𝙃𝙞𝙢 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄

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(Play the song linked if you want.)

I waited and I waited and I waited some more. I waited until I couldn't wait anymore. Jughead said he'd be here by now so why didn't he come? Maybe he just wanted to get back at me. I know I hurt him but I thought we'd moved past that. I've been waiting here for over an hour and now it's pouring outside. Whatever. I don't give a fuck a this point honestly. He made me look like a fucking idiot..

Sweet Pea made his way out of Pop's and obviously wasn't happy that Jughead never showed.


It started as a drop, then a light sprinkle. Then, it was a steady downpour and eventually the town was engulfed with the downpour of the water that rained from the sky. It started to become foggy and cold outside as Jughead looked out of the window.

He knew Sweet Pea was going to hate him, but he had to at least try and explain. He couldn't do it over text even if he wanted to. His father had somehow managed to step on his phone walking out of the room. Jughead got himself together, preparing how he would explain what happened to Sweet Pea.

He quietly locked his door, even though there was no need considering there was basically a thunderstorm outside. He then carefully opened his window, climbing out. He landed in a,thankfully,small puddle. He cursed lightly underneath his breath before closing the window quickly and sprinting to Sweet Pea's trailer.

As he ran in the storm, he thought about the storm forming in his mind. The storm coursing through his veins and pumping in his heart. He tried to plan out what he would say to Sweet Pea but he couldn't think of anything. He didn't know how he could explain his father kicking his ass because he knew how Sweet Pea was.

What made is worse was that he knew how much Sweet Pea respected Fp. He got to the steps of Sweet Pea's trailer, unaware of the tears streaming down his face. No answer. He knocked again. No answer.

He only started to cry even harder as he let his head lightly fall against the door. "It's me." Jughead spoke up, his voice clearly cracking. He picked his head up as he heard the door unlock and open. There stood a shirtless Sweet Pea with his hair clearly drenched from the rain.

Jughead didn't know what to say so instead he walked inside and let his head fall onto Sweet Pea's chest and he cried. Sweet Pea couldn't be mad at him in the moment. Instead, he closed the door and pulled Jughead in closer, wrapping his arms around him.

And for the first time in a long time, Jughead felt safe. He felt at home and felt as if nothing could hurt him anymore. "I'm sorry I didn't show up. I'm sorry." Jughead cried into Sweet Pea's chest. "I just..a lot of things happened and I didn't mean to."

Jughead cried as he looked up at Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea lightly pressed his hands on Jughead's cheeks. "It's okay. It's okay.." Sweet Pea said softly before examining Jughead's face. He felt a fire fueled by rage spark in his heart as he seen the cuts and forming bruises on Jughead's face.

"Who did this to you?" He asked, trying not to show his pure infuriation. "Nobody.." Jughead said quietly before resting his head back into Sweet Pea's chest so he could no longer look at his face. "I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to." Sweet Pea then looked a bit confused but immediately knew it was Fp.

He knew Fp had a history of doing this type of shit, but he thought Fp had gotten better and gotten help. "You're not staying there anymore and I mean that." Jughead looked up at Sweet Pea. "What?" Jughead asked very confused.

"You need to get everything you need from over there and bring it here because I swear to god I could literally beat the living shit out of Fp right now." He knew Fp was Jughead's dad and all but it wasn't fair to Jughead at all.

He shouldn't have had to deal with bullshit from Fp because he's dealing with his own mental issues. "I.." Jughead couldn't find the words to speak. He couldn't even process the fact that Sweet Pea cared that much about him. Sweet Pea pulled him closer to him before gently kissing the top of his head.

"You're gonna be safe with me. I promise. I promise.. Just me
and you.." He whispered softly into his ear. Jughead looked up at Sweet Pea. He smiled. He smiled a genuine smile and it felt good. Sweet Pea smiled down at Jughead, placing a light kiss onto his forehead before Jughead spoke up again.

"Could I borrow some clothes? Just for tonight?" He asked. Sweet Pea nodded lightly before letting him go and pulling him to his bedroom. Sweet Pea pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt for him to wear before handing it to him. "Just let me know when you're done changing."

Jughead nodded before he watched Sweet Pea leave the room and close the door. "How respectful." He said to himself. Jughead quickly changed before looking around Sweet Pea's room, his walls mostly being filled with gorey comic posters and heavy metal bands.

Jughead then took in the scent of his shirt before opening the door again. Sweet Pea's clothes were quite baggy on him but he didn't mind much. Jughead was also forced to leave his hat to dry as it was drenched from the rain.

Sweet Pea came close to him and ran his fingers through Jughead's hair a bit, just taking him in. "We should clean those cuts up for you, mmh?"

Jughead nodded his head lightly before following Sweet Pea to the bathroom. Just him and I...


I know I haven't updated in a while and this chapter sucked but I hope you enjoyed it. I've been dealing with terrible mental health so that explains why it takes so long for me to update. Thank you to everyone who even still bothers to read and keep up with this story. Also let me know if any of you would be interested in a face reveal. ❤️🖤

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