𝘼 "𝘾𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣"

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"For what?" Fangs questioned. "Just because he needs a reason to drink." Jughead replied sighing. "And for Toni not getting arrested. It's a celebration for her."

Fp said glancing at her but the three younger Serpents obviously knew it was an excuse for him to drink. Fp had promised Jughead around the time his mom and JB had left that he would only drink occasionally but sometimes Jughead would let him slip up every once in a while.

Jughead nodded "A celebration,I feel like everyone needs that right about now." They all agreed with him and then Fp made a small but dramatic speech dedicated to Toni.

As the night progressed, Jughead and Sweet Pea talked about what happened a few nights ago. Jughead felt himself start to relax and try to trust Sweet Pea again. Sweet Pea and Jughead were playing pool.

Sweet Pea wanted to let Jughead win to make him feel good. Jughead could tell Sweet Pea was letting him win because Sweet Pea had never lost. Ever. Jughead thought it was sweet and a nice gesture though.

Jughead glanced up at Sweet Pea as Sweet Pea took the shot and purposely missed which caused Jughead to scoff a laugh and move to the side he was at. "What?" Sweet Pea asked as he'd heard Jughead's slight laugh. "Nothing."

He replied in a light tone as he had his signature genuine grin on his face. "I just think it's sweet you let me win." Jughead said glancing at him as he took his shot and won the game. Jughead then sat on the pool table but still had to look up a bit at Sweet Pea. "Pssh. I didn't let you win."

Sweet Pea said standing in front of him, causing Jughead to tilt his head up a bit more. "Sure you didn't. I suck at pool and you never lose." Jughead stated as he pressed his hands gently against Sweet Pea's chest.

Sweet Pea glanced down at Jughead hands and Jughead then pulled them away. "Sorry." He said lightly. "Don't be." Sweet Pea said placing them back. Jughead couldn't help the bit of heat he felt radiating from his face and the whirlwind that formed in his stomach as Sweet Pea held his hands in his and placed them back onto his chest.

"And maybe that's true. Maybe I did let you win." Jughead laughed a bit. "Well, thank you, Sweet Pea." He said smiling. "No problem." He said returning the smile and caused Jughead to blush and hide his face in Sweet Pea's chest.

Sweet Pea couldn't help but let out a small laugh as Fp came onto the stage and started to make an announcement. That got everyone attention and Jughead hopped down from the pool table and Sweet Pea followed him to the front to stand next to Fangs and Toni.

Jughead rolled his eyes as he could tell his father was heavily intoxicated. He hated when his father would drink. But only Jughead, his mother, and sister knew why. Fp's whole "speech", was slurred and mostly complete nonsense. "Ok dad, that's enough."

Jughead said helping his dad down from the steps and helping him out of the back of the Whyte Wrym. "I'm fine." He yelled at Jughead causing him to flinch a bit. No one was around since they were already outside in the back. Jughead helped Fp all the way back home and onto the couch, only to be roughly shoved into the ground.

He knew his father would get even more physical if he stayed in the living room. Jughead quickly removed himself from the room and went to his closing and locking the door behind him. He felt it sad that he needed and had to do this for the safety of his well-being.

Jughead sighed lightly as he backed away from the door and sighed. He glanced around his room a minutes before stripping down into his boxers and throwing his dirty clothes into his laundry hamper and getting underneath the covers.

He turned onto his side and couldn't help but smile as he replayed the memories of his with Sweet Pea. He recalled how warm he'd felt when Sweet Pea was that close to him and when he'd put his on in his chest. Almost like magic, Jughead heard a knock on his window which startled him and snapped him out of his thoughts.

He went over to the window and seen that it was Sweet Pea and immediately smiled. Jughead then looked down at his attire and opened the window for Sweet Pea to climb through before he went over to his dresser and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a plain gray t-shirt.

Sweet Pea climbed through the window and almost fell as he did, causing Jughead to laugh at bit. Sweet Pea made a slight face at him before closing the window. "You have to be a bit quite. My dad's right in the living room." Jughead explained and Sweet Pea nodded.

"Why're you here anyway?" Jughead asked. "You and Fp just disappeared. You didn't even say goodbye, which was a bit rude you know?" Sweet Pea said sitting on Jughead's bed. Jughead couldn't help but roll his eyes lightly and smile at the raven haired boy.

"Sorry, I would've but I had to get my dad home. He had a little to much to drink." Jughead said as he looked down a bit. Sweet Pea nodded once more as he'd seen Jughead look down. "What's wrong?" Sweet Pea asked, only to have Jughead shake his head a bit. "Nothing."

He said smiling lightly. Sweet Pea moved over for Jughead to come sit on the bed next to him. Jughead went and sat right next to Sweet Pea and looked at him. "Tell me." Sweet Pea said in a soft tone. Jughead has never really heard Sweet Pea talk like this. But when he did, it gave him butterflies in stomach. "There's nothing to tell. I promise."

Jughead said smiling softly at Sweet Pea. Jughead's nose and his cheek were a pale shade of pink. The trailer was quite cold and he was blushing quite a bit. Sweet Pea couldn't help but admire Jughead's face since they were this close now.

Jughead caught Sweet Pea's eyes moving around and looking at his face. Jughead looked down as he'd gotten embarrassed, only to have Sweet Pea slowly turn his head back up so that they were now face to face again.

Jughead's face was now visibly a light shade of crimson as Sweet Pea placed his hand on his cheek. Sweet Pea's hands were cold to the touch but he enjoyed the feeling of them as they gave him goosebumps. Jughead looked into Sweet Pea's eyes and Sweet Pea looked back into Jughead's.

Sweet Pea bit his lip lightly before speaking. He wasn't sure if it was out of anxiousness or desire. "Is it bad that I want to kiss you?"

Yes, I finally updated. I hope you all enjoyed this and thank you so much for the support I've gotten! It really means so much to me that people enjoy this book! 🖤

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