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It was cold,wet,and dark as Jughead sat outside of the Whyte Wrym with his hands rooted into his hair with his small beanie being discarded next to him.

He let out a shaky breath as his knee bounced lightly,it was cold and wet outside but he didn't care,he just needed to be away from everyone. Sweet Pea had saw Jughead walk out of the Wrym and decided he needed a chance to cool off.

Jughead sat there trying his best to keep his tears in,he pulled his hands away from his face and looked up at the dark sky as it started to rain. He sniffled and rubbed his nose with his sleeve as he looked up at the dark rain clouds feeling cold droplets land on his face.

After about 15 minutes Sweet Pea came to check up on him as he had an umbrella with him and went and sat beside Jughead,hovering it over the two of them. Jughead sniffled and looked towards Sweet Pea,he had tears rolling down his face but it was hard to tell as the raindrops were also doing the same.

"Tell me what happened" Sweet Pea said as he kept the umbrella adjusted right over them. "You know when you want something so badly but you know you'll never get it?

Yeah..that's it" Jughead choked out fiddling with his thumbs as he looked down,away from Sweet Pea. "Who is it?" Sweet Pea asked as it was more than obvious he meant a person.

"That's something I can't tell you.." Jughead said frowning and wiping his eyes once again. Sweet Pea only nodded. "I get it" he said softly as he rubbed his shoulder to comfort him. "I'm just so tired of feeling shitty because of one person."

He said as he leaned into his touch slightly,not being able to resist the urge. "Why? What happened? Did they hurt you?" Sweet Pea asked. "Worse"

Jughead began wiping his eyes once more as he teared up. "He doesn't even like guys...and I know he doesn't because I've seen him with girls,I've heard how he talks about them..the most he's ever thought of me as is a friend,not even a bestfriend.."

Sweet Pea frowned softly as he didn't like seeing him upset. "Maybe if you tried sharing some of the same interest with him that would help." He suggested. "I do..I do..  sometimes he's just so close.. but something stops me from reaching out to him.

It feels like I'm falling off an edge and he's got his hand out for me to grab but by the time I finally reach my hand up it's too late and I just can't reach..like right now.." Sweet Pea looked over at him "Is that person,me.." He asked softly.

Jughead didn't look at Sweet Pea and he stayed quiet letting out an almost silent choked sob. "Jug" he said softly as he pulled him into a gentle hug. He turned and pressed his face into Sweet Pea's shoulder letting out chocked sobs.

He didn't know what Sweet Pea was going to say next and he just wanted to be close to him for whatever it was going to be..whether this would be his last time smelling his cologne to whether it'd start him being able to smell it everyday.

He wanted to be able to remember his scent if this would be his last chance so he latched onto Sweet Pea and took in heavy,shaky breaths as he sobbed letting his tears go.

He pressed himself into Sweet Pea a little more just so he could be closer to him. "I'm so sorry Jug,I'm so sorry I hurt you,I never meant to upset you." He held Jughead closer to him as he felt terrible that he was the cause of his tears,his pain,and his suffering.

"Don't apologize,you did nothing wrong. Just say you want me to leave you alone and I will,promise." He said as he cried into Sweet Pea's shoulder as his words were muffled. He shook his head no and made Jughead look at him and gently held his cheeks in the palms of his hands.

"I don't want you to leave me alone." He said softly as he wiped his tears away gently. Jughead looked back at Sweet Pea,his eyes still red and leaking tears. "It's ok if I ruined everything.

You don't need to pretend that you don't hate me..it's ok." He held onto Sweet Pea's cheeks gently "It's ok.." he said as more tears streamed down his face. "Jug,I promise you,if I hated you and wanted me to leave you alone you would know,and I would tell you."

He wiped his tears away once more. "Please Jug,don't cry anymore,please.." he said softly. Jughead took a deep breath and looked at Sweet Pea trying to stop his crying. "I'm an ugly crier..I know." He said laughing slightly to himself as he finally gained control over his tears and stopped them.

"It's ok" Sweet Pea said as he smiled softly at him while wiping Jughead's remaining tears away. "Why?" Jughead asked quietly. "Because i'm and even uglier crier." Sweet Pea said. "You could never be ugly,no matter what you're doing." He smiled a little bit and hugged Sweet Pea,resting his head over his heart and listening,closing his eyes.

Sweet Pea kept one of his hands over Jughead's cheek as he held him close to him. "How're you so calm?" Jughead asked him as he sniffled quietly one last time. "What do you mean?" Sweet Pea asked him. "Your heartbeat..it's so strong..endlessly unremitting."

He opened his eyes and looked up at him. "You know what that means?" He asked as he smiling slightly. Sweet Pea shook his head no. "Tell me" he said smiling softly at him. "Unremitting;adjective. Not remitting: constant or incessant. Unremitting love ending in unremitting pain."

He said looking up at Sweet Pea smiling. Sweet Pea smiled back at him as he leaned his forehead gently onto his. He looked lovingly into Sweet Pea's eyes "unremitting love.."

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