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Bellas POV

I sat in my room on Sunday morning playing my violin. My fingers had begun to blister from practicing so much, I was becoming more and more frustrated. I sighed and decided to take a break from practicing. I pulled the slip of paper Anthony had given me from my pocket and gently ran my thumb over the numbers.

Should I text him?

Nervously I pulled out my phone and typed in the numbers.

What if this is a trick?

I look over to the rose I was given last night.

It cant be a trick. Why would he give me a flower if he didn't like me?

I send Anthony a text saying my name and a simple hello then nervously wait for his response. I walk down into the kitchen and grab a banana, my mother sits in the living room with our cat Shelly. At the sight of me, Shelly hops up and trots over thinking she will get something to eat. I simply reach down and scratch behind her ears instead, she seems pleased with the substitute.

My phone makes a ding sound and my heart jumps. I can't believe he texted me back. I pull my phone out of my pocket and expect to see a text from Anthony, however, it isn't him.

The text is from an unknown number and it reads "You look beautiful today." I clear my throat and look around the room. Nobody but my mother is around.

Who could've sent this?

I walk upstairs to my room and sit on the bed. My chest feels tight at the thought of being watched. I sigh,
This stupid prank isn't funny.
I send a text back telling whoever it is to cut it out. I do not get another response from the number.
About an hour later my phone rings again, I sigh dreading the text thinking it would be from the unknown number. Instead, Anthony's number shows up. The text reads,

"Hey Bells! I was starting to think you wouldn't text me. Are you busy?"

I smile and reply "No I'm not busy."

A few moments later he responds "Great! Then we're going out. Wear something nice! :)"

My heart flutters a bit.
Does he want to take me out?
I quickly jump up from the bed and walk over to my closet.
What should I even wear?
I hear a knock on my door and open it.
"Hey, mom." I sigh frustrated

"What's wrong sweetie? I can tell you're upset." Her face changes from a smile to a frown

"I can't find anything to wear!" I fall back on my bed frustrated

"Woah hold up. You never worry about your clothes. Where are you going that's so important sweetheart?" She runs her fingers through my hair gently

My face turns a little red "I have a date tonight."

She immediately jumps up excited "My baby got a date and didn't even tell me! Come on we will find you something to wear."

My mom and I go through my closet but find nothing suitable for my date.
This is hopeless.
My mom holds up her finger.

"I think I might have just the thing." She runs out of the room.

Oh God, what is she doing?

She comes back a moment later holding a dark blue dress, it glitters in the light. The dress looks as if it has been dipped in stars.

"Its beautiful mom! Are you sure I can wear this?" I look up at her

"Of course sweetie. It needs one last night on the town anyway."

After getting ready I look in the mirror one last time. I pulled my hair into a braided bun.
I hope I don't look ridiculous.
I walk downstairs just as there is a knock on the door. My heart skips a beat and I hold my breath as I open the door. Anthony stands there wearing a button up shirt and slacks. He smiles broadly and his cheeks turn red.

"Y-you look..." he trails off

"Ridiculous?" I bite my lip

He laughs a little "I was going to say stunning."

My face turns bright red and I loop my arm around his. We begin walking until we arrive at an Italian restaurant. My jaw dropped when we walked inside. The atmosphere was beautiful, flowers and lights hung over the brick walls and the tables were lit with candles.

"Anthony this is beautiful!" I exclaimed

"Just wait until you try the food." He laughs nervously

I sit down as Anthony pulls out my chair. A waiter takes our order and as we wait my favorite song begins to play over the speakers, I immediately smiled.

"You remembered my song?"

"I...wanted this to be special." He blushes and stands up "do you wanna dance?"

I stare at his outstretched hand "I don't really know how."

He smiles and pulls me from my seat "Don't worry I'll teach you."

We danced back and forth until the food was brought to our table. I had never eaten anything this good in my entire life. The rest of the night we talked and laughed all the way until we arrived at my front door

"Tonight was amazing Anthony," I said

"It was definitely one for the books." He blushed as he cleared his throat "so do you think there will be a second date?"

I smile a bit, our noses are almost touching now "there will definitely be a second date."

He kissed me on the front step, my first kiss. After we said our goodbyes I walk upstairs. There is another red rose lying on my bed and I smile before picking it up.

The perfect end to a perfect night.

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