𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣

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Jughead knew what he was saying,what he was about to do,was in fact wrong,very wrong. "What?" Sweet Pea asked confused. "Jughead,I thought you were gay?"

Jughead shook his head "Nope,I'm bisexual. I thought I was gay until,Betty Cooper came along." Sweet Pea's jaw clenched slightly as Jughead knew Sweet Pea didn't like Betty Cooper...or many people in general but he especially didn't like Betty Cooper.

He always thought she was to bubbly and joyful and he just didn't like it. Truthfully,Jughead didn't know how long he'd be able to keep this whole him dating Betty thing would last.

He knew damn well he didn't like Betty or even have romantic feelings towards her. He knew he was just about as straight as a circle. Sweet Pea only nodded "Well,if you're happy,I'm happy."

Sweet Pea didn't know why he was getting this twang of jealousy instead of him. If Jughead wanted to date someone,it wasn't his business.

Jughead nodded and felt the awkward tension building up. "I'll see you around." Jughead said finally and Sweet Pea nodded "I'll see you around." He said before Jughead walked off. Sweet Pea let out a frustrated sigh as he leaned against the wall.

Jughead wasn't his property or thing to toy around with,so why did he feel jealousy towards Betty. He felt like he wanted Jughead to himself and he wanted him to dwell on him. He realized how selfish that sounded but he couldn't help it or control it.

He just wanted Jughead to himself. "You're jealous aren't you Pea?" Fangs asked coming up beside him. "Don't call me that Fogarty." Sweet Pea said rolling his eyes. "Jealous of what?" He questioned but knew exactly what he meant.

"You've got a thing for Jones and now that he's with the Cooper girl,you're jealous." Sweet Pea sighed knowing it was true but would never admit it,not even to himself. "I don't have a thing for Jughead,and good for him,he's dating Betty Cooper."

Fangs rolled his eyes "You're absolutely hopeless. Can't you see what he's doing." Sweet Pea looked at him confused. Sweet Pea wasn't the brightest of them all but it wasn't like he was dumb,he just didn't really take the time to think or evaluate a lot of things.

And this was one of those things. Fangs sighed face palming. "He's trying to make you jealous. Do you know how many girls hit on him at the Whyte Wrym that are way hotter than Betty but he turns them away?

You and I both know he's not bisexual,he's gay." Sweet Pea rolled his eyes "Even if he is,it's not going to work." Fangs had a slight grin on his face. "So you admit that you are jealous of him so called dating Betty but him trying to make you jealous when you already are isn't going to work because you're already jealous."

Sweet Pea looked at him even more confused. "No...?" He said as the bell rung. "Anyways I gotta go and I'm not jealous." Sweet Pea said as he walked away."Shit shit shit" Jughead said to himself after he was far enough away from Sweet Pea.

He didn't even tell Betty about this so how was he going to pull this off? He thought about it a minute and just decided he would just ask Betty to be his girlfriend when he saw her next.

His class carried on,boring as normal and as soon as the bell rung he rushed to find Betty. She was once again standing at his locker just as he'd hoped. He went up to her "Hey" he started off.

She had a joyful look on her face as he saw a hopeful spark in her eyes. "Hey" she said smiling. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He straight up asked her. He truthfully had no idea how it worked and this was starting to seem like middle school.

Two kids that just deciding to date after they haven't spoken in months kind of thing. "R-really?" Betty asked. She was so taken off guard. She thought that this was the best day of her life.

"Yea" Jughead said hoping he sounded more confident than he did. She nodded happily and then kissed him. Jughead hated it. The taste of her minty chapstick was disgusting but,he kissed back.

As he kissed her,he thought about Sweet Pea and how his lips were so much softer than Betty's and tasted faintly of vanilla and a hint of mango which surprisingly went well together. After they pulled away from the kiss Jughead faintly smiled at her.

"So about that trip to Pop's.." Betty started "It's a date,I'll meet you there and 7." Jughead said. She nodded as she smiled. "I'll see you then." She said giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek before going to her next class. God he hated her bubbly personality.


Sweet Pea walked into the cafeteria with Fangs talking about god knows what and took their seats after they were served the seemingly decent cafeteria food as Toni was waiting for them at their table.

Not long after them,Jughead along with Betty came and sat down at their table. Sweet Pea could feel his temperature almost instantly rise but not in embarrassment,in anger. He couldn't stand to watch Jughead have his arm wrapped around the blonde ponytailed girl.

They were to completely opposite people. Betty frowned upon Sweet Pea and belittled him many times before because he was a Serpent. Well newsflash Cooper,so is Jughead Jones but that didn't seem to phase her.

Sweet Pea resisted an eye roll as they shared a kiss and he looked over at Fangs as he was pretending to throw up. Sweet Pea let out a small scoffed laugh at him causing the blonde to look over.

"What's so funny?" She asked making Sweet Pea and Fangs immediately stop laughing and look at her. "Noth-" Fangs started "You" Sweet Pea said casually, cutting him off. Toni hid her laugh and Betty sent a glare at her.

Betty had been lucky Toni didn't catch that. "What about me is so funny." Betty said crossing her arms. Sweet Pea shrugged. "Listen,Betty,I'm not trying to start something that you can't finish so I'm just not going to say anything."

Sweet Pea was proud of himself for saying that. It took a lot for him to walk away from a lot of situations but this was a girl and he'd never let his anger get the best of him to the point of hitting a woman. Even if it was Betty Cooper.

"No,tell me." She insisted with her snoppy attitude. Fangs laughed slightly to himself and Sweet Pea spoke once more. "I just think it's funny that..you actually believe what you and Jughead have is real." Jughead's face went pale.

-Is he really going to do this? Is he going to publicly out me?- Jughead started to panic on the inside. "What's that supposed to mean?" She questioned. "It means exactly what I said,I don't explain myself to people like you Cooper."

He said calmly. Betty got up from her seat and started walking over to Sweet Pea as she pointed her finger at him "People like me? I live on the Northside. Not on the Southside with you scum." She said moving closer to him as he only sat there.

Toni stepped right in front of her before she even got any closer to Sweet Pea. "Lay a finger on him bitch. I dare you." Toni threatened. It made her angry to see Jughead just sit there and do nothing as this outsider to their group tried to push them around and she wouldn't have it.

Betty looked shocked as she never expected Toni to say that. It was true she was short but she put up a hell of a fight. Betty didn't listen though and pointed her finger right into Toni's face. "Or what?"

She taunted Toni. "Oh shit" Fangs said. He'd seen Toni fight many times and she'd never lost. No matter how badly she'd gotten beaten up she always came out on top. Toni was starting to angrier by the second.

"Get your finger out of my face and if you don't I'm gonna beat the shit out of you." Toni warned with a look almost of disgust on her face. Betty had a slight smirk on her face as she found it entertaining and put her finger right in the middle of Toni's forehead.

As soon as Toni was about to swing at her,Betty was pulled away and out of the cafeteria by Jughead. Toni started to go after but was stopped by Sweet Pea.

"She's not worth it,or our time." Sweet Pea said. Toni glanced up at him. "He should've at least let me hit her once."

This is a bit dramatic but I like the drama. I also just  thought it'd be cool to see Toni stick up for Sweet Pea. There is going to be a bit more...excitement *cough cough JugPea* to come in the next chapter and I hope you enjoyed this one. P.S,my dms are open and if you have any ideas,subjects,or topics you'd like to see me write about I'd be happy to do so.

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