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Sweet Pea leaned in close and kissed him gently only for a moment before pulling away. Jughead's eyes widened for a moment in shock before he pressed their lips together again kissing him softly but for longer.

He pulled away from Jughead suddenly as he did and looked away from him and down at the ground. "I-I I'm sorry Jug,but I'm not gay." He said a bit quietly.

It took a moment for Sweet Pea's words to sink in but when they did his eyes instantly started to water and he hated that they did as he was tired of crying. "B-But you just..why d-did y-you.." He stuttered out as he moved away from Sweet Pea.

"Jughead" Sweet Pea said softly as he reached out for him. "N-No! No.." he said pushing Sweet Pea's hand away. He grabbed his hand and stood on his shaky legs. He look at Sweet Pea with hurt eyes,tears starting to fall down his irritated cheeks again. Sweet Pea stood up.

"I don't want to hurt you." He said coming towards him slowly. Every step he took closer to him,the more he would back away as tears fell down his face. "Then why'd you do it?" He asked stopping, he wasn't just angry now..he was in pain.. but he didn't like crying in front of people he didn't trust and he didn't trust Sweet Pea anymore.

"You made me think that I actually had a chance!" He shouted clenching his fists digging his nails into his palms. The reason he had left was because Sweetpea had been continuously chatting up and getting close to one of the female serpents and he just couldn't handle watching it..

He didn't even know why he thought that after seeing that happen there was even a chance of hope for him. "I thought I could try,for you Jug,I wanted to try to make you happy,I felt a spark between us and I thought maybe there was a chance."

Sweet Pea said moving closer to him. "That spark you felt is an incessant blazing fire for me! It hurts! And right now it feels like you tried to put it out but you used gasoline instead of water! Just leave me alone, Sweetpea..

I'm not strong enough to have you toy with my emotions because the small amount of happiness is so not worth the amount of pain afterwards.. go find some chic to fuck! Forget about everything that happened! Go back to that whore you were chatting up!"

He shouted, once he was close enough, he started to weakly hit Sweetpea's chest and shoulders. His words made him seem strong but his trembling shoves and flat handed assaults barely even moved Sweet Pea as he clenched his teeth eyes sparkling with tears in the moonlight.

He pulled Jughead's arms down and pulled him into a hug as he had never meant to hurt Jughead as it tore him apart to see Jughead like this and to know that he had caused it made it worse and even to see Jughead mad at him made him upset as he wanted to be the one to make him laugh,not cry.

"Let me go! Let me go!" He cried thrashing about and trying to get away from Sweetpea. "You can't just kiss me then tell me it's never going to happen then when I try to get you to go away you can't just hug me! You can't! It's not how it works! Because I love you! I have since I first saw you! And you don't love me and you never will!"

He sobbed but he stopped fighting and fell against him crying out loudly, he didn't know what to do. His heart ached for Jughead as he held him tightly and close to him "I do love you Jug,I do love you,I love you" he said softly as felt a lump grow in his throat and leaned his head on Jughead's as a tear slipped from his eye.

"No you don't! If you loved me you wouldn't be doing this!" He cried his knees buckling making him fall from Sweetpea's grip and he just landed hard on his knees in front of him sobbing with his head hung and fists clenched.

His palms were starting to bleed. Before Sweet Pea even had a chance to react,Toni came and stepped in between them. She hadn't seen every bit of what happened but had heard a few things. "Sweet Pea,I think you should go." She said as her tone showed a little bit of disappointment.

"I just want to make sure-" and before he could even finish his sentence,Toni interrupted him. "I'll make sure he's ok,you've upset him enough. Just go Sweet Pea." Once more,Sweet Pea swallowed the lump in his throat and just nodded his head before he let his temper get the best of him,which he hand many times.

Jughead was full on sobbing and it only got worse as Sweet Pea left. Toni made sure Jughead got home and he explained to her what had happened,but really just bits and pieces. When the got to SunnySide Trailer Park,they saw that Sweet Pea wasn't at his trailer yet.

Jughead and Toni talked for a bit before she left. Jughead went into the bedroom of the trailer since he'd found his father asleep on the couch. He changed into a shirt and a pair of shorts and then went to the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help the wave of sadness that washed over him and started to cry once more. His eyes,along with his cheeks,were already puffy and irritated so crying didn't help that go away.

"Why am I not enough?" He asked himself though his tears as he leaned against the back of the door and pulled of his beanie. But Jughead wouldn't be the only one to shed tears that night.

As it hurt Sweet Pea just as equally. After Toni had told him to go,he'd went to a spot he'd found near Sweet Water River and went there. He cried as he thought about how he'd hurt Jughead.

"Why do I have to be such an idiot?" He asked himself angrily through his tears. He hated crying,he thought it to be a sign of weakness. After an hour or so he,knew he needed to blow off steam before he bottled up his anger even more than he already did.

He left his small sacred spot near Sweet Water River and went back to his trailer. It was a good thing he was going to go blow off steam now instead of bottling it up. Because if only he knew what was in store for the next morning...

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