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Hogwarts Castle

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Hogwarts Castle. October 14, 1996

Harry Potter walked along the halls of the castle along with his friends Hermione and Ron, entering the Great Hall for breakfast. As soon as they walked in Evanora came up to Hermione and hugged her.

"Hey, do you want to visit Zoë for a bit? I want to bring her some food." Hermione nodded but before they could turn back Harry caught their attention.

"Can...can I join?" Evanora and Hermione looked at each other. Never did Harry ask this before. Nonetheless, they agreed and the four of them, including Ron who didn't want to stay in the hall alone, walked up to the Headmaster's office entrance.

"You don't think she'll mind Harry and I visiting...right?" Ron said, a bit awkward in his movement.

"I hope she doesn't mind..." Evanora said as Hermione said the password and they were able to go up the stairs. Professor Dumbledore seemed to have not arrived yet, which concerned Harry a bit since Dumbledore did say their second lesson would be soon.

The group walked up to Zoë's door and with a simple knock from Hermione, Zoë answered.

She didn't look well at all. There were obvious bags under her eyes from a lack of sleep and swollen from what seemed like a night of crying. Her dark brown eyes were tinted with red as she scanned the group before gesturing them to come in, looking at Harry a bit longer than normal.

The tiny room barely managed to hold all five of them, but with a bit of room between each person, they managed.

"What brings you all here?" Zoë finally spoke. Evanora gave her the food she got from the Great Hall and with a small smile, Zoë thanked her.

"I was getting a bit hungry. Dobby doesn't come until after the Hogwarts students have breakfast."

"You know Dobby?" Harry said out loud, Zoë turned around at the scar head boy, but didn't look him in the eyes but at his scar. She lowered her head and answered.

"Yes, I do. Dobby brings me food every day since I obviously can't eat in the Great Hall." The tension in the room became thick. Harry seemed to have struck a nerve with Zoë without even realizing it. Harry withdrew from any conversation after that. He didn't even know why he wanted to come here in the first place.

The girls continued to talk, with short answers coming from Zoë.

"It's 8:30. You guys should be getting ready to head to class." Harry wanted to ask how she knew that they started classes soon, but of course, he didn't say a word. The group got up with Hermione and Evanora giving a tight hug to Zoë before saying goodbye. With Ron and Harry behind the girls, they walked out first.

Suddenly Harry stopped.

"You go on ahead Ron. I'll see you in Defense Against the Dark Arts." Before Ron could protest, Harry was already back in the office. He knocked on Zoë's door and she opened it, a bit shocked to see it was just Harry this time.

"Anything I can help you with?" Harry just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. He wanted to know what kind of connection they had besides the scar that gave reason for Voldemort to go after them both.

"Can I see your scar?" Harry asked. Zoë only stared at him, her eyes wanting to swell with tears again. She shook her head and closed the door, leaving Harry to get out of the office.


"Are you mental Harry? You can't just ask that." Hermione said to Harry as they walked to their next class. Harry sighed, stating how he didn't know why he would ask this.

"Harry! Harry!" The trio turned around to see Ginny Weasley running to them, a piece of paper in her hand. "This is for you." She handed the paper to Harry before walking past them, meeting up with Dean. Harry tensed up, a wave of weird anger boiling in him at the sight of Dean hugging Ginny as they walked down the hall. Trying to ignore it, he opened the note and was presented with the nice neat handwriting of Professor Dumbledore.

Dear Harry,

I would lke to have our second lesson today at 8 P.M. Kindly be in my office before or at this time.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore.

Placing the letter in his pocket, the trio walked to class.


It was 7:30 P.M. Harry was sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room waiting for the time to strike 7:50 so that he could start walking to his private lessons. With his invisibility cloak in hand, he decided to head out early, has he wanted to discuss some things to Professor Dumbledore before the lesson began. 

When he arrived, he stated the password and went up the stairs to the office, where it was empty and dark. The only light came from the moon through the window, and the light coming from her room.

Harry couldn't quite get over how stupid he had been asking that kind of request to Zoë. He honestly didn't even know why he asked that. 

Suddenly Zoë opened the door to her room, seeming to look for someone and not noticing Harry there.

"Uncle Albus! Have you seen my book?" She turned around, finally facing Harry. Her expression dropped. Harry avioded eye contact and looked down, seeing a book on the floor.

Well more like a journal. Harry picked it up and extended it to Zoë.

"Is this what you're looking for?" Zoë looked at the book and walked over to him, taking the book out of his hand and thanked him. At that moment, Albus Dumbledore walked in on the two.

"Did you call for me dear?" He asked. Zoë nodded. "Yeah. I thought I lost my book. I must have left it out here when I came to look out the window. Now please excuse me." Zoë quickly retreated to her room and closed it shut, leaving Harry and Professor Dumbledore in the office.

"I see you two were talking." Dumbledore addressed to Harry. Harry, before responding, looked at the man's face. Sadness was all over Dumbledore's eyes. Harry ignored it and addressed him back.

"Not quite sir. I believe she hates me actually and would prefer to stay away from me. I just found her book and returned it to her." A slight smile appeared on the wise man. "Oh no Harry, Zoë doesn't hate. I just believe...she had lots of things in her mind right now." 

Harry just nodded and asked what this next lesson would be about. 

"You'll have to see." Professor Dumbledore poured the memories into the Pensieve and Harry viewed the next set of memories that served as lessons.

As Harry viewed the memories of a small Tom Riddle in the orphanage, Zoë slightly peered through a small crack she made by opening the door, wondering what was going on with these weird night visits from Harry.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this...bland chapter. I promise more interesting stuff will come soon. I mean, this is the Half Blood Prince we are talking about, you all should know what happens in this book. Some crazy things. I already know how Zoë will be involved so just wait and see. Sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes and stay safe. Bye.

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