being taught how to lay his life at the feet of Death, and accept it for the sake of the Wizarding World.

Neither could live, neither could survive.

Harry's chest ached as he wobbled to his feet. But at that moment, not only did he learn about his ultimate death.

He also learned about Zoës'.

Both prophecies seemed to burn in his mind, but Zoës' became fresh in his thoughts.

And a girl, born with non-magical blood and marked as his equal must die at the hands of the Dark Lord...Or else the Boy Who Lived will not be able to defeat the Dark Lord...Her blood must be shed and her death must come twice at the hands of the one who marked her...The ultimate sacrifice, for the life of another. 


Zoë groaned as she opened her eyes, her head was pounding. Immediately she was caught in a tight embrace. She hugged back as best she could, but the person had locked her arms down as well.

"I was so worried about you." Draco's voice could be heard. Zoë smiled and broke apart from him, placing a kiss on his lips.

"I'm okay Draco." She looked around, seeing the Great Hall filled with people, some sitting, some on the floor injured, and some dead. She painfully turned around the other side, only to spot a couple next to her. Their hands were so close to each other as if they died holding hands. One had scars on his face, and the other had mousy brown hair. Both of them had rings on.

Zoë looked down, not being able to bear to look at them, dead. Draco brushed her hair with his hand in comfort.

"Zoë! You're awake!" She looked up to see Fred, George, Neville, and Luna, who looked down at her with smiles. Fred was the only one who went on his knees and brought Zoë into a hug.

"You saved me. I can't thank you enough."

"Fred being serious? Wow never thought I'd see the day." George chuckled. The rest of the group gave a short laugh before Zoë asked "Where's Harry, Hermione, and Ron?" The group gave a shrug.

"Harry told me to kill Voldemorts' snake when I get the chance. He also said he would disappear for a while."

Zoë blotted up, surprising the others.

"Where did Tom Riddle say Harry should go to hand himself over?"

"The Forbidden Forest, but he said he wouldn't-" Zoë turned around and gave Draco a quick kiss. After a quick apology, she pushed Draco to the ground to stall him and ran out of the Great Hall as quickly as possible.

He couldn't have gone far. Zoë thought. She ran out of the Castle, passing Hagrids Hut and into the forest, where she spotted a figure slowly walking deeper into the woods. 

"Harry." Harry turned around, wide-eyed at the sudden appearance of someone else. He didn't a second longer as ran up to her and brought her into an embrace. At that moment, Zoë knew that he knew.

"I'm sorry." Was all Harry was able to say. Although it was Voldemort who placed this fate on both of them, he still felt guilty for what was about to happen to Zoë. They both let go and intertwined hands, walking once more to their deaths.

"We will never be ready, but we have to do this."

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