𝙇𝙞𝙖𝙧 𝙇𝙞𝙖𝙧

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Jughead didn't like crying or the thought of crying in front of people for the fear of seeming weak. Right now it made it even worse for him because he was crying over something that wasn't supposed to get to him but did.

He didn't even care at this point,all he wanted was to be closer to Sweet Pea. Jughead loved him,their was no doubt about it. But did Sweet Pea really feel the same? He didn't know and whether it would hurt him in the end or not he needed to know.

After all,like he said earlier,he's not going to be anyone's guinea pig anymore or again. Jughead wiped his tears away and looked up at Sweet Pea. "I'm sorry,I cry to much." Jughead said laughing at himself a little in embarrassment.

"It's ok." Sweet Pea said softly as he wiped a few of Jughead's tears away. It hurt him to see him cry. Sweet Pea thought that Jughead deserved to be with someone that loved him,accepted him,and appreciated him.

Sweet Pea knew that he hadn't exactly done these things over the past day or so but he knew what he wanted now and usually what he wanted,he got.

Whether it included sexual desires or just for enjoyment,if he wanted it,he got it. Jughead looked at Sweet Pea with tears still welled up in his eyes. Sweet Pea saw all the hurt in his eyes. "It'll be ok Jug,I promise."

He said pulling him close to him. Jughead could only nod his head yes as he sniffled slightly. He felt so warm and so safe with him,he didn't care how clique it sounded.

He felt butterflies in his stomach just being close to Sweet Pea. Just hearing him abbreviate his name made him feel wanted and that's all he wanted was to feel like he meant something to someone.

A few moments later,Toni and Fangs came around the corner. "Guys,I hate to interrupt. But we gotta go..like,now." She said seriously. The two boys had no idea what was happening or why they had to go but they both only nodded as they made their way to their bikes. They followed Toni who eventually led them to the Whyte Wrym.

They all saw Sheriff Keller's cruiser outside and knew that it wasn't good. They all cautiously walked inside to see Sheriff Keller,Betty and Alice Cooper talking to Fp. "Shit..." Toni said underneath her breath.

"It'll be ok." Fangs said calmly. "All three of us were witnesses and we can all say that Betty hit you first. Self-defense." Toni glanced at Fangs before she said walked over to all of them as the other 3 Serpents followed.

Fp looked over at the four young Serpents and he showed no readable expression on his face. Betty was crying but everyone except for apparently Alice and Sheriff Keller could tell it fake. She blew her nose into a tissue before she spoke.

"Yes,I'm sure it was Toni. She attacked me and even threatened to kill me." She let a few more dramatic sobs play out. Alice Cooper was currently trying to comfort her by rubbing over her shoulder.

Fp was clearly not impressed by her performance and Sheriff Keller called Toni over. "Ms.Topaz,a moment of your time please." Toni sighed to herself and resisted an eye roll. "Did you attack Ms.Cooper?" He asked.

"I did" She replies calmly. "But only after I told her I was going to kick her ass if she put her hands on me one more time and she did. Also,I never threatened to kill her. She's not worth getting incarcerated over." Toni simply replied shrugging.

"She's lying." Betty replied angrily as suddenly her victim persona had disappeared. Everyone looked at her with a suspicious look except for her mother.

She saw the look everyone was giving her and quickly put the victim character back into play. Sheriff Keller was clearly over the whole situation by now and spoke up. "I think I've heard enough for now and we'll continue this tomorrow."

Alice was clearly upset by Sheriff Keller saying they'd continue this tomorrow. "So you're going to just let this dirty Serpent girl assault my daughter?" She questioned. "She should be put into jail for this.

You Serpents need to be put in your rightful place after all." She said spitefully. Toni couldn't help but laugh at Alice. "Aren't you aware of your history here?" Toni questioned only to have Alice's face drain of it's color.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She said clearing her throat. "Anyway we have to go. We have waisted more than enough time in this dirty place." She said grabbing Betty's wrist and pulling her out of the bar.

Sheriff Keller looked at them all. "Sorry for waisting your time." He said awkwardly before he nodded at Fp and left. Fp looked over at the four younger Serpents "Let's have a celebration."
I'm sorry I make my chapters so short. I just do it to like even it out so I'll have something to post each time I do so yea. This was kind of basically sort of a filler chapter. There is a lot more things to come in the next chapter or 2 so look out for that and if you haven't you can also go check out my other book a most recently released called Swangs Tendencies. It's a Sweet Pea x Fangs book so if you want go check it out it'll really mean a lot to me. And as always I hope you enjoyed :).

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