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Hogwarts Castle

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Hogwarts Castle. September 2nd, 1996

Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley were late to class. It wasn't anything new. Before they could get there Harry was called and given a letter.

Dear Harry,

I would like to start our private lessons this Saturday. Kindly come along to my office at 8 P.M. I hope you are enjoying your first day back at school.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

P.S. I enjoy Acid Pops.

Harry remembered how back at the Burrow, Professor Dumbledore had told him that he would be given Harry lessons on something. Harry felt strange about what these lessons would be about.

 As the entered Potions class, both realized that they hadn't purchased that year's textbook. Both fought with much force over the best-looking book and Harry got stuck with an old battered up one with the name 'The Half-Blood Prine'. Sat down, Professor Slughorn spoke:

"Now students, what I have here is a special brew. Could anyone identify it for me?"

Of course, Hermione's hand shot up. She stated it was Amortentia, the most powerful love potion.

"The scent is also different for each person. Like for example, I smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and..." Hermione shut her mouth, a flush of pink appearing on her cheeks. As the lesson continued, Professor Slughorn mentioned something that seemed to have intrigued Draco Malfoy.

"Whoever can produce the best Draught of Living Death will get a bit of Liquid Luck."

The students went on their way, and Harry, unknowingly, had a bit of help from his book. Lines on how to make the potion were crossed out and replaced with another line, saying something completely different.

Harry followed what the book had to say, much to the distaste of Hermione, who's hair was more frizzy than normal and her potion was far from being decent.

Professor Slughorn came to Harry's potion and placed a single leaf in it.

"Well my, my, my! That potion could place anyone in the deepest of sleep. Well done Mr. Potter. I believe this belongs to you." Harry was given the Liquid Luck, and he proudly took it, with upset faces from both Hermione and Draco.


Once all the class for the day were over, Hermione and Evanora met up and started to run to Dumbledore's office, wide smiles on their faces. They hadn't seen their muggle best friend since the battle of the Department of Mysteries and they were excited to finally see her after so long. Dumbledore had given the password to Hermione when he dropped off Harry at the Burrow, so they entered with ease.

"Well, what a surprise. Hello Ms. Granger and Ms. Bones." Dumbledore said, standing next to an angry-looking Professor Snape.

"Hi Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape. We're just here to visit Zoë." Evanora said as they guided Hermione to Zoë's room. One knock and Zoë already opened the door. Hermione and Evanora immediately tackled Zoë in a hug, smiling and crying at seeing their friend healthy and safe. Zoë hugged them back to closed the door to her room.

"Oh Zoë you have no idea of worried we have been. We weren't able to see if you were okay after the Battle. We have so many questions for you."

Zoë sat straight as questions were thrown at her. Finally she spoke:

"How's Harry Potter doing?" This caught both Hermione and Evanora off guard. Never have they heard Zoë talk about Harry before. Hermione answered.

"Well, he's doing just fine. Why ask?" Zoë shook her head and said she was just curious. But all Zoë wanted to know is how he was handling himself after the Battle. Zoë couldn't seem to get over the fact that Harry Potter seemed to have recovered so quickly, while she was still suffering with constant dreams about Tom Riddle and not being able to show any true emotions. 

The friends continued to speak, and it was almost 11 pm when Hermione and Evanora finally left. Zoë felt exhausted. All she wanted was to sleep and not have to see Tom Riddle in her dreams ever again.

That wouldn't happen, of course. 

Zoë was stuck in a long hallway, with only blue lights shining the path. Suddenly the blue lights disappeared, leaving Zoë in the dark and cold. A loud, poisonous laugh filled the room, and no matter how tight Zoë pressed her hands over her ears the laugh continued to go on. It stopped and spoke.

"What a weak muggle. Couldn't even save her poor father from a death he didn't deserve. Oh how guilty must she feel that his death is all HER FAULT!"

The voice got louder, as a single light appeared, with Tom Riddle standing right under it. He looked just how he looked like when he killed her father.

Or...more like the day Zoë let her father get killed.

But something new moved right next to Tom, a boy with raven hair and a scar. Zoë smiled.

"Harry please help me. You can defeat him I kn..." Harry Potter laughed, taking Zoë off guard.

He sounded just like Tom Riddle, down to the laugh.

"You think I'm going to help a pathetic muggle just because we both have a scar? Well think again. I'm stronger than you. I recovered faster then you. You're nothing. The weak should die." And with that Harry Potter held up his hand, and in horror, Zoë saw Tom Riddle lift his wand, and a green light filled her vision.

Zoë woke up, sweating and panting. That was the worst nightmare she has had, and it all seemed too real. She looked at the clock she had on her wall. 3:34 A.M.

Zoë sighed. There was no point in going back to sleep if she was going to have another nightmare.

Zoë left her room and, without even thinking, left the office. For the first time ever Zoë was out of the office during the school year without an invisibility cloak on. She decided to go to the closet bathroom and wash off all the sweat off her face. 

She wouldn't make far, as she hit her head on something. She rubbed her head to see which piller she knocked her head on, but nothing was there. Only after she felt a slight breeze on her side, did she realize what she had knocked into. 

Zoë reached out and took hold of the fabric and ripped it off, revealing the scar-head boy.

A/N: Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've been excited to write a proper Harry Potter and Zoë Dumbledore interaction and I finally get to do so, so I can't wait for the next update. I'm sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes and thank you for reading. Bye!

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