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Bellas POV

My head swirled and throbbed. I don't remember anything that's happened to me. Where am I? The lights were very bright and made my head pound, even more, I winced and Julian immediately woke from his slumber.

"Bella!" He said, "how are you feeling?"

"Where are we?" I asked

"I took you to the hospital, Bella. You almost left me." His eyes looked sad and he held my hand.

"Can I have some water?" My throat was very dry and hoarse.

"Of course," he said, "I'll be right back."

As soon as he left the room a nurse entered with a clipboard and smiled at me.

"Oh good, you're awake." She sat down across from me "well let's go over everything."

I nodded for her to continue

"Well we gave you stitches on your thighs, they seem to be doing fine. Now, there is some news that might be rather unsettling for you."

"What do you mean?" I asked beginning to get worried

"Well," she sighed, "honey you're pregnant."

My jaw dropped open and my heart sank deep into my belly. I was pregnant and with his baby.

"We can go over all the options you have, we can even help you tell your father dear." She held my hand.

"But I don't..." Then it hit me, Julian lied to them so he could bring me here without getting in trouble.

The nurse shook her head "don't what dear?"

I stared at her "I don't have a father..." I said just before Julian entered the room with my water.

He smiled and sat down beside my bed, and the nurse finally understood what I meant. I made my eyes wide at her then looked down at my water, she got up quickly and left the room.

"How are you feeling Bella?" Asked Julian

"I'm alright..." We heard the nurse outside the door and the voice of another man

"Are you sure he's not her father?" The man asked

Julian shot out of his chair "They figured it out... Shit! Come on Bella we have to go." He lifted me up and we snuck out the door. I looked back as the police officer talked with the nurse, my only chance of escape fleeting through my grasp.

Once we were in the car he sped down the road. I held on tightly to the seatbelt.

"J-Julian you're scaring me," I said meekly

"Shut up Bella!" He yelled as he sped up. The car was going way too fast and I squinted my eyes closed.

"J-Julian we'll crash!!" I screamed

He said nothing and stared ahead with cold eyes and I realized the only way to calm him down.

"Julian... I'm pregnant."

His face went slack, then shock crossed over him. He slowed down and then pulled the car over.

"Bella do not lie to me, you know what the punishment is for-"

"I'm not lying!" I yelled, "the nurse told me while you went to get my drink." I looked down into my lap and started to cry.

He lifted my chin and kissed me softly. It made me sick when he put his lips against mine, I wanted to break his jaw.

"Bella I'm so happy!"

He wouldn't let me lift a finger for the next eight months. My belly had swollen to the size of a watermelon. I couldn't help but love my baby, even though it was his. I often found myself wondering what gender it would be. I wanted a boy, maybe only because Julian wanted a girl though. I also thought about the police officer from the hospital. I wondered if they were even looking for me anymore.

I knocked on the door of Julians art studio.

"Julian," I called, "can I come in?"

"Of course love!" He called and I entered the room. He smiled brightly at me.

"You look beautiful, flower."

"Thank you," I said through gritted teeth. Part of me wanted him around and it was disgusting. I don't know why I felt the need to be close to him but it was overbearing. Maybe it was the baby.

I looked at his newest painting of me holding my belly. It was beautiful but I was disgusted by the thought of him around my baby.

"I have something special planned for tonight flower." He said excitedly

My stomach tightened with nerves and I forced a smile.

"I can't wait."

Authors Note

Thank you guys so much for reading my story! This chapter celebrates 200 reads and I can't thank you guys enough!

More chapters coming soon, be sure to let me know what you think in the comments!

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