New Company

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Bellas POV
Today is Saturday, which means no school for me. I smile happily as I walk into the coffee shop. I look around for Julian but it seems as if he isn't working this morning so I go ahead and grab a cup of coffee to go. Julian and I have been chatting more and more as the days pass on, he is a bit older than me but I can't help but feel like we are becoming good friends.

23 isn't much older than 15, I think to myself. We can still be friends without it being weird. I walk to the park and put in my earphones happily, my favorite song plays. It is a cover of Halo by Anne Brun, the softer classical music was always more soothing to me.

I sit on a park bench and sip my coffee while thinking.
I don't understand how the other kids listen to such obnoxious music and do such crazy things.
Since I was little I had always been a bit different from the other girls my age. Other girls had boyfriends and liked loud music and parties, not me though. I just liked the violin, nothing more, nothing less.

Amongst my thinking, a boy smiles at me and blocks the sun from his eyes. He seems to be a little older than me, he is very tall and has shaggy blond hair.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asks

"N-no not at all." I scoot over a bit so he can sit and I go back to pretending to read.

"What are you listening to?" The boy asks

"Uh...Anne Brun..." I mumble "she's my favorite."

He laughs "I haven't heard of her"

I offer him an earbud and his face remains soft as he listens to the music.

He looks over at me and rubs his chin before speaking "so I take it you aren't the rock and roll kind of person?"

"Not exactly," I say as my face turns red.

"My names Anthony" he holds his hand out for me to shake and I take it slowly.

"Isabella, but you can call me Bella."

"So what are you doing at the park all by yourself? Shouldn't you be out with your friends or something?"

I look down hiding a frown "I don't have many friends."

Anthony stands up quickly "well come on I can fix that!"

The rest of the day consisted purely of Anthony showing me around the parts of town I had never seen. We stopped for donuts and climbed the water tower before the sun began to sink. Anthony walked me home that night and I smile to myself as I looked over the slip of paper with his number on it.

I scurry up to my room trying not to wake my mother. When I turn my light on upstairs I see something a bit strange. Laying on my bed is a single rose with a small golden card tied around the stem, I read it aloud

"To my flower"

My heart flutters, could I possibly have a secret admirer? I smile and put the rose in a vase before drifting off to sleep.

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